Dump the Des Moines Register!!!

Today’s Sunday Register is what the weekly register used to be, and the daily is a twenty page pamphlet, at best. That publication is a joke, and has been for a long time. Let it die. And ffs, get off of social media!
Today’s Sunday Register is what the weekly register used to be, and the daily is a twenty page pamphlet, at best. That publication is a joke, and has been for a long time. Let it die. And ffs, get off of social media!
It's all just Gannet wire service USA Today articles with a local section added and some local sports coverage. They own the paper down here, too, and it's the same everywhere.
Then we wonder why so many high school coaches resign. It's a huge time commitment to begin with. Then you add the aggravation of dealing with drama queen athletes, doctors and trainers, officials, school administration, the WIAA (or your state's equivalent), the coach on the other sideline, and then overbearing parents on top of it! I was talking to a girls varsity basketball head coach a while ago and I told him that I don't know how any of you do it.

I have seen mothers of players go right down to the rope separating the players sidelines from the football bleachers and rail on the coaches, right in the middle of the game, to play her son more often.
I'll take varsity coaching any day of the week over kids stuff. Youth sports parents are a vile, disgusting breed. Every mom thinks you're supposed to organize their life for them and every dad thinks his kid is Bryce Harper. I had a chance to keep doing youth baseball but no way in ten hells will I ever so much as throw BP in a youth setting again. It had lots of rewarding parts and there are some genuinely great, appreciative parents, but the bad apples outweigh the good by metric tons.

My goal started out simple with kids baseball being that I selfishly wanted to coach my son and it was a way for me to stay involved after college. I admit that. As it went along I really loved coaching kids and seeing them catch on to things and get better, but the fucking parents, man...you've never met a more cringe-worthy group than a bunch of washed-up 34 year old dads who never played baseball screaming at their 8 year old that they need to "just throw strikes" or "you're pulling your head."

I joked with another coach one time that you should have to apply for and get a license to say anything to your kid at a baseball game. To pass you need to...

1) take 10 grounders in a row at 3B and hit 1B with no errors.

2) scoop 10 short hops in a row at 1B.

3) catch 10 gapper fly balls in a row.

4) throw 50 strikes in a row from the varsity mound.

5) hit 10 line drives in a row, opposite field on demand.

You know what? There are some who can do it, and they're the ones who never say a word to their kids--even if they suck--because they know hard hard it is and how embarrassing it is to walk the bases loaded or strike out three times in a row as an 8 year old.
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You better not move to the South, then. The kids all call the coaches coach, though. That and "pastor" are about the only exceptions to calling every adult sir/ma'am/Mr./Miss.
My mom was born and raised in Mayersville, MS (goople map it). I got indoctrinated from day one but I learned that growing up in NW Iowa, "Sir" would get you made fun of.

However, not using "please" and "thank you" at all times was the fucking death penalty in my house. I've come full circle now, though, and I've had parents of my kid's friends approach me and say how polite he is at their houses.
I'll take varsity coaching any day of the week over kids stuff. Youth sports parents are a vile, disgusting breed. Every mom thinks you're supposed to organize their life for them and every dad thinks his kid is Bryce Harper. I had a chance to keep doing youth baseball but no way in ten hells will I ever so much as throw BP in a youth setting again. It had lots of rewarding parts and there are some genuinely great, appreciative parents, but the bad apples outweigh the good by metric tons.

My goal started out simple with kids baseball being that I selfishly wanted to coach my son and it was a way for me to stay involved after college. I admit that. As it went along I really loved coaching kids and seeing them catch on to things and get better, but the fucking parents, man...you've never met a more cringe-worthy group than a bunch of washed-up 34 year old dads who never played baseball screaming at their 8 year old that they need to "just throw strikes" or "you're pulling your head."

I joked with another coach one time that you should have to apply for and get a license to say anything to your kid at a baseball game. To pass you need to...

1) take 10 grounders in a row at 3B and hit 1B with no errors.

2) scoop 10 short hops in a row at 1B.

3) catch 10 gapper fly balls in a row.

4) pitch 50 strikes in a row from the varsity mound.

5) hit 10 line drives in a row, opposite field on demand.

You know what? The ones who can do it are the ones who never say a word to their kids, even if they suck, because they know hard hard it is, and how embarrassing it is to walk the bases loaded or strike out three times in a row as an 8 year old.
My oldest started playing youth soccer at the age of five in 2003 and my youngest finished up his last year of youth baseball this past July. That's seventeen summers of watching my kids, nieces, nephews and others play pre-high school baseball, softball and soccer.

I've seen a lot of d bag parents in seventeen years. Sometimes you want to just go knock them upside the head. Or tell them to at least shut up. And sober off while you're at it.

BTW my position was first base. I didn't have the arm to play outfield at the high school level so they stuck me where all the pus arms end up. I did have a good glove around first however and would have had no problem scooping ten consecutive throws out of the dirt.:)
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Reprehensible prick. He’ll probably love America now that he’ll be needing that unemployment check.

