Howard should be done at Michigan

After watching the punch/slap I have concluded that Juwan's first reaction was to throw a haymaker. However, mid punch he realized this is a bad move on my part and being a former athlete had enough quickness left in the tank to convert it into the awkward reach/slap mess up his hair move. I suspect both coaches and that assistant are going to see suspensions with probably Juwan taking the brunt of the time. Probably see some players get time off as well once they review the tapes.
I thought the same thing because he had a fist full of knuckles and all of sudden opened up to a mushy, smushy open handed slap. Howard still has some good reflexes for his brain to do that.
The three players who were throwing punches, including Moussa Diabate, got one game suspensions.

Some on here think Davison was egging on the Michigan players. What he was trying to do was get his players lined up to sing "Varisty" which is a tradition for several Badger sports.

This was one day the tradition should have been skipped. Those players had to get off the court.

U rah rah Wisconsin.

Krabbenhoft ahold have gotten suspended but what he really did is breach a sort of basketball unwritten rule. Few head coaches are pleased when an assistant gets involved in a discussion between two head coaches. That won't be forgotten around the league.
This set the whole thing off, look at the picture below. Gard has Howard by the arm and Howard is not even engaging with Gard, he was clearly walking past.

Just to be clear I'm not excusing Howard, what he did was wrong and should be held accountable but Gard is not blameless either. Neither is the assistant coach who did that stupid hip check (taunting) or even the assistant that got smacked as he was charging after Howard. There is no place in college basketball for this type of behavior, especially from coaches who are supposed to be setting the example for their student athletes.

To me this is the order of suspensions/fines:

1. Howard - max fine & suspension as allowed by the league office. Michigan could take it a step further and fire or suspend him further but I doubt they will. I don't care what Gard did his actions are inexcusable.
2. Any player from Michigan or Wisconsin that threw a punch. It's all on video.
3. Davison, not so much for his action during the brawl (he was taunting at the end) but his actions during the game (yet another nut check) is inexcusable and he's gotten a way with it for FAR too long. My guess is because of the brawl this will get swept under the rug yet again.
4. Gard - We wouldn't be talking about any of this had he not grabbed Howard and stopped in in the handshake line. Get through the line and get your players & coaches OFF the court as quickly as possible. If you need to talk to Howard do it away from the cameras and after everyone has had a chance to cool off.
5. The 2 assistant coaches, taunting & charging after the opposing coach after the game is over. Horrible example set for the players.

Well done, sir.
Sorry. Should have bit my tongue yesterday.

I should know better. Been on here since 2003 and understand that the Steve Deace element is still very strong on HN boards. It was built on that mentality and many in the cult shifted with Steve's radicalized opinions, which are racist and otherwise disgusting.

Thankfully my friend realized he was an opportunistic nut job and has detached himself. Enjoyed my pod with him last week.

I was spending less time on here and probably should go back to doing that. The tone is set.
4. Gard - We wouldn't be talking about any of this had he not grabbed Howard and stopped in in the handshake line. Get through the line and get your players & coaches OFF the court as quickly as possible. If you need to talk to Howard do it away from the cameras and after everyone has had a chance to cool off.

I will excuse Gard from this because of what Howard said. It was a vague comment about "I'll remember that shit." Gard said "whoa..." Was pissed and wanted an explanation/discussion about what the hell he was talking about. In a more calm setting, he wouldn't/shouldn't grab his arm, but on the spur of the moment, I understand it.
Ya'll see Wiskys statement that their AD put out? Basically said Gard did no wrong school will pay for his fine and made no mention of their kid who threw punches and the other nut job that was imitating Pete Weber. Pure class coming from the school that backs Davisons every move too...

Michigan at least gets it and is run by grown ups after the fact. I don't see Howard being the long term coach there. I'll be surprised if this is his last 'incident' What a mess all the way around.
Sorry. Should have bit my tongue yesterday.

I should know better. Been on here since 2003 and understand that the Steve Deace element is still very strong on HN boards. It was built on that mentality and many in the cult shifted with Steve's radicalized opinions, which are racist and otherwise disgusting.

Thankfully my friend realized he was an opportunistic nut job and has detached himself. Enjoyed my pod with him last week.

I was spending less time on here and probably should go back to doing that. The tone is set.
I was wondering if Miller and Deace had had a falling out of sorts... In your pod Miller was saying some really anti Deace like things and it didn't seem coincidental. But that's just me reading into it from the outside looking in
I will excuse Gard from this because of what Howard said. It was a vague comment about "I'll remember that shit." Gard said "whoa..." Was pissed and wanted an explanation/discussion about what the hell he was talking about. In a more calm setting, he wouldn't/shouldn't grab his arm, but on the spur of the moment, I understand it.

I get what you are saying, it's obvious that Gard was fired up as well. But this is exactly the type of behavior they need to crack down on. Yes it was a heated moment, one that Gard has been in several times over his coaching career, you should know better than to grab the opposing coach who was visibly upset to create more conflict regardless what your intent was. Cooler heads prevail, Gard should have kept going (mutter something back at him if you must) and addressed this away from the cameras with Howard and after everyone has had a chance to cool off.

Even Gard's responses in the press conference were derogatory implying that Howard didn't know about the clock reset rule and he was lied about what happened. The finger didn't get pointed at him until after he grabbed Howard, he claimed that Howard approached him and was point his finger at his chest as if Howard was the one who initiated everything.
I was wondering if Miller and Deace had had a falling out of sorts... In your pod Miller was saying some really anti Deace like things and it didn't seem coincidental. But that's just me reading into it from the outside looking in

I would say they don't see eye to eye on life as they used to. I don't think that's uncommon these days.
I would say they don't see eye to eye on life as they used to. I don't think that's uncommon these days.
Yeah that is certainly not a unique thing to have happen nowadays. I enjoy Deaces sports takes during college football he's an encyclopedia on that. Everything else not so much.