JBo Reddit Thread Highlights

Brave enough...haha. Why would I ever trust you. Like I said it's past. I know you know what gaslighting is.

Maybe it's your accent giving you away?

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You want moderating? Let’s moderate.

You accuse me of using multiple accounts several times, and I’ve simply asked you to provide not even proof, just what you think those accounts are. It’s only fair that I get a chance to respond, no?

Let’s play this game, then...

Here’s your three options:

1) You can publicly admit that you really have no evidence or even an account name that I supposedly used as an alt (again, it’s ridiculous),

2) You can let me and the rest of us know what accounts I’ve been using so I can provide all the IP history for those accounts (which I will do), or

3) Take a permanent hike.

You’ve accused me of lying and being dishonest a whole bunch of times over the years so let’s quit being a worm and put your money where your mouth is or leave. And not just into one of your creepy, months long self-exiles where you check the site multiple times a day and look for my posts. Hint, it shows what posts and threads you view, btw. Deny it if you want, I can even send you a handy dandy spreadsheet log.

Because like me or hate me, one thing I’m not is a liar. Even dudes like @InGoodCo and @HuckFinn who can’t stand me will tell you that even though they want me gone, I don’t make myself out to be anything I’m not. You may think I’m full of shit, but I’m not deceitful and I don’t go running from what I say, or go deleting history, or using different accounts.

So then, amigo... let’s hear your choice. What accounts am I lying about??? Or you can bounce. Because accusing someone of something and not giving any proof is middle school level stuff.

And me gaslighting? You must not understand the definition of gaslighting because your post I just quoted is the absolute purest form of gaslighting. Like—it could be used as an example by Merriam-Webster.

I’m guessing you’re going to take the coward route and either refuse to answer and give us some more deflection, or just tell me to ban you like you’ve done a bunch of times. I’m right here ready to explain myself, are you?
He said some really racist shit on here about Aleric Jackson #neverforget.
Wtf did I ever say about Alaric Jackson?

I don’t delete my posts whatsoever so it’s got to be there for you to quote if l did.

I remember I used the phrase “cash money hoes” one time about some non Iowa recruiting stuff and it upset you (didn’t deny it or delete it, btw, which you know), but what the hell did I say about Alaric Jackson?

That’s a pretty serious thing to accuse someone of and I know you’re jonesing the last few years to cancel me, so let’s hear what it was.
Is Huck a dick? I don’t really see it I guess but we usually agree so that’s probably why I don’t see it.
My point wasn't that Huck is a dick (although he sure has been acting like one lately). My point was his extreme leaning opinions that I don't agree with would make Fry insufferable if he had those opinions too.
Wtf did I ever say about Alaric Jackson?

I don’t delete my posts whatsoever so it’s got to be there for you to quote if l did.

I remember I used the phrase “cash money hoes” one time about some non Iowa recruiting stuff and it upset you (didn’t deny it or delete it, btw, which you know), but what the hell did I say about Alaric Jackson?

That’s a pretty serious thing to accuse someone of and I know you’re jonesing the last few years to cancel me, so let’s hear what it was.

I'm not trying to get you canceled ya drama queen - you absolutely do not matter to me. You said this about Alaric Jackson when he was suspended

"Jackson should probably just get sent packing. He’s not an Iowa fit, he’d be better off transferring down to the SEC where players can go do the cash-money-hoes thing. I get that he’s a decent lineman but we all know he’s not going to graduate from Iowa nor will he play football his entire career here. And let’s face it, pimpin’ ain’t easy, guys. It’s better to go where it is." -

That was my auto sig for like 2 years and holy shit was it wrong and an EXTREMELY racist comment. I'm bringing it back!
I'm not trying to get you canceled ya drama queen - you absolutely do not matter to me. You said this about Alaric Jackson when he was suspended

"Jackson should probably just get sent packing. He’s not an Iowa fit, he’d be better off transferring down to the SEC where players can go do the cash-money-hoes thing. I get that he’s a decent lineman but we all know he’s not going to graduate from Iowa nor will he play football his entire career here. And let’s face it, pimpin’ ain’t easy, guys. It’s better to go where it is." -

