Will Illinois Knock of Nebraska?

Really? Have you watched any Pac 12 football this year? They are 1B to the SEC's 1A right now, IMO.

I think Oregon and Stanford are 2 of the top 4 teams in the country, along with Alabama and OSU.
He didn't say they were not any good, just that he is not a fan, I am not either. I'm not a SEC fan nor a big 12 fan, just Iowa...... okay, maybe I'll root for ASU over Norte Dame!!!!
Illinois has played nobody, period. I don't think it happens. Nebby by 14
As opposed to Nebraska's epic victories over Wyoming, Southern Mississippi, and South Dakota State, and their blowout loss to a UCLA team ranked behind the Washington team that beat Illinois.
If the game were in Chump Pain I'd say Chief and the boys have a fair chance to pull the upset. Since Nebby seems to play ALL their games at home every year (before Novemeber at least) I'll say no Illini victory in Lincoln. Game will be close for 3 quarters and Debbie pulls away late for a 17 point win.
A Hawkeye victory is all I want. An Illinois upset...icing on the weekend cake. Shooting a 78 or better on Sunday....a little bonus. Go Hawks
No. They'll score a lot of points because of the high school defense Nebraska puts on the field, but they'll give up more. Martinez probably won't play, but that won't matter.
I think Nebraska will win. They had two weeks to prepare. At home, Martinez or Armstrong they collect a W.

You would think the bye week would help them. Kind of interesting though, if you look at the results since 2003 for the week after a bye the results are ...

51 teams (including Nebraska) have winning records the next week
5 teams (including Iowa) are .500 the next week
68 team have losing records the next week

Below is a link to an interesting site with crazy stats like this ... check out Michigan State, they are 5-11 after a bye (and they had a bye last week).

College Football Team Win Trends - After A Bye

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