Why this really is about coaching


Well-Known Member
There are coaches players develop beyond their expected abilities and surprise the world. Have we seen any?
There are coaches that their coaching style is so good that players want to be on their team no matter the size of the school or location. University of Iowa is an excellent school with a great campus and great fan support network. Why do we not recruit better? I believe it is players are not breaking down walls to be coached by Fran. I don not think he is that bad of a game coach or able to put together great plays. I think where he is lacking is bringing his players to the next level. Putting recruiting aside as well as athletic talent, this team does not execute basic basketball skills irrelevant of natural talent. Ball handling skills, basic not telegraphing your passes etc is severely lacking on this team. how do you think this team would have done tonight if Izzo or jay Wright was coaching this team for the last year? I can understand loosing to a basketball team because a team is physically more talented than you which was part of the story against Depaul. In addition, Depaul could not miss. The more disturbing aspect of the loss, is the poor execution of both defense and offense. If I had watched the game tonight and Depaul shot the lights out (like they did) and Iowa executed their offense but could not hit a shot, I would not be upset. That happens in Basketball. What angered me is it did not seem the team is prepared with basic mechanics to be playing competitive basketball ie, setting satisfactory screens, basketball handling, side to side motion, good rebounding position etc.
I assure you if Phil Jackson was coaching this same team we would be seeing a different results even with the same players.
There are coaches players develop beyond their expected abilities and surprise the world. Have we seen any?
There are coaches that their coaching style is so good that players want to be on their team no matter the size of the school or location. University of Iowa is an excellent school with a great campus and great fan support network. Why do we not recruit better? I believe it is players are not breaking down walls to be coached by Fran. I don not think he is that bad of a game coach or able to put together great plays. I think where he is lacking is bringing his players to the next level. Putting recruiting aside as well as athletic talent, this team does not execute basic basketball skills irrelevant of natural talent. Ball handling skills, basic not telegraphing your passes etc is severely lacking on this team. how do you think this team would have done tonight if Izzo or jay Wright was coaching this team for the last year? I can understand loosing to a basketball team because a team is physically more talented than you which was part of the story against Depaul. In addition, Depaul could not miss. The more disturbing aspect of the loss, is the poor execution of both defense and offense. If I had watched the game tonight and Depaul shot the lights out (like they did) and Iowa executed their offense but could not hit a shot, I would not be upset. That happens in Basketball. What angered me is it did not seem the team is prepared with basic mechanics to be playing competitive basketball ie, setting satisfactory screens, basketball handling, side to side motion, good rebounding position etc.
I assure you if Phil Jackson was coaching this same team we would be seeing a different results even with the same players.
They should be working on a lot of things. On the floor. Like right now.
Iowa does have a lot of either slow players or a coaching style that makes them look slow with the exception of Toussaint. Next years recruiting class looks about the more of the same, but I haven't seen them play yet.
Everything that we are upset about with our beloved Iowa sports programs ultimately leads back to the top and by that I mean the top person in the Iowa Athletic Dept, which is Gary F-ingBarta.
His incompetence is legendary, yet he's protected by the elite academics that sweep any and all of his misdeeds under the rug while protecting their own better than any top Mafia enforcer ever did.
1. Barta has failed his University with his poor decision making that has literally cost the University million$.
2. He has failed the Iowa fan base by ensuring that Iowa will be stuck with ho-hum mediocrity by awarding ridiculous contract extensions and absurd buyouts amounts to both the KF-family and Fran.
3. He has personally ensured that any potential decision-making by him will be blocked and dictated solely by the insanely excessive financial terms in the VERY SAME CONTRACTS THAT HE CREATED AND APPROVED.

We've all been sold out...everyone knows it...and nothing will be done about it.
Like I've said many times, it sure ain't easy being a Hawkeye fan.
Recruiting is a big problem.

