Our AD Barta

False. Iowa Men's Track won the Big 10 Outdoor title in 2011. Try again.

This. They also placed 10th at NCAA's in 2011, and had a pair of silver medalists at NCAA's this past spring.

The men's swimming team has also had quite a bit of success recently, and performed well at both Big Ten's and NCAA's (the B1G is absolutely loaded in swimming).

However, you're still wrong. Iowa went 0-for in 2011-12 (meaning last school year). The 2011 title was in 2010-11.
In a way I hope you are right because if Kurt wants Brain to be coach someday then the teams performance is going to need to be lights out. That is the only way it happens - do you think anyone would accept Brain as head coach if the football program continues to perform as it has in the last 2 years?

We have a long time to see how it shakes out.
This. They also placed 10th at NCAA's in 2011, and had a pair of silver medalists at NCAA's this past spring.

The men's swimming team has also had quite a bit of success recently, and performed well at both Big Ten's and NCAA's (the B1G is absolutely loaded in swimming).

However, you're still wrong. Iowa went 0-for in 2011-12 (meaning last school year). The 2011 title was in 2010-11.

I'm going to need to speak with the judges before I admit that I was wrong. The original statement was not clear.
Do I admit Fran is a solid hire? Certainly, and with time he will get you guys to be competitive on a larger scale.

But saying he's a home run hire is a little pre-mature IMO.

yeah...because he's accomplished so little in a few years. Let me see...took a cellar dweller to respectability in a two years...beating ranked teams along the way. Is rewarded with a NIT berth in year two...and gets a win there in round one. Gets two top ranked recruits to go to Iowa, bucking the trend of the last 5-6 years.

The future of Iowa basketball has not been brighter in many many years...as the team appears poised to be NCAA bound this year and for the foreseeable future.

Right...solid hire.
Listen, as time goes by situations change and you have to adapt. Over the last couple of years Ferentz has not adapted to the changing game and he is starting to look bad. The same thing has been happening with Barta over the last few years as well. Time are changing, adapt or move aside is always my motto.
I'm no attorney but I took business law I and II in college. I remember the basics about contracts. One thing that may make a contract voidable is Unconscionability.

Seems to me that Iowa was grossly out negotiated and outmanuvered by Cornich.

I HAVE NO IDEA IF THIS IS RELEVANT OR VALID BUT - guys like me on the internet know just enough to be dangerous

11.05 Defenses Based on Unconscionability, Law and Public Policy A contract, in whole or in part, may be void or voidable based on unconscionability, illegality, or violation of public policy. If the contract performances are severable, the court may refuse to enforce the terms that offend law or public policy and enforce the remainder of the contract.
[1] Unconscionability
Generally, a defense based on unconscionability must present both procedural and substantive unconscionability.
Procedural unconscionability, which is manifested by unfair surprise, relates to the aggrieved party's understanding of the contract terms due to factors such as:

  • inconspicuous print in the writing
  • unintelligible legal language
  • lack of opportunity to read the contract or seek clarification of terms
  • illiteracy
  • imbalanced bargaining positions (such as in adhesion contracts)
Substantive unconscionability relates to contracts that are, in whole or in part, deemed to be oppressive, such as:

  • provisions that deprive one party of the benefit of the agreement or an adequate remedy for the other party's breach
  • provisions that bear no reasonable relation to the risk involved
  • provisions that are substantially disadvantageous to one party without producing a commensurate benefit to the other party
  • a great disparity between the cost and the selling price of the item that is the subject of the contract in absence of objective justification for such disparity
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Wow, this loss really has people pi$$ed. I understand why. When was the last time we lost in kinnick to a central Michigan level team (insert Iowa State jokes here)? Do we have to go back to KF's first or second season or pre-Hayden Fry days? In the past if a fan came on and verbally attacked KF they would get nuked. I guess that even the loyal KF supportors got a bad taste in their mouths over this loss. We shall see what happens this Saturday and I hate to imagine how bad it's going to be if Minnesota lays one on us. I hope it doesn't happen and we finally start to see the offense and defense come around. Then again I would like to win the lottery.
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If Minny lays one on us Barta himself may be looking at the contract to see if there is an accidental drive over clause...... Just kidding, just kidding. :)
Listen, as time goes by situations change and you have to adapt. Over the last couple of years Ferentz has not adapted to the changing game and he is starting to look bad. The same thing has been happening with Barta over the last few years as well. Time are changing, adapt or move aside is always my motto.

And in 2000, he had no idea what he was doing. In 2005 his team underachieved, in 2007, the game had passed him by and he wouldn't adjust. What happened in between and after those years?
Nothing is ever as black and white as we in the message board world sometime try to make it be.

Under Barta, we were able to get rid of Steve Alford who, for all intents and purposes, was never a good fit here. In fact, we were able to get rid of him without costing the University a penny. That's a positive. On the flipside, he followed it up with the worst hire in the history of Iowa basketball not named Dick Schultz. That's a fail. However, he was able to convince donors to pony up for a much needed basketball practice facility that his predecessor completely ignored in favor of all things football. That's a positive. He hired FM to be our new basketball coach and, so far, the trend is positive. However, he put the University on the hook for over $20M with a poorly negotiated contract extension for KF. No matter how much you like someone, you should never back yourself into a corner, contract-wise, that you are unable to get yourself out of should the time come. That's a fail. However, Barta has shown that, even in tough economic times, he is able to increase the donations into the athletic department...that's no easy feat and that's a positive.

So all in all, it's been a pretty mixed bag, as is most people's work history if you were to do a write up of your accomplishments and failures.

This post is WAYYYYY too factual and reasonable for this message board.

I would have added Hankins and extending Brands to the plus column, and yes, certain PR issues to the minus side. But the wise evaluator looks at the whole body of work.
And in 2000, he had no idea what he was doing. In 2005 his team underachieved, in 2007, the game had passed him by and he wouldn't adjust. What happened in between and after those years?

Luck. That, and even a blind squirrel finds his nuts once and a while.
It doesn't really matter what most of us think. The big donors really like Barta, and the intermediate donors are mostly fans as well. But being liked is cyclical it seems. And if our football program doesn't respond in a positive manner within the next year and a half or so, I imagine he will start feeling some heat.
Random question regarding Barta's powers as AD:

Does he have the power to demote KF to OL coach (say for a season) and promote say BF to interim Head coach as long as the university continues to pay KF his current salary and incentives? Does KF's contract have an out for this outrageous scenario?

This obviously isn't happening but the very thought might yield a mental O to some of us.