Urban Meyer caught cheating on his wife

Apparently this is not Urb and Cayman's first run in. They were at some photo shoot together earlier this summer. There is also more video where Urby has his hand on her butt.

Dude is so busted. He looks a bit glassy eyed in the video. I bet he likes to have a little fun. I've got no problem with it, but I think his wife may have different opinions.

She's either shocked (unlikely) or knowing (or at least suspicious) but lucky enough to not have been embarrassed by him in the past (more likely).

Smart phones have been rough on cheats. Well, rough on cheats who are in relationships/circumstances requiring discretion.
The fact this isn't their first time meeting makes it all the more worse... He tried saying random fans from neighboring table asked for pics blah blah. Well BS... He already knew her. Well enough to stick his fingers up her ass in public while day drinking...

I mean if I'm out with family or friends of mine at a bar I own I don't think I could get drunk enough to do what he did with a complete stranger.. Maybe I'm weird like that. But even if you're oblivious to others around you having phones recording you in public the guy is married and to be comfortable enough to do that around other family and friends?... Yikes. just takes an extra level of douchery to even try to pull that off.
The fact this isn't their first time meeting makes it all the more worse... He tried saying random fans from neighboring table asked for pics blah blah. Well BS... He already knew her. Well enough to stick his fingers up her ass in public while day drinking...

I mean if I'm out with family or friends of mine at a bar I own I don't think I could get drunk enough to do what he did with a complete stranger.. Maybe I'm weird like that. But even if you're oblivious to others around you having phones recording you in public the guy is married and to be comfortable enough to do that around other family and friends?... Yikes. just takes an extra level of douchery to even try to pull that off.
I think hiring a strength coach who was recently fired by a university for punishing black players more severely than white players probably indicates a pretty healthy level of arrogance and douchery (and a lack of self-awareness) already...
Can anyone tell me why this thread is still here? It isn't related to Iowa football at all.
Look, pal, through his many comments the administrator has put his imprimatur on this thread. If Fryowa didn’t feel it belonged here he certainly would have removed it. Just move along and don’t open this thread if it troubles you. You might want to be careful lest HN suddenly have one less member.
Yes. Vodka Sam is the crown princess of Iowa football fandom. The queen, of course, is Lois Feldman, who put the HUMP into "Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome."
Did you ever read the Pioneer Press article that dude wrote a year after it happened? The reporter actually drove down to Carroll, IA and interviewed people and tried to interview Lois. The article read like it came from the Onion but the dude was serious...


Feldman lost her job managing an assisted-living facility in Carroll, she told the Des Moines Register, and said the incident has “ruined my life.”

In an interview with the Daily Times Herald in Carroll, she admitted to drinking wine heavily before the game but had no recollection of the bathroom scene.

“I would never do that,” she told the newspaper. “My kids are my life. I go to church every Sunday.”
Did you ever read the Pioneer Press article that dude wrote a year after it happened? The reporter actually drove down to Carroll, IA and interviewed people and tried to interview Lois. The article read like it came from the Onion but the dude was serious...

Probably craziest story I can remember. You couldn't make it up. Imagine being the chicks husband just back at his seat watching the game wondering when she's coming back. Whole thing still blows my mind.
Sounds like his old lady has been chased off social media, which is too bad.

I didn't know anything about her before this, but it sounds like she's gone looking for attention on social media in the past with some Hot Takes before. That certainly doesn't mean you deserve mean treatment but, the internet being what it is, I think she had to know she was putting a target on her back if/when something like this were to befall her down the road. She doesn't deserve it but probably should have expected it.

Urban though...yeah, I think that's good sport right there. I'm getting a kick out of seeing him have a pretty shitty time. He's the sanctimonious type for sure - "faith, family, football...in that order" kind of guy. That's fine, it's a free country, but if you're going to then go out, as a married man, sticking your fingers in the buttcrack of some ~25 year old's jeans, you probably should do it where there are no cameras!
Well, Cayman certainly is getting her 15 minutes of fame. I could see a book in her future, exposing her sordid affair with Urban.