Wow Kentucky


Well-Known Member
Not only are these guys promised not to have to go to class, probably cars and bags full of cash. They now get to play basketball in college the same way they will in the pros. Half a$$ it all season and pour it on when it counts. Calipari laughing all the way to the bank! call me bitter...
Call me crazy but I think it would be kinda cool to see 5 freshman win the ship.

I've been rooting for them since they played Wichita state. They were considered the underdogs and the more I watched the wildcat team the more I wanted them to win... Man they are talented and props to Coach Cal for coaching em up and having them play their best at the right time of the year as well as managing games. It seems to me that Cal has decided that with 5 freshman he never let's the game get away from them or if a team gets the slightest momentum, he stops it immediately with a timeout.
IBA,you are crazy.. That isn't 5 ordinary freshman. They are all locks for the NBA and the only reason they are there is what another poster already stated. Kentucky represents everything that is wrong with college sports. No surprise they are an SEC team either. I hate Wiscy,but Bo does it the right way. Too bad they couldn't pull it out.
Watch UK add yet another title to their mountain of NCAA championships? Either that, or watch UConn win yet another. Nah, no thanks. With Wisconsin out, my interest in the title game went down to practically nil.
IBA,you are crazy.. That isn't 5 ordinary freshman. They are all locks for the NBA and the only reason they are there is what another poster already stated. Kentucky represents everything that is wrong with college sports. No surprise they are an SEC team either. I hate Wiscy,but Bo does it the right way. Too bad they couldn't pull it out.

I get why people hate Kentucky and Coach Cal and I'm typically in agreement but this year is different for me.

Part of it is that they are the 8 seed, part of it is they start 5 freshman... Yes NBA talent but still inexperienced freshman, part of it is going through the toughest bracket and taking out the 1, 2, and 4 seeds.

I just enjoy watching them probably because they are so talented.
Helluva game last night though...not sure what the outcome will be tomorrow night, my guess right now is Kentucky...Wisci board going ape sh*t....."Jackson shouldn't have taken the last shot", "Where did Dekker go?", "Gasser should've guarded Harrison closer", "The refs suck", "Kaminsky was wide open under the hoop"....blah, blah, blah...Wow, pretty much like our board at times....too bad, they had a nice run, did the B1G proud...
I get why people hate Kentucky and Coach Cal and I'm typically in agreement but this year is different for me.

Part of it is that they are the 8 seed, part of it is they start 5 freshman... Yes NBA talent but still inexperienced freshman, part of it is going through the toughest bracket and taking out the 1, 2, and 4 seeds.

I just enjoy watching them probably because they are so talented.

Kentucky is one of the few times that reminds me of the teams from the 1980s & 1990s when college teams actually had a lot talent. They're game against Michigan was fantastic.
IBA,you are crazy.. That isn't 5 ordinary freshman. They are all locks for the NBA and the only reason they are there is what another poster already stated. Kentucky represents everything that is wrong with college sports. No surprise they are an SEC team either. I hate Wiscy,but Bo does it the right way. Too bad they couldn't pull it out.

Preparing kids for future success in their chose profession, yeah Kentucky is truly terrible.
Screw UK and their 0% grad rate. Even though I am no Bucky fan, I felt bad for them losing that game last night, on a 28' 3 pointer when UK couldn't hit the broad side of a barn all night.

Dud of a final, true dud.
It's a great final, it's a much better match-up than one consisting of Wisky vs. anybody.

A lot of butthurt about Kentucky, but they are a good team and fun to watch.
Preparing kids for future success in their chose profession, yeah Kentucky is truly terrible.

Exactly. The kids on Kentucky are being groomed for success- the horror!

The kids on Wisconsin will graduate, then spend 5 years playing ball in Europe, evidently the right way.
Not only are these guys promised not to have to go to class, probably cars and bags full of cash. They now get to play basketball in college the same way they will in the pros. Half a$$ it all season and pour it on when it counts. Calipari laughing all the way to the bank! call me bitter...
Maybe Calipari needs to encourage his players to go after their fans on Twitter.
Please explain to me why Kentucky represents everything that is wrong with college sports. Is it because they win?

If a team wins they obviously cheat & the coach is a sleaze bag. Obviously, Iowa does everything right because they lose. I wish every non-Hawk fan thought we cheat & our coach was a sleaze bag. Wouldn't be nice if there were thousands of posts out there like this one about Iowa basketball.
Please explain to me why Kentucky represents everything that is wrong with college sports. Is it because they win?

If a team wins they obviously cheat & the coach is a sleaze bag. Obviously, Iowa does everything right because they lose. I wish every non-Hawk fan thought we cheat & our coach was a sleaze bag. Wouldn't be nice if there were thousands of posts out there like this one about Iowa basketball.

Google John Calipari and that will answer your question. If you knew anything about his history you would know that the people who are griping about him and Kentucky aren't doing so just because he wins. Come on man.

Seriously that second paragraph is extremely ignorant.
Please explain to me why Kentucky represents everything that is wrong with college sports. Is it because they win?

If a team wins they obviously cheat & the coach is a sleaze bag. Obviously, Iowa does everything right because they lose. I wish every non-Hawk fan thought we cheat & our coach was a sleaze bag. Wouldn't be nice if there were thousands of posts out there like this one about Iowa basketball.

Not a fan of the way Cal does things, but don't resent him for it either. As far as bringing in the "one and done" players I'm pretty sure that if given the chance he'd want to keep them on campus for a few more years. He gets that they want to declare early and recruits those players knowing they would most likely jump ship after a year. That said he's also taking a major gamble with that mentality and we saw it early in the season when him and his players were absolutely getting blasted for failing to meet expectations.

While it may not be the "right" or "traditional" way, I absolutely respect him for what he is able to do year in and year out. Despite the superior talent, lets not forget that he molds these freshman into a team in a matter of months to play teams that have developed years of chemistry playing together.
Let's not pretend like he's doing something extraordinary here. The guy's roster is loaded with top 10 players, not just at their respective position but overall in the nation. There are NBA teams that wish they had the talent UK has. Now granted maybe he's learned his lesson from the penalties he's left behind with his previous employers and he's landing these blue chippers with smiles and hugs but I'm not willing to give him the benefit of the doubt anymore. Call me a pessimist or whatever but in my opinion, there are dozens of other coaches around the country who continue to win in a way that doesn't raise the red flag the way that Calipari does.
Not to mention, the guy had the #1 recruiting class in 2011 & 2012 and didn't even make the tourney last year so lets not pretend he's Dean Smith or anything.

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