That was my auto sig for like 2 years and holy shit was it wrong and an EXTREMELY racist comment. I'm bringing it back!
Ahhhh. I knew knew I said that but I didn't remember it was about his suspension.
I'm not trying to get you canceled ya drama queen - you absolutely do not matter to me.
LOL. That's exactly what you want. And you didn't have that in your sig for two years, man. It was only there for a few days after we had discussion over whether I was racist, and then you took it off.
I'm not trying to get you canceled ya drama queen - you absolutely do not matter to me. You said this about Alaric Jackson when he was suspended

"Jackson should probably just get sent packing. He’s not an Iowa fit, he’d be better off transferring down to the SEC where players can go do the cash-money-hoes thing. I get that he’s a decent lineman but we all know he’s not going to graduate from Iowa nor will he play football his entire career here. And let’s face it, pimpin’ ain’t easy, guys. It’s better to go where it is." -

That was my auto sig for like 2 years and holy shit was it wrong and an EXTREMELY racist comment. I'm bringing it back!
Do you remember what Aleric got suspended for? I hate to attribute terms to only black people so I can't say that's racist until I know if those terms make sense with his suspension.
it was an undisclosed team violation I believe. Either way, Fry said 1. Cash money hoes 2. He wouldn’t graduate 3. Pimpin’ ain’t easy.
If you don’t understand the meaning behind that you guys aren’t worth having conversations with
Ahhhh. I knew knew I said that but I didn't remember it was about his suspension.

LOL. That's exactly what you want. And you didn't have that in your sig for two years, man. It was only there for a few days after we had discussion over whether I was racist, and then you took it off.
I don’t want you canceled but I’m never going to let that alone and I’ll bring it up every time we discuss what a dickwad you are
I'm just going to throw out that I love you all and am glad we've got lively chatter during the off season. Seriously though, I have nothing against any of you regardless of what side of the fence we find ourselves on in conversation. We may agree or disagree but at the end we're kind of one big dysfunctional family and I have no quams with any of you.
I'm not trying to get you canceled ya drama queen - you absolutely do not matter to me. You said this about Alaric Jackson when he was suspended

"Jackson should probably just get sent packing. He’s not an Iowa fit, he’d be better off transferring down to the SEC where players can go do the cash-money-hoes thing. I get that he’s a decent lineman but we all know he’s not going to graduate from Iowa nor will he play football his entire career here. And let’s face it, pimpin’ ain’t easy, guys. It’s better to go where it is." -

That was my auto sig for like 2 years and holy shit was it wrong and an EXTREMELY racist comment. I'm bringing it back!

lol....oh man....burn baby burn!

You are starting to redeem yourself here....I love it! Ha ha, take that Fry! (I see the like too, glorious!)
I'm just going to throw out that I love you all and am glad we've got lively chatter during the off season. Seriously though, I have nothing against any of you regardless of what side of the fence we find ourselves on in conversation. We may agree or disagree but at the end we're kind of one big dysfunctional family and I have no quams with any of you.

Oh my gawd....get your nose out of Fry's ass you brown noser! lol
Oh my gawd....get your nose out of Fry's ass you brown noser! lol
LOL like I said earlier I don't take too much seriously in life or on here. It's all just pure entertainment. I just happen to have a lot of the same feelings as Fry does on most things, but can safely say that his delivery of the message is much more on point.
it was an undisclosed team violation I believe. Either way, Fry said 1. Cash money hoes 2. He wouldn’t graduate 3. Pimpin’ ain’t easy.
If you don’t understand the meaning behind that you guys aren’t worth having conversations with
I didn't think Jok would graduate after his second violation. It sure as hell had nothing to do with race. As far as the other terms go, yea it sounds bad. But it also sounds bad to attribute those terms to black people. If your mind goes directly to a black person when you hear "cash money hoes" it's not good. Also didn't white WWF wrestlers use the term pimpin ain't easy? I know we used to say it all the time years ago. Pretty sure it came from WWF or whatever it's called now.
I don’t want you canceled but I’m never going to let that alone and I’ll bring it up every time we discuss what a dickwad you are
That’s what cancelling is lol. That’s the absolute textbook definition of it :)

I ain’t mad, btw. I didn’t delete it or deny it at the time and I’m not now. We had a long convo at the time over whether I was a racist guy and if you want we can redo it now again in OT. I told you at the time what I said was aimed at thugs in the SEC but you didn’t believe it, and that’s ok. I have no vested interest in changing your mind. I just don’t. I remember eventually you weren’t as mad, and then at that point you said you didn’t think I was. Now you’re mad at me again because of Bohannon getting punched and my response to it, and it’s coming back around. Not sure what you really think. If your goal is to rile me up or embarrass me I don’t know what to say other than I know what I feel and I can’t help it if you feel different. I just don’t have that bone in my body to freak out if people don’t like me.

