Omicron Covid

This is where I'm at, except the getting to go to a tropical paradise!! When I where a mask, it's because of a school or local policy, mainly to appease those around me. I could care less at this point. I trust my immune system because I presume I've had to have it up to this point.
After eight hours of driving on an ice skating rink I'm ready for a tropical paradise right now!
But, what the liberals want is the tons of $$$$ for all programs needing financed. The minute the politicians started to divert $$ from good plans, I.E. Our Social Security System, it all went to shit, often times to secure a voting base. Let's take from this pool, this pool, and this pool to spread the wealth. Now our SS system is at risk. Our kids are going to be paying into the SS system and won't get shit out of it in the end.
Holy cow what the hell is all this about?? You're saying social security is going to run out because the damn librulz diverted money from it?
Holy cow what the hell is all this about?? You're saying social security is going to run out because the damn librulz diverted money from it?

Social Security will never actually "run out" of money, but what will happen is the debt that the Treasury owes back to the Social Security Administration will be monetized. That's been in the works for decades. The government has to try to orchestrate a soft landing. Inflate away the liabilities.
Social Security will never actually "run out" of money, but what will happen is the debt that the Treasury owes back to the Social Security Administration will be monetized. That's been in the works for decades. The government has to try to orchestrate a soft landing. Inflate away the liabilities.
Yep this is true, I'm just trying to wrap my head around the point he was trying to make. I forgot about the OT forum until the Juwan thread got moved here, trying to catch up on the good stuff I missed!
Hahahah, you might want to brush up on your political and economic system definitions if you're trying to have a a discussion, makes you look like an idiot.

I'll rephrase the question I guess, do you actually believe that any of us in here want "government suppressing and controlling people and limiting private business"? I'm a libertarian, so I sure don't.

Quite the straw man you've built, but that's pretty common with you. Can't beat a good argument so you make up your own.

So you're against any kind of socialism then, or just any kind that helps poor people?

Have you read the Road To Serfdom? It's an old book, but the same debate is very old. Hayek describes "democratic socialism" in some depth along with the appeal of totalitarianism if "done by the right people for the right reasons" or something along those lines. You're getting to witness it in real time. There's literally a faction operating in DC right now who openly call themselves "democratic socialists" so this guy isn't totally off his meds, but you have to remember that right leaning sources of mainstream media and Trump repeatedly still refer to it as just plain old communism.
Have you read the Road To Serfdom? It's an old book, but the same debate is very old. Hayek describes "democratic socialism" in some depth along with the appeal of totalitarianism if "done by the right people for the right reasons" or something along those lines. You're getting to witness it in real time. There's literally a faction operating in DC right now who openly call themselves "democratic socialists" so this guy isn't totally off his meds, but you have to remember that right leaning sources of mainstream media and Trump repeatedly still refer to it as just plain old communism.
Yeah I read parts of it a long time ago, democratic socialism has been around for hundreds of years, ebbing and flowing in its' popularity. The red scare is aging out of the population and it seems to be growing again.

It's not just right leaning sources, liberal media calls it the same thing to draw off of old fears from the cold war. While communism and socialism have a few similar tenets, they are vastly different from one another. As somebody that got their degree in economic policy, it annoys the hell out of me when people use them interchangeably as if they are the same.

So many people don't understand that there are more than just left-right systems. Blame the French revolution for that I guess!
Holy cow what the hell is all this about?? You're saying social security is going to run out because the damn librulz diverted money from it?

Well both sides over time. I actually view myself as a Libertarian. Conservative economically but pretty liberal on civil rights and social issues, for what it's worth.

I don't go around calling people "idiots" in threads, but that's just me.
Yeah I read parts of it a long time ago, democratic socialism has been around for hundreds of years, ebbing and flowing in its' popularity. The red scare is aging out of the population and it seems to be growing again.

It's not just right leaning sources, liberal media calls it the same thing to draw off of old fears from the cold war. While communism and socialism have a few similar tenets, they are vastly different from one another. As somebody that got their degree in economic policy, it annoys the hell out of me when people use them interchangeably as if they are the same.

So many people don't understand that there are more than just left-right systems. Blame the French revolution for that I guess!

I agree with what both of you (and OK4P) state. I admit I went to far to one side describing that. Punting!
As somebody that got their degree in economic policy

WTF is this? Is it some degree for people who can't get far enough in math to do upper level econ courses so they made up a new degree that you can get with 7th grade math skills?
Well both sides over time. I actually view myself as a Libertarian. Conservative economically but pretty liberal on civil rights and social issues, for what it's worth.

