Woodbury's progress as a senior

3 pt shooting, perimeter d, cross over dribble are all less important than ft shooting. To characterize ft shooting as unimportant shows a healthy amount of ignorance.

LOL, True, they are also not in the conversation to begin with.

Again I tried to explain it fairly simply but apparently some of you, to put it nicely, aren't good readers.

I will pose my point in the form of a question.

Defense, rebounding and post moves are all far more important than freethrow shooting for a center.

Agree or Dissagree?
post scoring and ft's go hand in hand if teams know he is a bad ft shooter it is easier to give a foul than let him score at will inside
its like the old saying goes "make him earn it at the ft line"
sometime and alot of times, a made ft is the difference in winning or losing

Post scoring and FTs do not go hand in hand. There are so many examples to the contrary that its not worth listing.

Teams are not going to purposely foul unless its an uncontested layup, and even then they won't do it often because it is usually better to just give up two points than commit a foul.
in close games you see alot of FT's and teams do foul off the ball,
simple holding calls can be made without the intentional foul call
again nobody is expecting 80% ft shooting
most would be happy with 65-70%
beside you don't dread Arhie or Brommer going to the FT line
never mind their lack of other skills, i don't see anybody excited to see either at the ft line

Dont get me wrong, it would be great to have Woodbbury shoot FTs in that range and he should definetly make it a priority to be a better shooter, thats obvious.

My point is even if he never does get above %50, he will still be a very good effective player.
I hope people won't be upset next year when Woodbury averages 6 points and 6 boards a game.

If he can improve our completely non-existant post defense, who cares what he does on offense. We need someone to protect the rim and rebound. For the first time since........before I can remember, we have several guys who can put the ball in the basket.
in the case of a player shooting 50% from theline is a easy target to foul him in the act of shooting
i can't state this more often
it is better to put a 50% ft shooter at the line rather than let him have a easy two
let them earn it at the line has never been truer with a 50% ft shooter
but you keep telling your self that ft %'s don't mean a thing
3 pt shooting, perimeter d, cross over dribble are all less important than ft shooting. To characterize ft shooting as unimportant shows a healthy amount of ignorance.
LOL, True, they are also not in the conversation to begin with.Again I tried to explain it fairly simply but apparently some of you, to put it nicely, aren't good readers.I will pose my point in the form of a question.Defense, rebounding and post moves are all far more important than freethrow shooting for a center.Agree or Dissagree?

Ft shooting will never be a requirement to be a dominant post player like shaq or wilt. however the reality is there are only one of those guys, ever.

For a player with good size but lacking in elite athletic ability (woodbury) ft shooting cam be the difference being a serviceable b10 center and an impact player.
Ft shooting will never be a requirement to be a dominant post player like shaq or wilt. however the reality is there are only one of those guys, ever.

For a player with good size but lacking in elite athletic ability (woodbury) ft shooting cam be the difference being a serviceable b10 center and an impact player.

Does anyone know why Roy Williams wanted Woodbury if he can't shoot free throws at better than 50%? I'm sure he has more athletic players he can recruit right. Why did he waste his time, and not just send assistants to recruit him. Hmmmmmm.
Ft shooting will never be a requirement to be a dominant post player like shaq or wilt. however the reality is there are only one of those guys, ever.

For a player with good size but lacking in elite athletic ability (woodbury) ft shooting cam be the difference being a serviceable b10 center and an impact player.
Wilt the Stilt.....

The Big Dipper that is, as a very young lad, I saw him at Vets. He set the auditorium scoring record, something like 52 points. Saw Larry Bird break the record by one against Drake.....


what does Ol Roy Toy, got to do with Woodbury's ft shooting ability, there nobody questionign the kids skill as a big man, the discussion is about his 50% FT shooting
and how much of a impact it will have on the overall W's vs L's
Near the end of a close game, there would be an impact, Herby.....

I am certain that Adam will be working on that aspect of his game. Imagine it will also be a top priority for Fran and staff to guide Adam to mastery of free throw accuracy.....

Does anyone know why Roy Williams wanted Woodbury if he can't shoot free throws at better than 50%? I'm sure he has more athletic players he can recruit right. Why did he waste his time, and not just send assistants to recruit him. Hmmmmmm.
Roy was probably looking beyond the free throw line, noting Adam's other excellent qualities.....

Quick to the basket with a variety of moves including a soft hook shot that is difficult to defend. Very nice passing for a big man, and shot blocking ability.....

What's not to like.....

Other than a higher free throw percentage.....

When Adam was at Carver for the intrasquad exhibition, he was shooting around before the event and had a very nice looking 3-point shot. I'm surprised about his ft shooting.
Yeah, who'd want those guys?

When Dale Brown found out that Shaq was terrible from the line, he was probably wavering a little on whether or not to offer a scholarship.;)

You act as though I stated that Shaq and Dwight Howard weren't/aren't good and talented players, when I never stated anything close to that. Reading comprehension not the best, brah? I basically said to tell Shaq or Dwight Howard that free-throw shooting isn't important and see what they say.
I have a feeling he will start every game, barring injury, in his Hawkeye career....

Didn't know about his three point shooting. That would be a welcome bonus.....
the guy is clearly saying ft shooting is less important then a lot of other things a center can bring. its amazing how many people are responding with arguments about whether or not free throw shooting is important at all.

I for one would much rather have a center that was a great post scorer and a 50 percent ft shooter then an average post scorer who shoots 75 percent fts

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