Our AD Barta

0-36 for Big Ten Championships in 2011-2012
Iowa was the only school in the league with zero championships
Fifth highest budget
Twelfth in performance

How does Barta keep his job?
Actually I do. Argue the PR. Go ahead. Argue the Lick contract. I'd like to hear that spin. Argue how the job hires for basketball went when he made it public who he was going after so we were publicly shot down over and over again. I'd like to hear your spin. I really would. He's an awful AD.

spin?? really?? other than the fact that Lick was like our 6th choice because no one wanted the job because our facilities and fan support were terrible??

who got the facilities up to par now???
0-36 for Big Ten Championships in 2011-2012
Iowa was the only school in the league with zero championships
Fifth highest budget
Twelfth in performance

How does Barta keep his job?

are you seriously suggesting that an AD should be fired due to the performance of non-revenue and women's sports? i mean really???? i mean honestly...who cares? judging by attendance...about 100 people.
0-36 for Big Ten Championships in 2011-2012
Iowa was the only school in the league with zero championships
Fifth highest budget
Twelfth in performance

How does Barta keep his job?

False. Iowa Men's Track won the Big 10 Outdoor title in 2011. Try again.
We need more Ferentzs. Capt ain't done until we have 4 or 5 on staff. Oh, by the way - guess the name of our next head coach... you got it - Ferentz.
Nothing is ever as black and white as we in the message board world sometime try to make it be.

Under Barta, we were able to get rid of Steve Alford who, for all intents and purposes, was never a good fit here. In fact, we were able to get rid of him without costing the University a penny. That's a positive. On the flipside, he followed it up with the worst hire in the history of Iowa basketball not named Dick Schultz. That's a fail. However, he was able to convince donors to pony up for a much needed basketball practice facility that his predecessor completely ignored in favor of all things football. That's a positive. He hired FM to be our new basketball coach and, so far, the trend is positive. However, he put the University on the hook for over $20M with a poorly negotiated contract extension for KF. No matter how much you like someone, you should never back yourself into a corner, contract-wise, that you are unable to get yourself out of should the time come. That's a fail. However, Barta has shown that, even in tough economic times, he is able to increase the donations into the athletic department...that's no easy feat and that's a positive.

So all in all, it's been a pretty mixed bag, as is most people's work history if you were to do a write up of your accomplishments and failures.
spin?? really?? other than the fact that Lick was like our 6th choice because no one wanted the job because our facilities and fan support were terrible??

who got the facilities up to par now???

Nothing says good AD like letting it be known nationally when you get shot down.....6 times. Really good for the Iowa bball brand

As for your 2nd question, football. Football got the facilities up to par now. That and the Big Ten network. Do you really think Barta was some whiz AD to get us those facilities?
barta also extended tom brands and hired mark hankins. ask iowa state fans if you think the brands extension was no big deal. i also think he made the right decision in sticking with bluder.
Nothing says good AD like letting it be known nationally when you get shot down.....6 times. Really good for the Iowa bball brand

As for your 2nd question, football. Football got the facilities up to par now. That and the Big Ten network. Do you really think Barta was some whiz AD to get us those facilities?

lol really? he led a $20mm+ capital raising campaign that was earmarked for the Carver Renovation. you think football paid for that?
its not like barta was at the top of our original list either. however, we had no president at the time. gary fethke made the decision to proceed with the AD hire, and I think it was a good one, all things considered. Barta came with the full endorsement of Bowlsby and a great fundraising resume at UNI, NDSU, Washington, and Wyoming.
We need more Ferentzs. Capt ain't done until we have 4 or 5 on staff. Oh, by the way - guess the name of our next head coach... you got it - Ferentz.

In a way I hope you are right because if Kurt wants Brain to be coach someday then the teams performance is going to need to be lights out. That is the only way it happens - do you think anyone would accept Brain as head coach if the football program continues to perform as it has in the last 2 years?
lol really? he led a $20mm+ capital raising campaign that was earmarked for the Carver Renovation. you think football paid for that?

I think that I, unlike you, understand that when football is killing it (as they were than) it is like taking candy from a baby when you hold those campaigns. John L Smith couldn't mess it up

Would you like to let me know the date the campaign started? Thanks