Will Carver be packed Thursday?


I know it's a 8pm start but with Wisconsin coming to town, it being a ESPN2 game, and Iowa's recent win over Indiana, I'm wondering if the game will be close to a sellout.

I'll be there and am hoping for a energetic atmopshere. I think it's a GroupOn event too so you can get two tickets for $20.
I have heard a lot of people that normally don't go to games, are going on Thursday. The groupon deal has been a plus for a lot of different people for Thursday's game.
I know it's a 8pm start but with Wisconsin coming to town, it being a ESPN2 game, and Iowa's recent win over Indiana, I'm wondering if the game will be close to a sellout.

I'll be there and am hoping for a energetic atmopshere. I think it's a GroupOn event too so you can get two tickets for $20.

A chance to sweep Wis. I don't want to miss that.
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Hopefully the students will show up in full force with free ticket offer. The university can't do much more to get the students there ...
Free ice cream vouchers? The lines for ice cream are long enough as it is without adding to them!! :)

But I do like what they are doing here. They recognize that we have some momentum going and are doing everything in their power to get the place packed. On very rare occasions, it can appear that the UofI marketing dept knows what it's doing. Ah hell, who am I kidding.....no they don't!!

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