I didnt like the decision to go into the half thinking play it safe, run the clock and a fg is good enough. Having said that, the staff has a better feel for the game than you or I do. Field conditions, playing on the road, ISU getting the ball to start the 2nd half, secondary thin....like I said, I dont think it was poor clock management, just not the way I would have done it. But I don't have as many wins as Coach Ferentz.
The end the game.....i was screaming at the tv that we cant be this stupid. I LOVE the decision to run a safe pass play but...the result is all that matters. We either threw it to the wrong kid or the wrong side of the field to keep him from accidentally going out of bounds. I like the call, but, it could have cost us the game. Better make sure the kid or the position on the field doesnt make you look foolish, cuz it did...even tho it was super cool that we didnt do the 3 dives into the line, punt and pray.
I do feel that 1 minute would have been long enough that they would have been attempting a game winning fg...so I liked the idea of passing on 3rd down..but it's a safe pass or keep it..and the kid has to know to stay in bounds. Throwing directly into the sideline made it tough on the kid, which left 1:37 on the clock and made it a substantially bad decision.