I mean if I was really upset and wanted to sell my soul I could erase all that stuff, and your sig, and ban you, and clean up post history, and whatever else, but I ain’t rollin that way. It’s like when Letterman got blackmailed over his affair, and called the guy out on tv instead of selling his soul to the devil and paying him off to stay out of the news. If you want to keep at it till I’m cancelled I’ll go down with the ship I guess, lol. This whole deal I’ve said from the start doesn’t mean a whole bunch, I have no interest in it. But I’m not going to tell you I’m something I’m not or try and go cover something up. Hope that makes sense
I'm not trying to get you canceled ya drama queen - you absolutely do not matter to me. You said this about Alaric Jackson when he was suspended

"Jackson should probably just get sent packing. He’s not an Iowa fit, he’d be better off transferring down to the SEC where players can go do the cash-money-hoes thing. I get that he’s a decent lineman but we all know he’s not going to graduate from Iowa nor will he play football his entire career here. And let’s face it, pimpin’ ain’t easy, guys. It’s better to go where it is." -

That was my auto sig for like 2 years and holy shit was it wrong and an EXTREMELY racist comment. I'm bringing it back!
Oh and before I forget, I’m not quitting the site till @HawkGold either comes up with my supposed alts or leaves. That’s the deal.

You guys owe me that at least.
Is it just me (and there is no way it can be just me), or does every thread on this board, regardless of the topic, devolve into a dick measuring contest between Fry and some random about who is a more consistent/smart/negative/dickish/etc. poster? By the end of every thread, we are not talking Iowa athletics, we are talking about Fry and whomever he is slap fighting with that day.

I appreciate the traffic and energy Fry brings, but it makes it hard to actually discuss the sports issue at hand when there are 44 personal attack posts going back and forth in every damn thread.
You want moderating? Let’s moderate.

You accuse me of using multiple accounts several times, and I’ve simply asked you to provide not even proof, just what you think those accounts are. It’s only fair that I get a chance to respond, no?

Let’s play this game, then...

Here’s your three options:

1) You can publicly admit that you really have no evidence or even an account name that I supposedly used as an alt (again, it’s ridiculous),

2) You can let me and the rest of us know what accounts I’ve been using so I can provide all the IP history for those accounts (which I will do), or

3) Take a permanent hike.

You’ve accused me of lying and being dishonest a whole bunch of times over the years so let’s quit being a worm and put your money where your mouth is or leave. And not just into one of your creepy, months long self-exiles where you check the site multiple times a day and look for my posts. Hint, it shows what posts and threads you view, btw. Deny it if you want, I can even send you a handy dandy spreadsheet log.

Because like me or hate me, one thing I’m not is a liar. Even dudes like @InGoodCo and @HuckFinn who aren’t exactly fans of mine will tell you that I shoot straight, do what I say I’m going to do, and I’m consistent. You may think it’s total bullshit, but it’s not deceitful and I don’t go running from what I say, or go deleting history, or using different accounts.

So then, amigo... let’s hear your choice. What accounts am I lying about??? Or you can bounce. Because accusing someone of something and not giving any proof is middle school level stuff.

And me gaslighting? You must not know the definition of gaslighting because your post I just quoted is the absolute purest form of gaslighting. Like, it could be used as an example by Merriam-Webster.

I’m guessing you’re going to take the coward route and either refuse to answer, or just tell me to ban you like you’ve done a bunch of times. I’m right here ready to explain myself, are you?

You want moderating? Let’s moderate.

You accuse me of using multiple accounts several times, and I’ve simply asked you to provide not even proof, just what you think those accounts are. It’s only fair that I get a chance to respond, no?

Let’s play this game, then...

Here’s your three options:

1) You can publicly admit that you really have no evidence or even an account name that I supposedly used as an alt (again, it’s ridiculous),

2) You can let me and the rest of us know what accounts I’ve been using so I can provide all the IP history for those accounts (which I will do), or

3) Take a permanent hike.

