Willie Lowe 'not going to play football' next year

Each of the (13) kids affected by rhabdo are absolutely coated in teflon right now. This mistake will continue to affect the Iowa football program over the next 3-4 years....
Each of the (13) kids affected by rhabdo are absolutely coated in teflon right now. This mistake will continue to affect the Iowa football program over the next 3-4 years....

Although I sort of get what you mean it won’t affect them in any other way then it would any corporation or big business……it won’t affect scholarships, nor wins & losses, nor whether poor actions will be disciplined nor whether they will or not play if they are good enuff.

Keep in mind several of these guys are upper classmen…Prater, Lowe, Donatell, Nardo (these are just what I know or remember) several Donatell, Poggi are coaches sons and know the risk and several have started or played and know what it takes to compete at this level…..the above plus Dibona.

They are on top of this I assure you………


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