Your feeling on Ohio St.?


Well-Known Member
I just want to get a gage on how hawk fans are feeling about this team.

I am not predicting a win or drinking kool-aid, but i will be watching the game and feel that there is a possibility for a win. I don't know if it is the fact that i have no set expectations (like many did with football), but even against the Illini i felt that they had a chance to win. The team just shot themselves in the foot at key moments.

Ohio state is a extremely more talented team. I think Fran and the players would even admit to that. Kansas was more talented then UNI last year.

What I am saying is last year I would have watch knowing a beat down was coming. This year I will watch, and feel that if they play a solid game they could beat Ohio St. If they don't, at minimum, i know they will play hard and grow from the experience.

Go Hawks!
I guess there is a possibility than Iowa wins but its very slim. Only way I see OSU losing would be shooting dreadfully from 3 point land. No one on Iowa can check Sullinger and OSU had much better athletes.
I'm thinking at least a 10-15 point loss. Hawks need to come out and play strong defense from the start and not allow the 3 point shot. Hawks will need to play a perfect game to win.
I would like to see us keep the game close (within single digits) most of the game but there is no chance that we beat OSU. They shoot lights out, score a ton of points and are athletic beyond our comprehension. They are the best team in the country imo and have a good shot at going undefeated. Their toughest road contest has already been played and the only game that I could see them losing would be @Purdue on Feb 19th.

I would imagine that the game line is going to be around 13 pts. If it's single digits I am prepared to place a hefty sum on the game.

I like where the program is heading but this pending beat down isn't going to be pretty.
Ohio State is pretty good defensively and we don't have a scorer. I could easily see this being a 20+point loss. I can't come up with many scenarios where we compete this game.
Hopefully, we see the team play hard, improve as the season goes along, and continue to get great fan support. This will not lead to many B10 wins, but will set the stage for stronger recruiting.

OSU game will be much like Illini. Hawks just have to gain confidence and shoot better all around. Play stronger on defense as well.
Let Sulliger do what he wants and don't let Buford/Lighty/Diebler get off. The game Sullinger scored 40 pts, OSU won by single digits to a lesser team than Iowa.
What are the chances Iowa does that? Not good, but crazier things have happened. Lighty gets his career-high against us, seemingly, every time he plays against us. It will be a tough game and if Iowa plays too fast it will be a 20 pt loss.
Ohio State is the best team I've seen this the country. I thought we would lose to Illinois by 11...about right. I think we'll lose to Ohio State by 21. I hope I'm wrong and my answers will be different next year and much different in 2 years FWIW.
That the Hawks are going to get smoked. The only good thing about playing them twice early is getting both of those beatdowns out of the way.
It seemed like it took Iowa half the game to adjust to the intensity of playing Illinois, and there were signs of improvement in the game from a couple of the players. If Ohio state plays uninspired and Iowa players continue to improve Iowa could win. If not I would be hoping to see more evidence that the hawks are figuring out their strengths and weaknesses.
I think it'll be a lot like the Illinois game. Iowa just won't make enough plays to pull it off, but it won't be a bloodbath like it might have been in years past.
Only way I see OSU losing would be shooting dreadfully from 3 point land.

Not likely. Most of our opponents have been absolutely unconscious against us from behind the arc this year.

Only way Iowa has a chance in this game is if they improve drastically on the defensive end of the court for this game. If OSU shoots anywhere close to what Illinois did against us, it'll be a 15 point loss or more.

Defense defense defense. That's the whole key to this game IMO. If we do defend well, then sure, we have a chance being at home and all. Still probably not a great chance, but that's why you play the games. Upsets happen.
I would like to see the Hawks make some free throws for a change. Illinois game would have been extremely close had the Hawks not shot just north of 50% from the line?
I may sound crazy, but I'm excited for this game. FWIW we played Ohio State tough both times last year. I don't see us winning by any means but I'm excited to watch:

1. Fran's gameplan
2. A healthy Basabe
3. Our young guys improve and gain confidence - like marble vs illinois
OSU needs to have a poor shooting game to keep this under 20.
Let Sullinger get his 40 but stay with the shooters.
Iowa needs to slow it down in this game...a la keep it respectable.
I hope I am wrong,but I see it as a OSU win by at least 25.
If we try and run we will be blown out of the building in my opinion. There's no point in being a hero here. Our best chance to win is to slow things down and eat clock...limiting the possessions of OSU.

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