You’ve accused me of lying and being dishonest a whole bunch of times over the years so let’s quit being a worm and put your money where your mouth is or leave. And not just into one of your creepy, months long self-exiles where you check the site multiple times a day and look for my posts. Hint, it shows what posts and threads you view, btw. Deny it if you want, I can even send you a handy dandy spreadsheet log.

Because like me or hate me, one thing I’m not is a liar. Even dudes like @InGoodCo and @HuckFinn who aren’t exactly fans of mine will tell you that I shoot straight, do what I say I’m going to do, and I’m consistent. You may think it’s total bullshit, but it’s not deceitful and I don’t go running from what I say, or go deleting history, or using different accounts.

So then, amigo... let’s hear your choice. What accounts am I lying about??? Or you can bounce. Because accusing someone of something and not giving any proof is middle school level stuff.

And me gaslighting? You must not know the definition of gaslighting because your post I just quoted is the absolute purest form of gaslighting. Like, it could be used as an example by Merriam-Webster.

I’m guessing you’re going to take the coward route and either refuse to answer, or just tell me to ban you like you’ve done a bunch of times. I’m right here ready to explain myself, are you?
OK, let's go. I'll do it by point. Fry v Gold

1. You make outlandish statements by your last one where you are wrong.
2. You do gaslight.
3. You hold power so it loses credibility.
4. The IP address thing is easy enough to manipulate. More hot air which is common for you. What is the difference between hot air and lying? Hard to tell sometimes.
5. Prior to moderating, yourself, Dean, DD and a few others were the most mean-spirited/insulting people on here. At times you are funny about it, other times, it's just plain mean, rude, inconsiderate and so forth and oft not called for except to boost yourself (it seems).
6. Totally think it's ironic it comes to a head in this thread. Why? Because you are the JBo of HN. You act like him. Some think it's cute. Some like the brashness/rudeness. Many do not. To be frank, if you think JBo had is coming, Fry also has this coming. What do I think about JBo? If I grow tired and at times wish he'd leave the program. Other times it's entertaining. Did he have it coming? Sort of. Should he have been stopped? For sure by friends/coaches (this and other situations). Mostly I feel embarrassed for him. I don't know why he acts the way he does. Maybe he's a spoiled brat youngest child. Maybe he just does it by nature. Maybe it has to do with Barnstormer BB issues. I don't know. None of us know. There were a lot of victims. Abuse does cause varying behaviors
7. You are one of the top negative posters on this board. Yet you criticize those being negative.
8. You prohibit certain discussions on non-open discussion threads. Mostly this is good, though some subjects naturally lead out of certain discussions in re to Iowa sports and it's not easy to just ignore the elephant in the room, especially with a lawsuit going on. What I find particularly troubling is that (OK, not as bad as it used to be), you allow and at times participate in demeaning comments directed towards women. As a married guy with 3 daughters, I do find this quite offensive and is not different than stupid banned other comments. You do have characteristics that seem like you have a strong dislike for women. It's loud, but not as prevalent since you mod and lately has disappeared.
9. There are several accounts where words match up in words used (that others don't use). Also there is a cadence/style similarity. I have taught college credit classes before and have caught several cheaters over the years using others papers. There is software, but with you it's just experience. Drum Roll, the one that matches up most is Deano. After that it's DD. There are others, but they don't match up as well. To be frank, I've mentioned this several times directly to you and you didn't respond at all.
10. You do exhibit narcissistic behavior. You have a number of similarities with sociopathic behavior.
11. Since I took swipes at you, a bit about me. Why do I disappear? I have my own business now and at times, I'm too busy. Right now, I need breaks from mentally tedious work. This place provides that. At times I"m too busy. I need to guard where I'm at on busyness. That is because I've had a lifetime struggle with PTSD from severe childhood abuse. Over the winter I withdrew from a lot of things, including HN and didn't feel well enough to interact much. The abuse started with my parents. Frankly I don't know how I survived. Being sucker punched by your father isn't very fun. Seeing this happen to Jordan has been trying ( and yes I think he is responsible for his actions so I have mixed feelings). I also have strong emotions about the Barnstormers for similar reasons and know how such stuff impacts people. Btw, my dad wore a badge and he should never been allowed to continue to wear one. What was sad looking back at myself as a child was that MANY people knew about it and no one stopped it or asked questions, including the doctor treating my injuries.
12. One of the mental escapes I had in my life was Hawkeye sports.