I don't go around calling people "idiots" in threads, but that's just me.
Oh I'm not what would be considered a "US Libertarian", but definitely from the school of thought that the government shouldn't control our lives (to the extent that what we do doesn't affect others).
WTF is this? Is it some degree for people who can't get far enough in math to do upper level econ courses so they made up a new degree that you can get with 7th grade math skills?
Hah, not really. I took a lot of high end math courses, actually took calc 3 and diffeq as electives. Not going to get into that here though.
Hah, not really. I took a lot of high end math courses, actually took calc 3 and diffeq as electives. Not going to get into that here though.

Okay, I was just busting your balls. They've watered the piss out of econ and put economics into a bunch of shit major titles now. It used to confer some degree of analytical ability. Now they just sell it like any other piece of paper from these diploma mills. I gotta go, some kid just ran on my lawn chasing an errantly thrown ball.
Okay, I was just busting your balls. They've watered the piss out of econ and put economics into a bunch of shit major titles now. It used to confer some degree of analytical ability. Now they just sell it like any other piece of paper from these diploma mills. I gotta go, some kid just ran on my lawn chasing an errantly thrown ball.
NP, I know :) The policy track didnt have high math reqs. Some of the required courses like micro theory required calc 1 (tested out of that shit in high school) but that was it. The stats requirements were easy af. An issue came up where I had to get a degree and start earning asap - that was the shortest path.
One of my favorite books is called "Manufacturing Consent." It was written in the 1980's by a self-proclaimed communist who is highly critical of US interventionism, which I am as well. In the opening chapter, there is a quote that I think you would find poignant in light of modern events:
It would be interesting to be able to be in the heads of well intentioned Germans back in the day to understand the level of which they were fooled into thinking they were on the right side of history.
Yep this is true, I'm just trying to wrap my head around the point he was trying to make. I forgot about the OT forum until the Juwan thread got moved here, trying to catch up on the good stuff I missed!
You don't just use the new posts tab?
Oh I'm not what would be considered a "US Libertarian", but definitely from the school of thought that the government shouldn't control our lives (to the extent that what we do doesn't affect others).

Yea, I on occasion cross the line a bit when describing something for emphasis (Jock shock if you will). I did that yesterday to get individual's attention and to promote a response.
This already began nearly immediately after the new year and now there is nearly zero covid reporting from news outlets. The only thing reporting nowadays is mask and vaccine mandates in liberal ran cities. The rest of the country has been back to normal for the past 18 months. At least in Dallas it’s been normal. Notice how just back in early December fauci was still advising people to not gather for the holidays & news outlets were actually still airing what that fool was saying. Now they’re steering away from his advice because the vast majority of Americans are so beyond the nonsense that spews from his mouth. Covid and the fear mongering has all but disappeared. I bet we’ll even be able to gather for the holidays in 2022. Hilarious. Hail to Biden and his promise. I can not understand how some are naive enough to not see how the media has controlled the narrative of this virus all along. Young healthy people who were concerned about this virus were plain and simply brain washed into fearing covid. I have cousins who have basically keep their 5 & 7 yr old children locked up in their homes for nearly two years because of the fear entrenched into their minds. It’s so sad to see but i can’t reason w/ them because they’re “following the science”.
News outlets report covid every single day. It just all depends on what news outlets you choose to watch. Fauci literally speaks almost everyday its just what you choose to listen or not. Covid will never go away it will be like all the other pandemics it will still be there just not as severe. Ive known many young people healthy that have died of covid its just who you want to listen to. 90% of the people dieing now are unvaxx but im sure the people you listen to havent told ya that.
News outlets report covid every single day. It just all depends on what news outlets you choose to watch. Fauci literally speaks almost everyday its just what you choose to listen or not. Covid will never go away it will be like all the other pandemics it will still be there just not as severe. Ive known many young people healthy that have died of covid its just who you want to listen to. 90% of the people dieing now are unvaxx but im sure the people you listen to havent told ya that.

With no disrespect to who you've know to pass away directly from COVID, I'm going to really question this. Unless, your high bar for "young people" is including 85 yr old and actually unhealthy people, I really question it.

I mentioned in a thread above that when I reviewed all my acquaintances (fam and friends) I could not recall many that have perished, actually one co-worker, which is bad yes. I asked others to examine their acquaintances and nobody responded.

Young and healthy people have a minuscule percentage of death. Sorry, again with respect, I got to call you out on this one.