That 2015 class has nobody left at Iowa still. What a nightmare class. ALL SIX kids didn't stick with the program and they all would be seniors now. Jones had injuries and that happens, but none of them stuck with the program. Fleming and Hutton were massive misses. Wagner plays football for Kentucky now, Williams left over playing time, but Moss leaving hurts the most. To be fair Moss is clearly the best one of the bunch but he was up and down.

2016 has Bohannon and Kriener for kids contributing. Pemsl looked promising but has had setbacks, and Dailey and Cook are gone. Cook was the gem of the bunch and should have stayed to work on his jumper but it is what it is.

2017 is so-so. Nunge isn't getting better, Garza is really good with a chance to be great, and Connor is pretty much a role player who doesn't have a high ceiling.

2018 looks to be a good class even though it's 2 kids. Fredrick has looked the part and we all know Wieskamp is going to be awesome.

2020 is very underwhelming on paper.

WAY too much attrition and lack of development.
It was ugly and exposed a lot of issues with this team. But I'd rather have that than to boat race a bunch of SIUE's and think everything is good. DePaul is pretty damned solid team. I hate to agree with Steve Lavin on anything, but I too think we'll see them make the dance.

This game was sickening to watch, but I'm not having a meltdown over it. If we come out the next couple games the same way... well, let meltdown begin.
I'm convinced that Fran simply can't coach defense. We hear about how the defense is improved, yada yada yada. So what happens? We play a team with a pulse and give up over 60% shooting, and 55% behind the arc.

I don't know - but I suppose our defense looked improved to Fran, but in practice, Iowa is guarding Iowa, not DePaul, or Michigan State, or whoever. So no wonder.

I've lost all faith. Can't win consistently without defense, especially in the Big Ten. Trying to outscore everyone isn't going to work.

Maybe Iowa does need to get "more athletic" (I'll put it that way so I don't get labeled a racist, lol). May not improve the amount of talent, but maybe at least more athleticism would help on the defensive end if nothing else.
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It's ALWAYS been about coaching deficits ... from the the never-ending, scripted platoon rotations to the discombobulated lineups to the myopic understanding of his players' abilities to the complete mismatch of strategy to players' athleticism and skill sets to the ineptitude on defense to the lack of disciplined fundamentals.

You have a team with minimal athleticism, little foot speed, great size, decent shooting ability and terrible IQ when it comes to playing position, spacing, court awareness and anticipation. It's been the same for years, which is why, for years, I've said the whole system needs to be simplified and focused to create an identity.

Offense runs inside-out to maximize size and shooting, minimize ball-handling deficits.
- QUICK perimeter passing - entries - kicks with the intent to get the defense moving out of position.
- Forget dribble/drive. There hasn't been a guard that can athletically execute it, let alone finish it, in years.
- Play your position. A big should NEVER have the ball 25 feet from the basket.
- For the love of God, set and hold a pick, then roll TOWARD the basket.

Defense is exclusive ZONE to minimize lack of athleticism, maximize size, protect the basket and play percentages.
- Again, PLAY YOUR POSITION and maintain spacing. Stop the f-ing hedges by the bigs. Stop the discombobulated over-helping.
- Teach rebounding basics: Trajectory, Anticipation, Positioning; Intensity, Pride and Effort.
- EVERYBODY rebounds and EVERYBODY bodies-up when a shot flies.
- The goal is to create possessions and make the opponent defend - over and over and over.

You don't have to play fast - especially when you're not athletically capable of doing it. You have to play smart and fundamentally disciplined - especially when you're not athletically capable.

It starts with knowing who you are and what you can / not do - perfect the former / mask the latter. That's 100% coaching. In the FrannyMac regime's case - coaching shortfall.
You can't win at basketball with slow players (white, black, brown or purple). Unfortunately with Iowa's team the white stereotype is playing out just like you would think it might. I mean our best player can't create his own shot, and he has nobody on the team that can break down the D and get him open either. Joe could, but he is young yet, and looks out of control too much, so I get why Fran can't really lean on him yet.

