Why this (DJK) is different

I can't believe people are blaming coaches/teammates for DJK's problems. This is the problem in our society, lack of accountability. DJK is a 22-23 year old man. He knew what he was doing, did it anyway, embarrassed the program and his teammates, and now HE should have to pay the price- his fault, period! Thankfully he admitted to his role and use of drugs. Probably were warning signs, but you can't help those that don't want help. My son wanted a DJK jersey for Christmas, glad we didn't do that. IMO, DJK should not be in the Iowa record book for anything. This didn't just start- obviously been going on- this year's stats should be eliminated- keep the records with the true Hawks!
Only DJK is responsible for DJK, through apathy, non-concern, or actively involving himself and allowing it to continue, he is responsible for what occurred where he lived. He had some choices, turn the guy in (anonymously?), leave the situating by moving (get help from the football staff and teammates), or both.

I don't care why he did it or if he did it, he had to know what was going on and CHOSE not to deal with it.

This speaks volumes to me about DJK's character, lack of ethical behavior and moral compass.

As a dad who has raised two boys, one in the Air Force and on the verge of graduating high school I would tell them the same thing.

Reminds me of a little quote:

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know.
And you are the one who'll decide where you'll go.
Oh the places you'll go."
Dr Seuss

I guess DJK never read Dr Seuss, what a shame.
LE - the players are only guilty of evidently not caring. I feel like DJK either was totally 100% isolated, or the players simply didn't care. Either one is a big problem for the program, but not for any players individually.

They all knew who he was living with.

But agree completely on Ejesai. He needs to go.

I wouldn't try to shift the blame on anyone else, DJK is not a victim...he's a big boy and knew it was wrong. He is atfault for his own situation. No one held a gun to his head.
To me it reflects this because it is the second time he has clearly lost a team, and not just from his perspective, but a team not acting as a cohesive unit.

There is a lack of a "us against the world" mentality with this team that keeps them together.

OK, but I guess it depends on when you think he lost the team. I don't see it before the Minnesota game. I could be wrong, perhaps they were out of there after Wisconsin, but then, how do you explain the Michigan State game? Then, while they sucked the first half against Northwestern, they played a great third quarter, only to **** it away in the 4th. At OSU, I didn't see a lack of effort. They clearly were mailing it in at Minnesota (with, ironically, one of the few exceptions being DJK), but if they can turn it around for the bowl game, then I'll chalk that up to them being mentally out of it since their season goals were long gone. Not justified or excusable, even for 1 game, but at least an explanation.

Nevertheless, what do you do with a guy like DJK? He clearly caused KF heartburn over the years, but his talent was clear. Do you boot him off the team simply because he could be a "cancer in the clubhouse"? Or, do you discipline him, as it's evident KF did over his career, and hope he gets it?
I've got a few things to say about DJK:
(1) DJK was not a team leader of the football players. DJK didn't act like he wanted to be a team leader. I wonder if this was a reason why the lockeroom was reportedly divided? Of course, the ultimate team leader will always be Ferentz.

(2) People continually say DJK is the best receiver Iowa's ever had.
What is true is DJK received more yards than any other Iowa receiver.
Off the top of my head, I can name receivers with better ability to get open, better ability to adjust pass patterns to open areas of the field, more desire, better hands, and, at least, as much speed: Hinkle, the one year wonder Douglas-Dougie Fresh, and either wide receiver in 2002. IMO DJK has skills equal to Solomon.

Because of his average NFL wide receiver speed, if DJK has a career in the NFL, it will be as a slot receiver. His attitude will have to change. He can't afford a Randy Moss attitude because he doesn't have Randy Moss skills.

Finally, let's recruit some playmakers at wide receiver.
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I've got a few things to say about DJK:

(2) People continually say DJK is the best receiver Iowa's ever had.
What is true is DJK received more yards than any other Iowa receiver.

Finally, let's recruit some playmakers at wide receiver.

You know, I was having a similar thought earlier today. I remember the one handed catch in the endzone early on and he made some nice over the shoulder grabs, and some nice kickoff returns, but I couldn't really pin down any amazing plays you would expect to consider him a great receiver. By this I mean he isn't the kind of guy you can just throw it up and know he would come down with it.

There have been a lot of those guys in the Big Ten that ended up playing on Sundays, I don't see him as one of those guys.
What a tough season for Hawkeye football and if we lose it will be a long,long winter for sure till next season..
You know, I was having a similar thought earlier today. I remember the one handed catch in the endzone early on and he made some nice over the shoulder grabs, and some nice kickoff returns, but I couldn't really pin down any amazing plays you would expect to consider him a great receiver. By this I mean he isn't the kind of guy you can just throw it up and know he would come down with it.

There have been a lot of those guys in the Big Ten that ended up playing on Sundays, I don't see him as one of those guys.

He's not going to be a big play deep threat type of receiver. He's going to be a slot, possesion receiver. Scouts really like how he runs his routes and how he finds the open space in zone coverage.
He's not going to be a big play deep threat type of receiver. He's going to be a slot, possesion receiver. Scouts really like how he runs his routes and how he finds the open space in zone coverage.

