Will Scott Haughton consider a transfer to Iowa now?

Haughton's problems are academic from what I've read. He is borderline in terms of having a learning disability. He's evidently not an attitude or behavior problem whatsoever, just struggles learning at the collegiate level. It really is too bad, he is a real talent and might have a future in the NFL if he can get through college. Perhaps he'll transfer to a UNI or other 1AA program and be able to get his grades to a passing level. I hope things work out for him as he seems to be a good kid from all accounts.
Mesa, He wasn't going to class and was putting forth no effort to pass his classes. Had he put the effort in and not passed the classes Rhoads would have kept him.
Just a thought. The guy would be a "huge" transfer to get. Would he or Iowa consider this? Your thoughts? I wouldn't mind picking him up.

When is the last time you saw Iowa take a player who was kicked off another team?
I find it funny that Hawk fans are on here saying they are to good for Scott Haughton. He didn't go to class and didn't get good grades and that is not what Iowa football is all about. BUT..........who is your best player from the past 5 years? Shonn Greene. Now correct me if I am wrong but didn't Mr. Greene have issues going to class and making grades? Wasn't he considered lazy in that aspect? And you guys kiss the ground he walks on.
I find it funny that Hawk fans are on here saying they are to good for Scott Haughton. He didn't go to class and didn't get good grades and that is not what Iowa football is all about. BUT..........who is your best player from the past 5 years? Shonn Greene. Now correct me if I am wrong but didn't Mr. Greene have issues going to class and making grades? Wasn't he considered lazy in that aspect? And you guys kiss the ground he walks on.

Calm down, Clones17. No need to get all bent out of shape. I realize you guys are in panic mode since you've lost one of your better and more experienced lineman but that's no reason to get your cardinal and gold panties in an uproar.

The difference between Mr. Greene and Mr. Haughton is Mr. Green made the necessary adjustments to make sure his football career continued. I'm assuming Rhoads gave Haughton every opportunity to "change his ways" and evidently that didn't work out.
Not sure why anyone would be in "panic mode" at ISU. The offensive line is one of the few positions where we have excellent depth. It hurts to lose a good player, no doubt about it, but "next man in"! =)
Now correct me if I am wrong but didn't Mr. Greene have issues going to class and making grades? Wasn't he considered lazy in that aspect? And you guys kiss the ground he walks on.

Maybe Haughton can go move furniture for a year and have the fortitude to return to ISU, work hard and become an all american... if that happens, then sure i'll give him some credit. Shonn became humbled, figured it out and earned his respect.
I find it funny that Hawk fans are on here saying they are to good for Scott Haughton. He didn't go to class and didn't get good grades and that is not what Iowa football is all about. BUT..........who is your best player from the past 5 years? Shonn Greene. Now correct me if I am wrong but didn't Mr. Greene have issues going to class and making grades? Wasn't he considered lazy in that aspect? And you guys kiss the ground he walks on.

There are some glaring differences 17...although I can see why you'd make the comparison.

Greene was a Hawkeye from the start...they knew him and what kind of person he is. They don't know Houghton from a chubby hole in the wall. They were letting Greene BACK in, not bringing him in from somewhere else.

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