Wil see you in Pasadena

Who cares. As a Buckeye, if it's not the CFP, these bowls don't matter. I don't expect to see OSU and ND in the same bowl. They both draw huge, separate them to get the benefits in two different bowl games than all in 1. I think they are going to try and stick us with Houston to have a Meyer v. Herman match up.
Indy lost 80% of its alcohol and hotel rooms last night to Iowa fans. I think the Rose will take notice.

Hawks have 4 wins against bowl eligible teams. The losses for both teams are mutual. OSU has 6 wins against bowl eligible teams. Sagrain has OSU at 3 and Iowa at 14. I know Iowa travels but OSU does just as well, especially in Cali. It's a coin toss.
Hawks have 4 wins against bowl eligible teams. The losses for both teams are mutual. OSU has 6 wins against bowl eligible teams. Sagrain has OSU at 3 and Iowa at 14. I know Iowa travels but OSU does just as well, especially in Cali. It's a coin toss.

Coin toss that has both sides with a Tigerhawk on it. Yall know you are 3rd best in the conf. Facts jack.
Coin toss that has both sides with a Tigerhawk on it. Yall know you are 3rd best in the conf. Facts jack.

Lol. Ok. I heard all of the Iowa fans talking after last week about not wanting to play tOSU. To bad they can't put us in the same bowl and let us figure it out.
Pasedena, Atlanta, Pheonix...who cares. They're just stupid exhibition games.

Season's over, ending in an epic Phil Parker Bend And Then Break Fail Special years in the making.

Its over.

Enjoy playing Houston in Atlanta. What compelling entertainment that shall be. If you don't think the fix is in to screw Iowa, you just don't understand the real world.
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Pasedena, Atlanta, Pheonix...who cares. They're just stupid exhibition games.

Season's over, ending in an epic Phil Parker Bend And Then Break Fail Special years in the making.

Its over.

Enjoy playing Houston in Atlanta. What compelling entertainment that shall be. If you don't think the fix is in to screw Iowa, you just don't understand the real world.

If it comes to Iowa vs Houston it will be snooze fest. I wouldn't watch it and it would draw record low ratings.
Pasedena, Atlanta, Pheonix...who cares. They're just stupid exhibition games.

Season's over, ending in an epic Phil Parker Bend And Then Break Fail Special years in the making.

Its over.

Enjoy playing Houston in Atlanta. What compelling entertainment that shall be. If you don't think the fix is in to screw Iowa, you just don't understand the real world.

Do you hate bowl games?
I'm not sure, I don't think you've been clear enough about that over the past week.
So I guess I'm one of the few glad to be going to the Rose or Fiesta. still great bowls, nothings changed from the BCS era except that the winners of two of the NY6 go on to play each other.

I have already booked my stuff to Pasadena.
Pasedena, Atlanta, Pheonix...who cares. They're just stupid exhibition games.

Season's over, ending in an epic Phil Parker Bend And Then Break Fail Special years in the making.

Its over.

Enjoy playing Houston in Atlanta. What compelling entertainment that shall be. If you don't think the fix is in to screw Iowa, you just don't understand the real world.

How is that different than any other bowl game Iowa has been to over the last 50 years? It sucks we lost, but the bowl games have always been exhibition games, including the 3 Rose Bowls Hayden took us to.
How is that different than any other bowl game Iowa has been to over the last 50 years? It sucks we lost, but the bowl games have always been exhibition games, including the 3 Rose Bowls Hayden took us to.

That was pre-playoff.

Also, we will be playing Houston in Atlanta. Insult added to injury. No way Rose passes on Almighty Ohio State.
That was pre-playoff.

Also, we will be playing Houston in Atlanta. Insult added to injury. No way Rose passes on Almighty Ohio State.

The "playoffs" only expanded by 2 teams. In the BCS era you could argue the exact same thing, that no bowl game outside the title game matter one bit.

Or even Pre BCS if only a national title mattered, only 2 games ever really mattered then. The Rose Bowl is just an exhibition, just like every time Hayden played in it.
Pasedena, Atlanta, Pheonix...who cares. They're just stupid exhibition games.

Season's over, ending in an epic Phil Parker Bend And Then Break Fail Special years in the making.

Its over.

Enjoy playing Houston in Atlanta. What compelling entertainment that shall be. If you don't think the fix is in to screw Iowa, you just don't understand the real world.

I disagree with you on bowl games...however I too feel that Iowa is going to get the short end of the stick...I can already see the OSU Rose Bowl pick coming.

Hope I am wrong because I would LOVE to go to Pasadena.
So I guess I'm one of the few glad to be going to the Rose or Fiesta. still great bowls, nothings changed from the BCS era except that the winners of two of the NY6 go on to play each other.

I have already booked my stuff to Pasadena.

So you are going to go see Stanford play Ohio State? What on earth for?
Feeling more and more confident that Iowa will be in the Rose. There just ins't a rational way to put OSU in front of Iowa when they lost to the same team, and Iowa has the better wins, and 1 extra win.

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