How’d I miss this?

Jomboy is hilarious. I'm proud to day I subbed before he blew up.

I posted this same video last December and think I just got a couple snotty "not funny", "didn't laugh once" type comments.

Yeah, here's my proof:

The comments weren't snotty like I remembered. More like people draining the fun out of the video and trying to analyze what happened in the play rather than just enjoying Campbell throw a tantrum on live TV.
If you are a fan of the lighter side of baseball, Jomboy is a treasure trove:

He does some breakdowns of classic clips that are really good too. A fun way to take a stroll down memory lane, lots of stuff I remember seeing as a kid on SportsCenter or whatever.

I'm so happy to have been born with a sense of humor. I meet a lot of people who go through life apparently humorless. Maybe they like it, but it looks miserable.