His route running is definitely his strongest asset. He's more quick than fast, has good hands (when he chooses to use them rather than catching with his body), and he does at least flash great concentration (see: Wisky 07 one hander, Michigan 08 deep ball, Ball State TD).
Where was Chigozi Ejesai (sp?) in all of this? Isn't this his JOB? I'm sorry but this is an epic fail in his job and he needs to be fired.

The PRIMARY component of Chigozi's job description concerns helping the young new guys to get acclimated to the team and university life. Only after that is he responsible for dealing with the older guys.

Given that most of the underage alcohol problems recently has concerned guys who were locals, I'd say that Chigozi has been doing his job. Thus, this definitely is no fail on his part.
I get that it might be difficult to catch wind of such activities, but that is the freaking job you signed up for. He is a police force of 1 patrolling 90ish. Ask any police force in the country if they wouldn't like that ratio. How could he not see a red flag when the guy with the biggest spotlight on him doesn't live with anyone affiliated with the team? Let alone a convict? Seriously? Hey DJK who ya livin with? A 21 year old white kid? STRANGE! Chigozi Ejesai needed to be canned, yesterday.

WTF are you talking about?

DJK was adopted by a WHITE family some while ago. Why is it a surprise that he might feel just as comfortable around whites and blacks? What sort bigot-rant are you trying to make?

Besides, DJK was notoriously known for spending A LOT of time chasing after white booty anyhow. Again, I don't see any problem there.

It would seem to me that you actually have to do YOUR OWN homework when it comes to determining what Chigozi's actual job description is.

Contrary to what you claim, it's not Chigozi's job to just police guys on the team. It's also about educating them, about advising them, and primarily about helping the young guys to transition into college life in Iowa City. Police officers deal with a different ratio when it comes to patrolling ... however, Chigozi has to patrol, investigate, enforce, be a social worker, be like a parol officer etc ... and that's just part of it ... and on top of that, the kids have to be able to feel like they can TRUST him. Given that underclassmen still usually comprise around 60-70 guys (TR FR to SOs) ... that's still A HUGE work-load for ANYBODY to handle.
We had City Boyz Inc, some sort of celebration of thug life and bad spelling.
We had drunk driving
We had credit card fraud and petty theft.

But we never had a senior leader whose name is written into the Iowa record books do this.

This wasn't getting busted for pot. No one cares about that. Everyone smokes pot.

This wasn't an underage drinking ticket or even an OWI.

This was cocaine and pills.

Yes, there is personal responsibility in all of this. No one put the blow up his nose, or signed the lease for him. But several warning signs show up to me immediately.
This was a guy not living with another teammate which seems to be the standard across all campuses on all teams.

And so in asking how this could have happened and what it could mean, I ask where was the leadership on this team?

Iowa City is a small town, even amongst the students. It's not hard to have a reputation on campus.

You mean to tell me that none of the other players on the team, knew his roommate was trouble? Not one of them said, hey DJK, this isn't a good idea, come live with us?

None of the players on the team, went to Kirk and said, hey DJK is living with a drug dealer?

Kirk and/or Soup couldn't have sat him down and had an earnest conversation with him, "you know how much talent you have, but you don't know the NFL. You need to keep your nose clean and you need to get out of this situation."

So while this is all DJK's fault. I think Krik and Co. really dropped the ball.

Where was Chigozi Ejesai (sp?) in all of this? Isn't this his JOB? I'm sorry but this is an epic fail in his job and he needs to be fired.

Where are his teammates? The coaching staff isn't the fuzz, letting your coach know that your teammate is in a bad situation isn't ratting him out.

It says a lot to me about the isolation of DJK and the rest of the team, and that falls on Kirk to demand an environment that stresses togetherness and camaraderie.

It is now apparent that quite simply, that this team isn't particularly close with one another. Yes with 85 guys, you'll have cliques and fights. But their are fraternities that are bigger than that on campus that are able to keep it together better than this.

And now after a disappointing 7-5 season, and a season coming up somewhere between rebuilding and reloading, the shine of the Iowa football team has taken a significant hit... not because of the one incident. Rather because of how an environment where something like this could happen was able to exist so easily.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. DJK is a big boy, he knew what he was doing and he knew it wasn't legal.
LE - the players are only guilty of evidently not caring. I feel like DJK either was totally 100% isolated, or the players simply didn't care. Either one is a big problem for the program, but not for any players individually.

They all knew who he was living with.

But agree completely on Ejesai. He needs to go.

I really hope you are joking. If not, you are a frickin' idiot. It's not the staff's job to police everything the players do in order to keep them out of jail. And stop acting like you know that no one was trying to steer him to make better choices.

Sorry we had a 'down year' stop crying like a biatch.
How could he not see a red flag when the guy with the biggest spotlight on him doesn't live with anyone affiliated with the team? Let alone a convict? Seriously? Hey DJK who ya livin with? A 21 year old white kid? STRANGE! Chigozi Ejesai needed to be canned, yesterday.

You made some decent points up until you played the race card.

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