I think Fran wants to have players on the team that are more athletic because he does recruit them. He just can't get any of them to come to Iowa City.
These players physically are who they are. None of them are athletic enough to create their own shot. Perimeter guys are stationary set shooters, and the posts are basically put back rebound type scorers. None of that will change this year.

However, the surprising thing to me watching this game in Carver, was the lack of effort and poor body language. 2-3 times a rebounder had the ball knocked out of their hands while waiting to throw it to a guard. What happened to the days of teaching rebounding with your elbows out so the defenders wouldn't come after it? Sloppy passing leading to turnovers, then no one hustling back to stop DePaul's fast break. And in all these cases I'm describing your experienced players who should be leaders, so without a true leader (coach or player) who can motivate better effort, this will be a long year.
I remember when the Hawks were on the floor there was always make a belief that a win was possible. This isn't the case any longer as the coaching is vanilla, the kids are average at best, and the inherent culture of the program obviously has been neglected. I watched in embarrassment last night trying to understand why a Big Ten school with a history of achieving can no longer play with mid-major programs, why a tough defense appears to be something that is lost in translation, why no one is a scoring threat, and why there isn't any hustle or pride on the floor. This is coaching, which by the way, seems to have stopped after the eight minute mark of the first half. We are the Hawkeyes, not a third tier, second rate program, for which we are headed. Why can't we get a coach that has a fire to win, a desire to recruit enforcers and play makers, and someone who can take the glory of Iowa Basketball and translate that into action?
There are coaches players develop beyond their expected abilities and surprise the world. Have we seen any?
There are coaches that their coaching style is so good that players want to be on their team no matter the size of the school or location. University of Iowa is an excellent school with a great campus and great fan support network. Why do we not recruit better? I believe it is players are not breaking down walls to be coached by Fran. I don not think he is that bad of a game coach or able to put together great plays. I think where he is lacking is bringing his players to the next level. Putting recruiting aside as well as athletic talent, this team does not execute basic basketball skills irrelevant of natural talent. Ball handling skills, basic not telegraphing your passes etc is severely lacking on this team. how do you think this team would have done tonight if Izzo or jay Wright was coaching this team for the last year? I can understand loosing to a basketball team because a team is physically more talented than you which was part of the story against Depaul. In addition, Depaul could not miss. The more disturbing aspect of the loss, is the poor execution of both defense and offense. If I had watched the game tonight and Depaul shot the lights out (like they did) and Iowa executed their offense but could not hit a shot, I would not be upset. That happens in Basketball. What angered me is it did not seem the team is prepared with basic mechanics to be playing competitive basketball ie, setting satisfactory screens, basketball handling, side to side motion, good rebounding position etc.
I assure you if Phil Jackson was coaching this same team we would be seeing a different results even with the same players.

"But I just felt I had a better chance at success at Iowa State." XF
That should stick in the University President's craw, the Athletic Director's craw, and the Head Mens Basketball Coach's craw, just like it does in all of ours...and the kid's not wrong.
I am so glad that I forgot about the game last night. I guess that about sums it up for my enthusiasm for either head coach and ESPECIALLY the AD.

We should all be wearing tea shirts that say. “We got our AD from Wyoming” on the back of the shirt and on the front it should say “Don’t blame me!”
Seeing Fran's red, perplexed face being panned at by the camera, time and time again, followed by his hands on his head says it all.

It is both coaching and recruiting. The recruiting has been atrocious and the guy and his staff don't teach fundamentals and team schemes very well (both on offense and defense to be honest...in the full court, half court, etc).

I think he has done all he can here and the ship has sailed. We can only hope he and his family get tired of Iowa City and give up the money for another program that is interested in him. Because he is not going anywhere short of legal problems.
Most of us dispise Gary Barta. The major problem lies above him and his pay grade. If Gary was to be let go, that would not necessarily mean Fran or Kirk for that matter would be gone any time soon. If Gary stays, I think Brian is our next FB coach. Who the heck knows who the next BB coach will be. Connor Mac??????
I will say this until I'm blue in the face.

