Miller: Will Two QB Thingy Work?

My position is that it is Rudock's job to lose now. As I listened to the Pitt game I got the sense at the end of the first half that Ferentz and Davis knew they had to try Beathard. The hip pointer gave them cover. Kirk's philosophy that starters do not lose their job to injury requires Rudock to demonstrate he can lead the offense upon his return. If he can't put points on the board Beathard will get his chance to win the position during actual game competition.

Ask Lomax and King about that policy.
So, now that the schedule gets progressively tougher (with exception of Illannoy) how many series, games, whatever are you willing to sacrifice, especially when opportunities (possessions) are already at a premium, based on nothing more than loyalty to last season? You already have evidence to draw a conclusion (CJ = best chance) yet you disregard it in lieu of violating a fundamental warning when investing -- "past performance does not guarantee future results."

Sticking with your investment analogy ... agree Jake is a CD. Disagree CJ has such a high risk / reward of a small-cap. I liken him to a high-interest rewards checking account -- you have to use it to get your return. If you don't, it's ho-hum miniscule interest. If you use that debit card, you get the high pay off. If you use it wisely, you can get the reps, spend very little and still get paid.

Jake should be held in reserve until maturity. CJ needs to be used to keep getting the pay off.

I'm a cash kinda go so I'm hoping Weigers starts.
This should be about how can Iowa best beat Indiana first. Then who is the best for going forward. I think alot of us are in such a hurry to crown the qb of the future as opposed to beating Indiana. I don't know which one is best so far. It's pretty close based on what little of Beathard we've seen. But we don't know how practice has looked. There are alot of game situations that Beathard hasn't seen yet that Jake has. So we just don't know how he'll respond to those. Yet the staff knows how he's looked in practice in simulated situations anyway.

Jake when he has the running game going (Nebraska game last yr) Looked really really good. Yet in the Michigan game they won pretty much despite him. That I would say was his worst game. (weather was a big factor in that to be fair) So is he the qb that showed up the last two drives against Ball state or is he something less then that? Hard telling yet.

Beathard has the benefit of that we just don't know. He didn't get that great of a running game his couple of games so far. (Purdue hardly counts they are so bad)

I have a hard time thinking that which ever qb starts that if they are hot early and say drive down and score points say the first two times they have the ball that the 3rd time they are yanking him kinda thing. I don't know what they'll do even they don't seem to know. Who's decision is it on who gets in and when after the starter is decided? Ferentz or Davis?
Still, I like this philosophy. Rudock will get the chance to compete now while healthy. If CJB ends up the starter now, at least Rudock can say he was given a fair chance.

I am also afraid this problem may "solve itself" when one guy gets a serious injury, in which case, its good you did not tell anybody that the other guy sucks. The message is the team will be fine with either guy.

Agree. Jake gets a shot, but so does CJ. I think it is the best route to settling this quandary. I am feeling somewhat assured by KF's ''significant minutes'' comment last nite, that CJ will also get a fair shot to win this job over the next two weeks.

It is hard to know how to root here....I like Jake but I want CJ at QB. I will not root against Jake, but I do want CJ to win the job, so I root for both, and let chips fall where they may. But, if Jake comes out hot, will CJ get his shot? I want Jake to come out hot, so Iowa has a better chance to win the game, but I do want to see CJ win the job....dilemma.
So, now that the schedule gets progressively tougher (with exception of Illannoy) how many series, games, whatever are you willing to sacrifice, especially when opportunities (possessions) are already at a premium, based on nothing more than loyalty to last season? You already have evidence to draw a conclusion (CJ = best chance) yet you disregard it in lieu of violating a fundamental warning when investing -- "past performance does not guarantee future results."

Sticking with your investment analogy ... agree Jake is a CD. Disagree CJ has such a high risk / reward of a small-cap. I liken him to a high-interest rewards checking account -- you have to use it to get your return. If you don't, it's ho-hum miniscule interest. If you use that debit card, you get the high pay off. If you use it wisely, you can get the reps, spend very little and still get paid.

Jake should be held in reserve until maturity. CJ needs to be used to keep getting the pay off.

First off, I wasn't referring to "loyalty" anywhere in my post. I was saying that Jake's play on the field the last year and half merits him the right to compete for his job....period. He's earned that right and he's earned that right to do it while he's healthy enough to do it.

And CJ is absolutely high risk/high reward. He can throw it on a rope 60 yards down field to a WR running down the seam. He can also throw late to a guy over the middle and have it picked off and returned the other way for 6. He can throw the most beautiful touch pass to a TE with a guy hanging off him on 3rd down for a first down and he can throw a bullet pass to a guy 10 yards away that gets dropped because it's too hot to handle. Will that improve with time and reps? I would guess so....but he's not just a "guaranteed return if used" like your checking acct analogy.
Two things - for those who want KF to make a decision about the starting QB, he has. You don't like it, so you won't consider it decided. Secondly, it's disgusting how you all hate on JR. He doesn't deserve that.


Nobody's hating on Riddick.

We just think Sunshine is better and increases the odds of victory.

Riddick is a good QB. Beathard is a better QB.


Play the better QB.
First off, I wasn't referring to "loyalty" anywhere in my post. I was saying that Jake's play on the field the last year and half merits him the right to compete for his job....period. He's earned that right and he's earned that right to do it while he's healthy enough to do it.

And CJ is absolutely high risk/high reward. He can throw it on a rope 60 yards down field to a WR running down the seam. He can also throw late to a guy over the middle and have it picked off and returned the other way for 6. He can throw the most beautiful touch pass to a TE with a guy hanging off him on 3rd down for a first down and he can throw a bullet pass to a guy 10 yards away that gets dropped because it's too hot to handle. Will that improve with time and reps? I would guess so....but he's not just a "guaranteed return if used" like your checking acct analogy.

