Will Iowa make the Final 4 in our life time?

Will Iowa make the Final 4 in our life time?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • No

    Votes: 27 77.1%

  • Total voters
It's been a long, long time now boys & we're not getting any younger!

At 61 and set to retire at year's end at 62 I hope to live long enough just to see Iowa take the next step and become legitimately competitive in the two sports I really care about football and mens basketball. It will take a culture change within the athletic department and donor base and on the basketball side getting the program to where we can realistically think about reaching a Final Four has some complications beyond the coaching issue which we can fix. I loved Lute Olson back in my college days but the post modern design he pushed for Carver has not served us well along with the reluctance to put students courtside and create a more formidable home court advantage. A smaller more traditionally designed arena along the lines of the Pentagon downtown closer to central campus seems the ultimate answer but I don't see it happening since we just spent the money to attach the practice facility to Carver. Or leave the practice facility and rip up Carver perhaps and play the games downtown maybe?

I don't see much hope long term for a Final Four although the outlook could change with a better coach after Fran. Like many things in life I don't feel very happy about I don't let it affect my own happiness nor outlook which I would advise anybody younger than me.
Since they made it with Lute and Ronnie Lester I would say yes. Now will they make it again in my lifetime I have my doubts. If Ronnie wouldn't of hurt his knee again I think we would have won it all.
I would add to the discussion affecting the upward mobility of our program the notable decline in passion for basketball among our fan base. Many factors contribute to this the problems with Carver, very poor marketing by the athletic department, BTN scheduling and the overall attitude among the powers who run things that seems to put a higher priority on revenue and making money than in fielding winning programs. We have an environment that doesn't foster a high achieving basketball program.

A good example of the change in my day in Lute's heydey with Ronnie Lester you could go to the student union for an away game on tv and you would have the whole place cheering wildly. I can't imagine that happening now if they would even have the game on. I hope that 99topdawg's generation can see all this change but I have my doubts that I will.
31 and I’m saying yes and we make the college football playoff and someday when I’m 90 I’ll be talking about how great those moments were!!!
As far as age is concerned, I used to listen to and watch Evy's football teams.....

Since 1980 we have made the Final Four twice. Haven't made the Sweet Sixteen since Dr Toms last season. I would be pleased with two/2 wins in the Dance. We will be capable of that two years from now.....

Unless we are not.....

Things are not as bleak as this season is perceived, as far as the future is concerned.....

We shall certainly see.....

I was 3 the last time it happened and I have no memory of it. The1986-87 team should have, but we know how the 2nd half of that Regional Final went. No Iowa team since then has really been a legitimate threat to do it. MAYBE the 92-93 team with Street. MAYBE the 05-06 team sans The NWST debacle, but I kind of doubt it.

If the George Mason's and VCU's of the world can do it, then there's always hope, but that's a pipe dream Cinderalla situation. Realistically, In the foreseeable future, I have to say no.

Heck, it's going on 20 years since our last Sweet 16. This program has simply been very average for quite a while now. Not sure why that's going to change.
I said yes just to be optimistic. If I live 50 more years is there a chance that Iowa catches fire one of those years? I guess so?
As far as age is concerned, I used to listen to and watch Evy's football teams.....

Since 1980 we have made the Final Four twice. Haven't made the Sweet Sixteen since Dr Toms last season. I would be pleased with two/2 wins in the Dance. We will be capable of that two years from now.....

Unless we are not.....

Things are not as bleak as this season is perceived, as far as the future is concerned.....

We shall certainly see.....



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