Zach McCabe...

I have heard that college coaches evaluate players at summer camps and do not care what they do in high school games.
I don't even know if he is the best player on his team, let alone become a solid bench player at Iowa when kids like , May, Fuller, Marble, Gatens, and Larson will go in ahead of him.
Do you know anything about basketball?! He leads the team in points (Malloy and him have almost identical point totals), rebounds, assists, blocks and steals. Imagine this team without McCabe. How effective would they be if the double teams would shift to Malloy?
Loess, it seems that if there's anything remotely positive that might pop up about the basketball program, you're oone of the first to shoot it down. Here we have you issuing a declaration that Zach McCabe will never be anything but a role player. I understand how p****d off you are about the state of the program. Hey, I've been there. Still find myself in the same place on some game days. However, that doesn't mean anything and everything remotely associated with the program stinks.

On the other hand, I take it from your "handle" that you might be in a position to have watched some of McCabe's games. All I've seen of him is the state tournament games I watched live and some video clips from the last couple of seasons. That exposure, together with the recruiting reviews this Summer (same things JHH was referring to above) and the fact that some pretty solid programs other than Iowa offered him lead me to believe he has a chance to be more than a role player, but if he is a role player he'll be a very good one.

What can you tell us from your observations that leads you to conclude that under any scenario he can't be more than a role player?
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Baldies...I sure appreciate your optimism. However, having coached for years and I will be the first to tell you TALENT wins 99.9% of the time. Now not always, chemistry is important. However, in our league you have to have big time playmakers...we don't. It isn't like football where you can say for 6 seconds we are just collectively going to work harder then you....A team that struggles to be competitive this year is still going to struggle next year. Because every team above is getting better and is not like everyone just stays the same....hell most teams have better benches then we do. Throw in about 4 top 20 recruiting classes next year and we will struggle to be .500. However keep thinking positive....

First off it's a mistake to assume that great playmakers have to be great athletes. Great playmakers come in all different sizes and skill sets. What they do all seem to have in common is a confident, highly competitive drive and a high B-Ball IQ.

None of us know what we do or don't have coming in next year in comparison to the rest of the league until they get out there and start mixing it up.

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