Will Chiefs pursue Ferentz?

If there was ever a time and place for a high chance at success in the NFL it would be now for Ferentz. And the team is Kansas City Chiefs. They have a lot of young talent on both sides of the ball, and they play in a division where the two of of other so-call Franchise quarterbacks are probably in the last third of their productive careers (Palmer and Rivers). Kansas City media would be more Ferentz' pace too. Probably one of the easiest media in all NFL cities.

The only real long-term scare in that division is the Denver Broncos. If Ferentz brings his same bend but don't break defensive philosophies into the NFL I think they match up will with Denver's run, Tebow run, long ball type offense.

This combined with the Legends division heading for some extreme competitiveness might be enough.

This is a good post, Brian. Kurt could get back with Pioli, which seems like a good fit for him. Kurt would have decent young talent and a decent team next year (assuming injured guys are back and a decent draft/free agency period) in a mediocre division. Economically, he could be put in close to or even a better position by the Chiefs with a 5 or 6 year deal and if he failed, he would likely be able to walk into some top tier SEC program after maybe taking a year off, which would bring even more cheddar. I've handily dismissed every other possibility of him leaving for the League because usually the teams that fire their coaches absolutely suck and have no hope for the future, but this opportunity seems too good to pass up if it materializes. I hope the proper persons convene ASAP to (a) authorize a raise and (b) start prepping a search committee if he leaves. I think he's seen enough of Iowa fans and if he goes, I am blaming Rod Howe and his questioning re DJK.

they play in a division where the two of of other so-call Franchise quarterbacks are probably in the last third of their productive careers (Palmer and Rivers).

Palmer is a franchise-killing QB. Think it is questionable that Rivers is in the last third of this career. Surprised you didn't put TT in the list of franchise QBs.

But you are right about the prospects of that conference being down for awhile. The Raiders killed themselves with the Palmer disaster. Norv might win enough games to stick around until the SD roster needs a total redo, and TT just stuck Denver with the inability to draft a real QB.

KC is really in the right situation. They can keep Orton as a fill-in while they draft a franchise guy to develop.
To add to my previous post, we've all watched Ferentz for years. He could have had ideas to go to the League a long time ago, but one thing we definitely know is he is a very calculated guy. We have seen him wait until there are 5 seconds or fewer left in the game to tell Stanzi or Tate to throw a TD pass and given his nature, we shouldn't be surprised if he waited this long for just the right NFL opportunity to present itself.
I guess Ferentz saying last week that he will be at Iowa for as long as the University will have him was just a line he spouted off and meant nothing.

Pretty much. Ferentz PROBABLY WILL be our coach next year, and he probably IS happy as Iowa's coach. He may very well retire as our coach, and that might suit KF just fine. So not like it's a total line of BS.. But that's not an iron-clad guarantee that he would never consider any other opportunity.

What do you expect him to say to the media? "Yes, I would consider the Chiefs job if I was offered?" Coaches just DON'T do that. Period. KF isn't going to do it, either. Coaches always say "they aren't going anywhere" until a bigger & better opportunity comes along.
Pretty much. Ferentz PROBABLY WILL be our coach next year, and he probably IS happy as Iowa's coach. He may very well retire as our coach, and that might suit KF just fine. So not like it's a total line of BS.. But that's not an iron-clad guarantee that he would never consider any other opportunity.

What do you expect him to say to the media? "Yes, I would consider the Chiefs job if I was offered?" Coaches just DON'T do that. Period. KF isn't going to do it, either. Coaches always say "they aren't going anywhere" until a bigger & better opportunity comes along.

He could have dismissed the question without giving an answer much like he did with the Mike Stoops' questions.
I have a hard time seeing why the Chiefs would want him. I'd imagine that if Kirk wants to coach the NFL this would be the best time for him to do it. It seems he loves the state of Iowa and coaching here though.
I think Pioli will definitely try to talk to KF about the job,at the least.
Pioli is seeking some stability and consistency at that position after the flighty Haley,and KF is all about stability and consistency.

I am hoping that Mary Ferentz will want to stick around Iowa City ,and not want KF to be exposed to the scrutiny of an NFL job. But I really think this is the most serious threat to Iowa retaining KF since he arrived. All the ducks line up at KC,including a built-in veteran defensive coordinator who came from Belicheks stable,Crennel. KF could come in,have a solid defense in place,and Crennel has also been a head coach who could offer advice as well.
About the only things Iowa has to offer KF at this point is coaching James,and maybe Steven, and appeal to his loyalty. I hope he passes on KC,but I am very nervous about this situation.
To be totally honest I it would be a good time for Ferentz to take one last adventure and be a head fb coach in the NFL. This would be a good time for him to leave so our changes can finally happen.
What do you expect him to say to the media?

