Will the Offense Change?


Well-Known Member
I don't really think we'll see any drastic changes in our offense. Maybe a wrinkle or two and a different play call here and there, but I don't see KF getting too far away from his comfort zone.
With Ken.


Will run under the same offensive parameters established by Kirk...

But my hope is....
1. A few new wrinkles
2. Better in-game decision making -> stick with what is working, scrap what is not (forcing an opponent to stop you - instead of trying to do a mix of everything)
3. Better late game clock management
4. A two minute offense
5. No more goofy personnel groupings in late game situations (walk-on RB, double tight-ends in two minute offense, etc.)
6. QB in the shotgun in obvious passing situations (QB under center with no RB's ?)
Will run under the same offensive parameters established by Kirk...

But my hope is....
1. A few new wrinkles
2. Better in-game decision making -> stick with what is working, scrap what is not (forcing an opponent to stop you - instead of trying to do a mix of everything)
3. Better late game clock management
4. A two minute offense

5. No more goofy personnel groupings in late game situations (walk-on RB, double tight-ends in two minute offense, etc.)
6. QB in the shotgun in obvious passing situations (QB under center with no RB's ?)

Is it sad that we have to hope for these things to be standards?
i have come up with 2 things i really want to see from the new oc. these are the 2 things i believe held us back the most. kok in my opinion was a good teacher, developer of talent, and gameplanner. but he was very pedestrian in is gameday play calling and personnel groupings. i believe better gameday playcalling (basically more consistent) and more personnel groups. the personnel groupings is my main one as i think the offense is fine. things like a speed personnel group that has your 4 fastest wrs in it even if that means you take out your top wr. or a personnel group where cjf is split out like a wr. since our formations and motions dont give a lot of match up problems lets use our personnel in different ways. we have a gronkowski type te. use him like such.
What the hell does Norm Parker have to do with this discussion? I think it just shows that you are a Norm Parker hater.
Will run under the same offensive parameters established by Kirk...

But my hope is....
1. A few new wrinkles
2. Better in-game decision making -> stick with what is working, scrap what is not (forcing an opponent to stop you - instead of trying to do a mix of everything)
3. Better late game clock management
4. A two minute offense
5. No more goofy personnel groupings in late game situations (walk-on RB, double tight-ends in two minute offense, etc.)
6. QB in the shotgun in obvious passing situations (QB under center with no RB's ?)

I agree with this list and add to it running play action late in a game when the running game hasnt been working very much.

But especially #2 above, find your plays and formations/packages that work and use them, discard what isnt working and then when the defense changes already have a new set of plays to counter with to exploit the defense.

Too many times when the hawks were running very well KOK would call these 3 pass plays just because he has receivers. And many times it didnt work unless that first down throw was a very high percentage pass for more than 2 yards. :)

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