Retro Merch

probably breaking a board rule...but WTH. I'm doing a run of this old classic design from the late 70s, early 80s which was discontinued years ago. If interested, IM me.


If your name ain't Game Day Ron, keep your shit off this board.

RevoltLL225 is the PREMIERE SHAVING SOLUTION. Big razor is suppressing it.
Oh shit, RevoltLL225!!! I haven't thought of that in years, thank you for the laugh.

My all time favorite though was the MulvaSpills Michigan jacket. Anybody remember that one? Damn, almost 20 years ago now! I would love to know the backstory - i.e. was that guy genuine or a troll?
Ha, you guys gotta look at the FAQs - there are some doozies.
Lol! Sounds like an amateur or child answered many of them. Poor grammar, etc..

I like this one.

How do you know when the razor blades are worn out? Collapse

With the Revolt shaving products the cutting edge of the razor will very slowly dull due to multiple shaves. It will reach a point where it does not totally shave off your whiskers. At that time you should get a new blade. This typically happens between 300 and 1,000 shaves. At that time send us the blade with the number of shaves you have received, so we can analyze it to see how well our products are working.

Signed, The Weatherman

Between 300 - 1,000!!!!?? This guy has no scientific evidence AT ALL. He just throws out random obscure numbers to appease questions. Then goes on to state mail in the blade and we will analyze it .........yeah right. I believe you. Anything you analyze on your dining room table isn't going to have any credence.