Will Iowa fans travel this year to minor bowl game?

We had a large group going to the Rose Bowl if they made it...several families. None of us are going regardless of the bowl. We're all hanging onto our cash and crossing our fingers for next year's Rose Bowl.
my rose bowl account will still be collecting. not sure when i will be using it but it will still be there when we go.
If the bowl game is between 12/23 and 12/28...good luck getting to a bowl desination for a reasonable cost. Christmas travelers have long booked up the cheap flights.

Unless you want to drive 30+ hours (round trip) or pay through the nose for an Iowa-sponsored cattle-call tour package**, you're going to be paying a LOT for just plane tickets during that time.

**tickets not included
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I am on of those fans that would have gone to the Rose or any other BCS. Not going now and the only good thing about the Hawks bad season is it saved me a lot of money!!
Depends on if you want the TSA to feel you up during your flight (sorry Mesa, just couldn't resist.). From talking to season ticket holders that sit around us at Kinnick, I expect quite a drop off. A lot of fans, myself included, were thinking Pasadena or another BCS bowl, and just aren't going to kick out the money for a lower tier bowl this year with the uncertainty in the job market and economy.
As I said before I"ll go to Tampa. I have flown and drove to previous OB Bowl games. Flights appear pretty pricey right now. Better than 50-50 chance I won't go to Gator. I hate to break my streak of bowl games, but would be nice to put a little money away.
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We talked about a bowl trip..But decided to save the money and wait for the Rose bowl. I hope I'm still around to go to it.
Tampa would see some fans. Jacksonville...not so much. I have been there and cannot imagine paying money to go back.