Kyle McCann

Every coach has their list of pros and cons in order of what's most and least important. Every coaches list is different thus the differences of opinions on who should start. Is is awesome tho that 2 threads are going on something that happened that long ago.

What would be even more interesting would be McCann vs JVB. Who would be your pick there? I suppose it would depend if you take 1.0 Version KOK JVB or 2.0 Version Davis JVB.
No Chandler should not have started against the cyclowns. However he should have been put in during the second half after Banks hand injury. Sometimes people underplay injuries and this hurt the team.
No Chandler should not have started against the cyclowns. However he should have been put in during the second half after Banks hand injury. Sometimes people underplay injuries and this hurt the team.

Chandler was the only starting QB of the Ferentz era to have a 1.000 winning percentage against ISU and Northwestern.

As far as McCann not winning games I would have to disagree. From 1998-2000 he tied Reiners for the most wins as a starter. Plus he came in for Reiners and sparked the offense in the second half to beat Central Michigan in 1998. This helped him get some starts as a Freshman that year. He also played two very good games in the upsets of Pedo State and NW in 2000 leading Iowa to thise wins. I should also mention that NW, Minnesota and Indiana had pretty good teams in 2001. McCann started in all those wins and he played great.
Paul Burmeister also won all of his games against both NW and the Cyclowns. We don't hear much about him anymore either maybe he could be an honorary captain in one of those games this year.
Paul Burmeister also won all of his games against both NW and the Cyclowns. We don't hear much about him anymore either maybe he could be an honorary captain in one of those games this year.

Excellent point. If my memory serves me correctly, neither Tate nor Stanzi ever beat Northwestern, while both Christensen and Vandenberg were able to pull out some victories against them.
Who was cut today by the Seahawks. Might this be the end of that illustrious career, or will he find yet another clipboard to hold?

They got really lucky with the Wilson draft pick. Take him out of the equation and I think Seneca is the starter there.
Banks was so superior to McCann, and Kurt's obstinate refusal to bench Kyle in favor of Brad was such an obvious coachfail, that attempting to argue to the contrary renders one dumber for trying.
He never played against Northwestern, you idiot. We didn't play them that year.

I know, moron. Thus he was 1-0 and had a 1.000 winning percentage against ISU and NU. He didn't lose to either of them, which is more than can be said for Banks, Stanzi, Christensen, Vandenberg, et al. Notice I didn't say "beat both." We all know that is too much to ask of Kurt and he has never beaten them both in the same year (granted, some years, like 2003 and I believe 2004, he didn't play them both).

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