In the past, he never made claims he was going to be at Iowa in the future. He always skirted the questions.

Last week, he explicitly stated he would be the Iowa coach next year.

You can believe what you want to believe.
To be totally honest I it would be a good time for Ferentz to take one last adventure and be a head fb coach in the NFL. This would be a good time for him to leave so our changes can finally happen.

Totally agree here. KF had a few great years at Iowa, but he has shown as much enthusiasm for the job lately as a case of the clap. Maybe he needs a new challenge. I know Iowa could use some of its money back and a head coach that actually has the drive to win big again.
In the past, he never made claims he was going to be at Iowa in the future. He always skirted the questions.

Last week, he explicitly stated he would be the Iowa coach next year.

You can believe what you want to believe.

I'm not sure what to believe, but I'm sure the statement you referred to was also made before the KC job became available.

Urban Meyer also denied the OSU rumors and was soon introduced as their next coach. What coaches say or don't say just typically doesn't mean a lot once they are offered a job.

That's not a prediction that KF is going to KC. If you want my honest gut feeling, I feel Ferentz will still be Iowa's coach next year. But it's got nothing to do with the fact that KF has said he'll be our coach next year or that he'll be our coach as long as we'll have him. I'm not saying KF is a liar.. It's just that coaches always say these types of things when asked about other coaching jobs.

If I think he'll be our coach next year, it's because I think he's happy with his situation, and also because his son is playing for him.
I'm not sure what to believe, but I'm sure the statement you referred to was also made before the KC job became available.

Urban Meyer also denied the OSU rumors and was soon introduced as their next coach. What coaches say or don't say just typically doesn't mean a lot once they are offered a job.

That's not a prediction that KF is going to KC. If you want my honest gut feeling, I feel Ferentz will still be Iowa's coach next year. But it's got nothing to do with the fact that KF has said he'll be our coach next year or that he'll be our coach as long as we'll have him. I'm not saying KF is a liar.. It's just that coaches always say these types of things when asked about other coaching jobs.

If I think he'll be our coach next year, it's because I think he's happy with his situation, and also because his son is playing for him.

But see, James could bolt for the NFL early, and the Chiefs could draft him....It's all been worked out.
I'm a Chiefs fan. I was pretty cold on the early(this year) and past Ferentz talk. Did not actually think they would fire Haley. Think it should have been Pioli gone personally. Anyway, I'm now of the opinion that I really don't think Pioli would have just fired Haley without some idea of what they will do next. Other than that, it all comes down to "who the hell else would they hire?" Not exactly a lot of sexy coaching prospects lying around, and the usual suspects everyone points to (Gruden, Cowher, etc.) don't seem to be interested.

If you don't think the Chiefs will go after Ferentz, then who will they go after?
If I'm KF, do I give up my chewing gum, $3.9 million a year, and management and fans who are thrilled with my 7-5 records to go to the NFL???
Look, Ferentz isn't going anywhere. The NFL too flashy for him. I mean c'mon, he benched DJK for wearing a snapback and sunglasses to a team meeting! He strikes me as a guy that doesn't feel the need to show how big his **** is by taking an NFL coaching job. If I know him like I think I do, (which is not at all) I would assume that he'd want us to focus our attention on Norm and reflect on his greatness as a coach.
So, I guess his son can't play without him being the coach? This seems strange. And last time I checked, NFL teams play on Sunday, meaning it probably wouldn't take the planets realigning for him to return for his son's senior day. Besides, it's not like KC is Miami or San Diego, distance wise.

And as far as him saying he would be at Iowa forever, well, yes, that very well could have been him just spouting off.

Look, I am not saying he would GO. The question is whether the Chiefs would contact him. We all know that coaches can change their minds if the right opportunity presents itself. And he probably won't be on anyone's NFL radar as much as Pioli's in KC...so it is not an inane thought to think that KC might call and Ferentz might listen.
It has nothing to do with being his coach, and everything to do with being his Dad.
I still think the one year of coaching James is just downright ridiculous. If he really wanted the job that wouldn't stop him. Some of you are just silly.

Now, whether he would want the job is a different story.

I will tell you one thing, if Pioli hires Josh "kill an offense" McDaniels, he will be looking for a new job within a couple of years.
9 more years (virtually guaranteed) at $4 million a year vs. 5 years (with no guarantee except that it probably won't last 5 years) at $5 - $6 million a year.

The answer is in the numbers.

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