In regards to comparing Vandenberg to Stanzi, while many may not want to put that kind of pressure on Vandenberg I think it's worth analyzing. And I'd like to take a psychological approach.
It's a well known HawkeyeNation fact that Stanzi had a lot of poise in tough games; he was able to shake off mistakes and still play--for the most part--at a high level. We haven't seen that yet from Vandenberg. I have a theory that a slight change in sideline demeanor could change that.
While we know people express emotion through body language and facial expression, there are studies that show it can work the other way. That is, you can, in a sense, will your way into a different emotional state by changing your facial expression. People who are in a bad mood, can--if only temporarily--lift their spirits by forcing a smile on their face. Today I realized that I'm often seeing Vandenberg, on the sideline, with a furrowed brow, likely in confusion, frustration or concentration, or some combination of the three. I believe it's his highly competitive nature that he naturally does this. However, I can't remember any time when Stanzi had this same expression.
I think if someone told him to change his expression, that maybe, just maybe it could change his whole attitude toward the game, and he could perform much better on the road. Of course it may also make absolutely no difference. I just wish I had mentioned this to him when I saw him yesterday.