As far as Carson goes, who didn’t say stupid stuff when you’re 16 thinking you were being funny or cool or whatever. You grow up and you learn.
Every kid does and says stupid things at some point.
Thank God there were no cell phones or internet in the late 80's!!
I'll take varsity coaching any day of the week over kids stuff. Youth sports parents are a vile, disgusting breed. Every mom thinks you're supposed to organize their life for them and every dad thinks his kid is Bryce Harper. I had a chance to keep doing youth baseball but no way in ten hells will I ever so much as throw BP in a youth setting again. It had lots of rewarding parts and there are some genuinely great, appreciative parents, but the bad apples outweigh the good by metric tons.

My goal started out simple with kids baseball being that I selfishly wanted to coach my son and it was a way for me to stay involved after college. I admit that. As it went along I really loved coaching kids and seeing them catch on to things and get better, but the fucking parents, man...you've never met a more cringe-worthy group than a bunch of washed-up 34 year old dads who never played baseball screaming at their 8 year old that they need to "just throw strikes" or "you're pulling your head."

I joked with another coach one time that you should have to apply for and get a license to say anything to your kid at a baseball game. To pass you need to...

1) take 10 grounders in a row at 3B and hit 1B with no errors.

2) scoop 10 short hops in a row at 1B.

3) catch 10 gapper fly balls in a row.

4) throw 50 strikes in a row from the varsity mound.

5) hit 10 line drives in a row, opposite field on demand.

You know what? There are some who can do it, and they're the ones who never say a word to their kids--even if they suck--because they know hard hard it is and how embarrassing it is to walk the bases loaded or strike out three times in a row as an 8 year old.

They have a no boo/no criticism rule down here. You boo or criticize, they stop the game until you leave. We're only 3 weeks into our first foray of fall baseball and soccer, but it seems to work so far.

I umped 2nd base for one little league game when I was in college. Those parents were nuts. Absolutely nuts. Every little league should have that rule. "Hey Karen, me saying your kid went around on a swing in a 12U game is totally going to keep him off the Yankees. Their scout is sitting right there watching and I wanted to flex on him because I totally have a vendetta for you and your family."
Unbelievable. My wife asked me today whether we should cancel the DM Register, since it really doesn't report any real news anymore that isn't covered the night before on the local TV news channels.

I think I have the answer for her.
They have a no boo/no criticism rule down here. You boo or criticize, they stop the game until you leave. We're only 3 weeks into our first foray of fall baseball and soccer, but it seems to work so far.

I umped 2nd base for one little league game when I was in college. Those parents were nuts. Absolutely nuts. Every little league should have that rule. "Hey Karen, me saying your kid went around on a swing in a 12U game is totally going to keep him off the Yankees. Their scout is sitting right there watching and I wanted to flex on him because I totally have a vendetta for you and your family."

Thats an awesome rule. Sad that there needs to be such a rule, but its great to see. I know leagues around me are struggling to find coaches and umpires/refs because the parents are just insufferable.

The sad truth is that sports today are year round and expensive as all hell. My 8 year old nephew plays hockey for 9 months a year and baseball for 10 months a year. Do that math. So when these parents are dumping literally thousands of dollars into their 8 year old and driving them to stuff every single day and weekend....they start feeling entitled to demand things.
I use reddit and forums anonymously, and I'm young enough that I should be using Twitter and Facebook like other people my age do, but I honestly don't see a point to it. Any friends I have I'll chat with IRL, not in a place for all the public to see. My wife uses FB a bit, she has family groups set up to share pics of the kids, etc.

I will say that there are lots of good things that come out of it though, this story specifically for example. Other than that it's a toxic cesspool of some of the worst in society, while at the same time an evolution of the "look at me" narcissists to fill their ego jar.
Unbelievable. My wife asked me today whether we should cancel the DM Register, since it really doesn't report any real news anymore that isn't covered the night before on the local TV news channels.

I think I have the answer for her.

But, but, but, how will you get to read the hard hitting editorials written by literary giants like Rekha Basu?
Thats an awesome rule. Sad that there needs to be such a rule, but its great to see. I know leagues around me are struggling to find coaches and umpires/refs because the parents are just insufferable.

The sad truth is that sports today are year round and expensive as all hell. My 8 year old nephew plays hockey for 9 months a year and baseball for 10 months a year. Do that math. So when these parents are dumping literally thousands of dollars into their 8 year old and driving them to stuff every single day and weekend....they start feeling entitled to demand things.

My buddy's daughter played soccer at Michigan. He calculated that it probably cost him more to travel for AAU from the time she was 12 than he saved on the scholarship because they had to fly to Texas, Florida and California something like 20 weekends a year. Plus pay for hotels and rental cars. Said all in each trip was about $2k because a bunch of them are organized at facilities where they fleece you on the hotel for local "economic development" or some crap.

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