Wonder who is on Barta's Short list

It was tough watching that second half where nobody could create a shot and many shots were simply forced. Just no rhythm to the offense whatsoever. Nobody took charge. But honestly, I simply think we don't have a take charge guy.
Did you see who Nebraska and Michigan lost to? Rutgers is terrible. Northwestern and Penn State are never any good. I'm not scared of Minnesota or Purdue or Indiana. Who does that leave? Wisconsin is obviously very good. Michigan State doesn't look great, but Izzo is still their head coach. Maryland seems pretty good. Win against ISU was impressive, but we would have won this game handily if ISU only made 4 3-pointers. Ohio State is obviously good and Illinois is still no pushover. I think make us at worse middle of the pack with a chance to compete for a high finish.

6-12? Are you kidding me? We have a better chance of winning our last seven conference games than going 6-12.

I hope you are right but I still think you are delusional. No offense.

This team, for whatever reason, has a tendency to just completely fold. Forget the god awful shooting tonight, there was no defensive intensity in the second half. Against your biggest rival at home. What in the world happened at halftime?

The conference schedule could be worse - only facing Maryland and Michigan St once. But we are playing Wisconsin and Ohio St twice.

I am glad you are not afraid of many teams, but don't you think every one of our opponents are saying the same thing about us?

What do YOU think our conference record will be?

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