To many Bowls


Well-Known Member
It's always about the bottom dollar but we have way to many Bowls.When a team can have a 6-6 or 5-7 record and go to a bowl then something's wrong.I realize you get more practice time but fans usually don't follow the team when there record is sub par.You always have a few that know matter what they will go to the Bowl but not sure to many would if we were 6-6 or 5-7.Your thoughts
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It's a shameless cash grab anymore. 40 bowls is absurd. Teams with losing records should NOT be in bowls. Period. I would be OK with 6-6 teams not being eligible as well. There should be 20-25 bowls and that's it. Some of the bowl names are completely ridiculous sounding too.
So Nebraska has a chance at bowl berth after all. Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey Bowl here they come!


Come on Tommy tries really hard, I mean really hard. How can you think to not possibly let him play in the post season and give him that 8th place particiation ribbon/trophy?! We can't hurt Tommy's feelings. Tommy is special.

From youth sports to major college sports.
So Nebraska has a chance at bowl berth after all. Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey Bowl here they come!

Say what you want,but that extra pracitce time is invaluable to your team for next year. I think its unfair that teams that don't make a bowl do not get to keep practicing.. Giving reps to new players to get them up to speed for the following season. Plus I look forward to any game that my Hawks get to play in.
Too many parasitic illegal aliens? Yes.

Too many Bowls? Unless you can prove to me that my tax money is creating bowls, then I say let the private sector with their profit/loss statements decide which number is the right one.
If there was a bowl game that had Nebraska playing Texas I'd probably watch it. I like the bowl games, heck put the Cyclones in a bowl game so I can watch them get their butts kicked again. :)
The bottom 10 bowls change sponsorships every 3-4 years. Once a sponsor realizes they're not getting any benefit and the stadium is 1/2 empty they bail. The teams attending often lose money as well.

No winning record, no bowl. Period. Participation ribbons are for puzzies.
Say what you want,but that extra pracitce time is invaluable to your team for next year. I think its unfair that teams that don't make a bowl do not get to keep practicing.. Giving reps to new players to get them up to speed for the following season. Plus I look forward to any game that my Hawks get to play in.

The value of extra practice time is debatable. I say it is a myth. Iowa is a great example of how little effect it has on the next season

2011 Iowa goes 7-6 goes to Insight Bowl
2012 Iowa goes 4-8 goes to no bowl
2013 Iowa goes 8-5 goes to Outback Bowl
2014 Iowa goes 7-6 goes to taxslayer gator bowl.

So iowa did worse in 2012 even though they went to Bowl in 2011.

Iowa did better in 2013 even though the did not go to a bowl in 2012

Iowa did worse in 2014 even though they went to a bowl in 2013.

Iowa did better in 2015 even though they played awful in Taxslayer bowl.

The extra practice time from bowls just does not seem to have a big effect on the next season.
The value of extra practice time is debatable. I say it is a myth. Iowa is a great example of how little effect it has on the next season

2011 Iowa goes 7-6 goes to Insight Bowl
2012 Iowa goes 4-8 goes to no bowl
2013 Iowa goes 8-5 goes to Outback Bowl
2014 Iowa goes 7-6 goes to taxslayer gator bowl.

So iowa did worse in 2012 even though they went to Bowl in 2011.

Iowa did better in 2013 even though the did not go to a bowl in 2012

Iowa did worse in 2014 even though they went to a bowl in 2013.

Iowa did better in 2015 even though they played awful in Taxslayer bowl.

The extra practice time from bowls just does not seem to have a big effect on the next season.

So practice does not help a team improve? If that is the case then why practice at all???

There is nothing to glean by looking at the records year over year.
The value of extra practice time is debatable. I say it is a myth. ..........

The extra practice time from bowls just does not seem to have a big effect on the next season.

Extra practice is one of many factors, not the sole determinant of a team's performance in the following year. Surely you understand that.

I tend to believe what the coaches say, the extra practices are valuable.
Extra Practices are valuable, so is the Recruiting aspect which may have the biggest value to a teams future!

Plus you can not in good faith say that if Iowa was 6-6 or even 5-7 and they got a chance to go to a bowl game you would be angry about it? That seems contradictory to the cause. The simple fact that the team is still playing in any postseason is good for Player moral, Future Players, and Current Players and coaches.