Another Reason Not to Play ISU


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't be so bad when Iowa State beats Iowa if only the 'Clones would go on to have a very good season. But, as usual it's the other way.

As the season progresses, the loss to Iowa State looks worse and worse not only from a Hawkeye standpoint but also nationally because Iowa State keeps looking worse and worse.

Up to now Iowa State has not been competitive this year in the Big 12. Also, Uconn isn't exactly setting the football world on fire, a team ISU barely beat back in September.

Losing does not help the Hawkeye cause. Losing to a so-so or to a bad team makes matters worse from a national perception standpoint.

Just another reason for Iowa not to play Iowa State in football.
I hate ISU as much as the next guy and would probably be in favor of dropping them if the situation presented itself however this argument was old a few years ago. ISU sucks, nothing new, so nothing more to see here.
Another reason? This is practically the ONLY reason that ever gets cited. Hardly an original argument.
ISU is not good and I think most people knew that. But seriously, how good is Iowa?
That win against Pitt does not look so good anymore. And this jNW team is not nearly the team they were a year ago.
If it makes you feel any better, nobody nationally is even looking at Iowa, so how well the Cyclones have played after beating us isn't really a huge concern. Not to be overly pessimistic, but I don't think it's going to keep us out of a BCS bowl, you know?
If it makes you feel any better, nobody nationally is even looking at Iowa, so how well the Cyclones have played after beating us isn't really a huge concern. Not to be overly pessimistic, but I don't think it's going to keep us out of a BCS bowl, you know?

The Iowa State loss hurts in the bowl pecking order.

Wins are at a premium. A win over a bad team does not look as good as a win over a good team but it sure beats a loss by any standard.

Conversely a good loss (a close loss over a very good team) while still a loss might be more forgiving when considering teams with like records as opposed to a bad loss. The Iowa State loss is looking more and more like a bad loss and that could hurt Iowa's chances compared to a team with a like record and more so against a team with one more non-conference win.
The Iowa State loss hurts in the bowl pecking order.

Wins are at a premium. A win over a bad team does not look as good as a win over a good team but it sure beats a loss by any standard.

Conversely a good loss (a close loss over a very good team) while still a loss might be more forgiving when considering teams with like records as opposed to a bad loss. The Iowa State loss is looking more and more like a bad loss and that could hurt Iowa's chances compared to a team with a like record and more so against a team with one more non-conference win.

The only way that loss hurts Iowa in the bowl pecking order is if Iowa only wins 6 games. The rules are no bowl can take a 6 win team over a 7 win team. Beyond that the Bowls can take whoever they want.
It wouldn't be so bad when Iowa State beats Iowa if only the 'Clones would go on to have a very good season. But, as usual it's the other way.

As the season progresses, the loss to Iowa State looks worse and worse not only from a Hawkeye standpoint but also nationally because Iowa State keeps looking worse and worse.

Up to now Iowa State has not been competitive this year in the Big 12. Also, Uconn isn't exactly setting the football world on fire, a team ISU barely beat back in September.

Losing does not help the Hawkeye cause. Losing to a so-so or to a bad team makes matters worse from a national perception standpoint.

Just another reason for Iowa not to play Iowa State in football.

So...wait. You are saying that because we beat the almighty Hawkeyes, we have to go on to dominate the Big XII? Sorry it doesn't work that way. Iowa is a balls awful football team. Isu is not much better. The reason we are struggling in the B12 is because the B12 is good. Stop whining because you can't have everyone on your schedule be cupcakes.
The only way that loss hurts Iowa in the bowl pecking order is if Iowa only wins 6 games. The rules are no bowl can take a 6 win team over a 7 win team. Beyond that the Bowls can take whoever they want.

"... the bowls can take whoever they want." The bowls will usually take the two best available teams that's out there. The number of wins is a measuring stick of success and that will play into who a bowl invites. It's not the only factor but it's a major one.
Just win the game and quit yer b*tchin. Plus playing them should help Iowa prep for NW, Purdon't and Indiana.
So...wait. You are saying that because we beat the almighty Hawkeyes, we have to go on to dominate the Big XII? Sorry it doesn't work that way. Iowa is a balls awful football team. Isu is not much better. The reason we are struggling in the B12 is because the B12 is good. Stop whining because you can't have everyone on your schedule be cupcakes.

It would be good for Iowa State to quit playing Iowa too so the Cyclones can play someone they can beat year in and year out as well.

Wins are at a premium. Get them any way you can within the legal framework of college football.

If either or both teams wish to schedule a good non-conference out of state team to be played on national TV to draw additional interest then I'm all for that.
"... the bowls can take whoever they want." The bowls will usually take the two best available teams that's out there. The number of wins is a measuring stick of success and that will play into who a bowl invites. It's not the only factor but it's a major one.

Unless it got changed I think a bowl has to take a 7 win team over a 6 win team but a bowl can take a 7 win team over an 8 win team.
"... the bowls can take whoever they want." The bowls will usually take the two best available teams that's out there. The number of wins is a measuring stick of success and that will play into who a bowl invites. It's not the only factor but it's a major one.

No, they take the 2 teams that they feel will give them the best match ups and make them the most money.

Agreed. If ISU suck so bad, just BEAT them. I am sick of hearing, "this is their bowl game" and "they just get up especially for us." My question is, why don't we? Iowa always seems to have one stumbling block game on the schedule, and if not ISU, it will be someone else. And I guess another way of looking at it--perhaps losing to ISU was the motivation we needed to turn things around in those really good years (1981, 2002 i.e.)...In any event, I think it's a great rivalry and the fact that Iowa might get upset and ruin an otherwise potentially fantastic season is in my mind a weak reason not to play them.
If either or both teams wish to schedule a good non-conference out of state team to be played on national TV to draw additional interest then I'm all for that.
Don't kid yourself. Iowa State would never get an out of conference national TV draw. Heck they can't even get a good connection with Pollard Vision Network.
Iowa gains very little from this game, although it's probably better to play them than some directional school, from a preparatory standpoint. I don't like the game and it really sucks when we lose; but we can't run from them, we just need to beat them like Hayden used to.
Agreed. If ISU suck so bad, just BEAT them. I am sick of hearing, "this is their bowl game" and "they just get up especially for us." My question is, why don't we? Iowa always seems to have one stumbling block game on the schedule, and if not ISU, it will be someone else. And I guess another way of looking at it--perhaps losing to ISU was the motivation we needed to turn things around in those really good years (1981, 2002 i.e.)...In any event, I think it's a great rivalry and the fact that Iowa might get upset and ruin an otherwise potentially fantastic season is in my mind a weak reason not to play them.

This is another reason why Iowa and Iowa State should quit playing each other that way we all can end these Iowa vs. Iowa State discussions with no more excuses from losing by either team and fan bases.

It would be a different story if Iowa and Iowa State were in the same conference. But they're not.
I think we(certain fans) should get over our(certain fans) obsession with Iowa State.
If you cant beat 'em...why keep knockin' em?
the clowns do, afterall, have a serious reputation to being one of the worst college football programs in history.