Report: Tressel forwarded emails


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Report: Tressel forwarded emails to Pryor’s mentor | CollegeFootballTalk

Now comes a damning report from the Columbus Dispatch which further proves just how much of a sham Tressel’s public stance really was.

According to the Dispatch, and citing multiple unnamed sources, Tressel forwarded the emails he had received last April to Jeanette, Pa., businessman Ted Sarniak. Sarniak has been Pryor’s mentor for the past several years and served as the point man in the quarterback’s recruitment.
If this doesn't lead to a "loss of institutional control" than I don't know what will.

My only concern is that the introduction of this "mentor" (pronounced sugar daddy) will open up all sorts of investigations that might take a while to figure out.
I still think the AD and possibly others knew about this.

At this point, I think there is zero chance that they did not. But they also proved that it doesn't matter, because the true AD/Prez is Tressel anyway. He is the top of the food chain, if he knew that is all that should matter.
As soon as I found out Tressel knew, I thought he was the biggest scum bag on the planet. What kind of guy covers up what he knows, when they players are caught continues to cover up for himself, and at the same time throws the players under the bus? Forcing them to commit to returning the next year, or they will miss the Sugar Bowl. It just reeks of a strong arm tactic to force a 20 year old kid to come back to school to play for you.

I always thought Tressel was a stand up guy, but this situation shows me he is just a HUGE scumbag!!
My only question for Fufred is if he can give an individual analysis of each player as they transfer out of OSU (ala USC last year). I mean no one watches more video of High School boys than Fufred.

Burn liar burn.
Tress really busy now moving those chess pieces around the board, trying to figure out what that last move is going to be.....right fuf?? that goodness that tress is such a brilliant fellow.....
Even if Tressel roasts for this OSU will just go out and throw gobs of money at Urban and then we just trade one cheating scumbag for another.
Even if Tressel roasts for this OSU will just go out and throw gobs of money at Urban and then we just trade one cheating scumbag for another.

I know, which while I'll enjoy being right about this costing Tressel his job, I'll miss being able to play Ohio St close when Urban comes in and OSU finally gets a real offense in there.
Urban Meyer has had healthy issues related to stress in the past,and he is going to jump into the most stressful football job in the country? We shall see.

But, first Tressel has to be ousted,which is no fate President Gee indicated...Tressel has the final say on everybodys employment at OSU.
Urban Meyer has had healthy issues related to stress in the past,and he is going to jump into the most stressful football job in the country? We shall see.

But, first Tressel has to be ousted,which is no fate President Gee indicated...Tressel has the final say on everybodys employment at OSU.

His heart was broken when Timmy left but time heals all wounds. He'll get over him and when his dream job comes calling offering about $3.5 M a year he won't be able to say no.

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