Look at who is on the coaching staff and how long they've been here. There's no demand for them to move up, they leave and come back, and they accomplish nothing. They're the same guys who have been here for a decade, minus Andrew Francis. There's a reason for that. I'm sure they're great guys and snappy dressers, but the staff as a whole does not coach at an elite level, and there's no accountability inside or outside the program for it.
It's ALWAYS been about coaching deficits ... from the the never-ending, scripted platoon rotations to the discombobulated lineups to the myopic understanding of his players' abilities to the complete mismatch of strategy to players' athleticism and skill sets to the ineptitude on defense to the lack of disciplined fundamentals.

You have a team with minimal athleticism, little foot speed, great size, decent shooting ability and terrible IQ when it comes to playing position, spacing, court awareness and anticipation. It's been the same for years, which is why, for years, I've said the whole system needs to be simplified and focused to create an identity.

Offense runs inside-out to maximize size and shooting, minimize ball-handling deficits.
- QUICK perimeter passing - entries - kicks with the intent to get the defense moving out of position.
- Forget dribble/drive. There hasn't been a guard that can athletically execute it, let alone finish it, in years.
- Play your position. A big should NEVER have the ball 25 feet from the basket.
- For the love of God, set and hold a pick, then roll TOWARD the basket.

Defense is exclusive ZONE to minimize lack of athleticism, maximize size, protect the basket and play percentages.
- Again, PLAY YOUR POSITION and maintain spacing. Stop the f-ing hedges by the bigs. Stop the discombobulated over-helping.
- Teach rebounding basics: Trajectory, Anticipation, Positioning; Intensity, Pride and Effort.
- EVERYBODY rebounds and EVERYBODY bodies-up when a shot flies.
- The goal is to create possessions and make the opponent defend - over and over and over.

You don't have to play fast - especially when you're not athletically capable of doing it. You have to play smart and fundamentally disciplined - especially when you're not athletically capable.

It starts with knowing who you are and what you can / not do - perfect the former / mask the latter. That's 100% coaching. In the FrannyMac regime's case - coaching shortfall.

Our guards were so afraid of being driven by on defense-due to slower foot speed-that they sag back and allow the Depaul guys to shoot open threes. They were hitting them and that's just the way it was.
Coach K couldn’t coach up good defense with these slow kids . There isn’t much you can do when you don’t have the athleticism. College basketball starts with recruiting.

I tell you, I used to stick up for the talent, but after last night I gotta agree. I thought about the past few years and why Iowa is so bad on defense. They are really in a dilemma. They have an entire team of players without quickness or a first step in quickness. This is a dilemma because they have difficulty covering the outside shot which they continually get drained on, then if they do tighten up on guys, they get beat off the drive. Then they are left going back taking their chance with the long shot.

What is really bad is that it is most the team with the quickness problem so a team is really at a disadvantage. Fran can only hope his sharpshooters can keep it close or pull a win out.
I tell you, I used to stick up for the talent, but after last night I gotta agree. I thought about the past few years and why Iowa is so bad on defense. They are really in a dilemma. They have an entire team of players without quickness or a first step in quickness. This is a dilemma because they have difficulty covering the outside shot which they continually get drained on, then if they do tighten up on guys, they get beat off the drive. Then they are left going back taking their chance with the long shot.

What is really bad is that it is most the team with the quickness problem so a team is really at a disadvantage. Fran can only hope his sharpshooters can keep it close or pull a win out.
Another thing with this team to look at is rebounding . After two games we are one of the worst rebounding teams in the country . That stat will slightly improve when the opposing teams don’t shoot lights out like DePaul did but since Garza has arrived we are a terrible rebounding team . Garza gives up a lot of offensive and defensive rebounds in his area to opposing players because of his lack of vertical

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