Wichita St vs Louiville

Thought it was pretty sketchy to call that jump with 8 seconds to go. Fairly quick call and could've been a foul. Personally didn't care who would win, if anything wanted Louisville to win b/c of Ware.
Gottlieb just said , refs called the game the same way for 3/4 of the game , and then they changed.... and Louisville won. Hmmmm? Had Louisville in the final, but sick of the big boys getting the 50/50 calls.
Gottlieb just said , refs called the game the same way for 3/4 of the game , and then they changed.... and Louisville won. Hmmmm? Had Louisville in the final, but sick of the big boys getting the 50/50 calls.

Drives me crazy! Refs decide the game rather than the players. That jump ball call was ridiculous.

This is why I enjoy watching football more.
even more annoying is Wichita St all of the sudden becoming a turnover machine.

they had the game, then lost it. but that was a very questionable jump ball call.
Something has to be done about the physical play. Louisville got away with hand checks and reach ins all night long. Instead of five fouls maybe it needs to be three. If you hit three you have to sit for 15 minutes minimum before you can earn the last two fouls.
Something has to be done about the physical play. Louisville got away with hand checks and reach ins all night long. Instead of five fouls maybe it needs to be three. If you hit three you have to sit for 15 minutes minimum before you can earn the last two fouls.
Yep... noticed that as well. Also, bumps and over the backs.
Drives me crazy! Refs decide the game rather than the players. That jump ball call was ridiculous.

This is why I enjoy watching football more.

Really? Officials have just as big an impact on football. Or have we forgotten Intouchercepdown already?

I enjoy watching football more than basketball, but the quality of officiating ain't why.
Something has to be done about the physical play. Louisville got away with hand checks and reach ins all night long. Instead of five fouls maybe it needs to be three. If you hit three you have to sit for 15 minutes minimum before you can earn the last two fouls.
Which BIG team does it remind you of ? Mich St and they never get called for it.
Which BIG team does it remind you of ? Mich St and they never get called for it.

I don't complain about refs much but I do think the calls exceedingly started to favor Louisville the last 8 minutes or so..and the tie up ball was very questionable. Better team probably won but I would have liked to see the upset and feel for WS.
Gottlieb just said , refs called the game the same way for 3/4 of the game , and then they changed.... and Louisville won. Hmmmm? Had Louisville in the final, but sick of the big boys getting the 50/50 calls.

Yup, whoever the more name team is getts the calls.

Msu got all the calls when they played Iowa then didn't get away with any of the same hand chekcing when they played Duke.
Bummed that the Shockers lost. I had them winning it all. They've got a home-town guy on the coaching staff too.
Something has to be done about the physical play. Louisville got away with hand checks and reach ins all night long. Instead of five fouls maybe it needs to be three. If you hit three you have to sit for 15 minutes minimum before you can earn the last two fouls.

This will determine the game tonight as well. The first half of the WSU/UL game was UL: hand check, hand check, grab, hand check....WSU: touch, foul, touch, foul

WSU is a physical ball club that got handcuffed by the refs until the second half, but then when it mattered most, UL down by 12 the 1st half rules came into play, but WSU still trickled that game down their leg, missing FT's and the quick jump ball was dreadful, but not the reason they lost.

I have no problems with physical play, but when it is a more than obvious foul, it has to be called, not commended as good defense. Let both teams play physical and not one.

The problem with refs that don't see teams play that much during the regular season is they tend to call the game for each team's reputation and not to the rulebook. There are numerous games in this tournament alone that have defined that, but it happens every year...the worst one this year Indiana/Syracuse.

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