Some people will get mad when I say this, but your description of CJ sounds a lot like a description of JVB 's first year.
The only difference I have with Jon is that I think the decision has already been made, and Ferentz is looking for a soft landing for Jake.
Maybe so. But CJB still has to seize the moment. Would be bad to give him the job and then find out he wasn't ready. This really going to be fun to watch

Nobody's hating on Riddick.

We just think Sunshine is better and increases the odds of victory.

Riddick is a good QB. Beathard is a better QB.


Play the better QB.

If "nobody" is hating on JR..why do you keep calling him Riddick?

Never mind...
I think Rudock was hell bent on getting rid of the ball faster this year....... how many times did we see him throw the ball only to be caught out of bounds last year...or thrown too late downfield. However this year...I think he over compensated...looking for the primary so quickly, not seeing it, and then checking down.

Maybe so. But CJB still has to seize the moment. Would be bad to give him the job and then find out he wasn't ready. This really going to be fun to watch


I truly believe the coaches just want one of them to grab the starting spot and run with it.
I also really think they believe it is CJ, because why else would they be giving him so many chances?
Let's hope the best quarterback of the two will outplay the other so well that there is no question after Saturday. Then we can move forward into the rest of our season with the best guy at the helm giving us our best chance to improve, and to win out!
I would not be surprised if the real problem is the offensive philosophy, the disappearance of the run game, and some resultant overly cautious play by JR. The run game specifically and the offense generally were to be the strength of the program until the defense had time to grow. So, the horizontal, safe passing game, the checkdowns to short passes and running plays, the mandate for great ball security, were drummed into JR from day one. JR is nothing if not a smart, loyal, no nonsense, QB who likely followed directions to the letter...which resulted in a call for the back up QB. Then, understandably, after two come from behind wins, CJ has become a player in the QB controversy.

However, here is a scenario that holds some interest for me...I wonder if JR's approach will change now that he is truly being pressed by CJ? Will he become more aggressive? Will he be less reliant on the run game? In short, will he move away from what he was being taught to do early on and just go out and play?

I really like both of our QB's, but certainly would like to see a firm starter in place ASAP. May the better QB win and may the coaches make the ultimate decision, not the fans. Remember the old saying, "The coach who listens to the fans and responds will soon be sitting with them watching the game."
Although gut feeling says CJB has the higher ceiling and if that's true, I would rather see CJB win the job. That said, I am an IOWA fan more than I am a fan of any particular player on the team, so whoever the best QB is, that's who I want on the field. So in that regard, I am rooting for both players. I certainly am not "against" anyone.

As has already been said: May the better man win.
You don't just automatically throw a guy to the bench that helped you win 8 games the year before (4 of them on the road), helped lead the offense to 66 combined points against Michigan and Nebraska to end the year, and help you get an invite to the Outback Bowl. Certainly his play during the first 5 games of the season has left something to be desired, which is why there's been consideration to switching QBs. But he's earned enough capital over the last year and a half that he should be given every opportunity to either win the job or lose it over the next couple of weeks. That's my opinion anyway.

At the same time, I also think that from what I've seen so far, CJ probably gives us the best chance to win.

From an investment standpoint, I liken JR to a CD. Something that's safe, dependable, but not overly exciting or going to give you any sort of big return. CJ is a small cap growth stock. Exciting, with a great opportunity for huge returns, but comes with a lot of risk and a lot of potential to crash and burn. Just depends on what your tolerance for risk is.

Just like the NFL, college football is "what have you done for me lately/what are you doing now?" the past is the past....Look at South Carolina -- Spurrier is coming off three straight 11 win seasons and are on a down tick. The fans will be calling for him to be fired if he wins 5 games this year.

Pick the QB you feel gives you the best chance to win every game and stick with it. There is no need to feel bad for the player who didn't get picked.
I would not be surprised if the real problem is the offensive philosophy, the disappearance of the run game, and some resultant overly cautious play by JR. The run game specifically and the offense generally were to be the strength of the program until the defense had time to grow. So, the horizontal, safe passing game, the checkdowns to short passes and running plays, the mandate for great ball security, were drummed into JR from day one. JR is nothing if not a smart, loyal, no nonsense, QB who likely followed directions to the letter...which resulted in a call for the back up QB. Then, understandably, after two come from behind wins, CJ has become a player in the QB controversy.

However, here is a scenario that holds some interest for me...I wonder if JR's approach will change now that he is truly being pressed by CJ? Will he become more aggressive? Will he be less reliant on the run game? In short, will he move away from what he was being taught to do early on and just go out and play?

I really like both of our QB's, but certainly would like to see a firm starter in place ASAP. May the better QB win and may the coaches make the ultimate decision, not the fans. Remember the old saying, "The coach who listens to the fans and responds will soon be sitting with them watching the game."

I think we are already seeing the effects of CJ pressing Rudock for playing time. It could be why Rudock has been so careful not to make mistakes. He probably sees the same things at practice that we see in games: CJ has more physical ability but he doesn't have the same grasp of the offense and tends to stare down WRs, particularly on deep routes which will lead to turnovers. How does Rudock respond? He's played to his strength, which is knowledge. He checks at the LOS when he should and checks down instead of putting the ball in harm's way. He knows KF values ball security over all else so its a pretty good strategy on his part.

The problem for Rudock is if CJ starts making up for the mistakes he will probably make. He's going to miss audibles, he's going to trust his arm too much and throw the ball into coverage. But will he make great throws that put points on the board as well? Throw a pick 6 in one quarter but lead the team to 30+ points? At some point does KF take CJ's 4 steps forward and 2 steps back or Rudock's 1 step forward?