Why not dispute the results?


In the early days of college football disputed results were not uncommon. To this day, over 100 years later, the games still have asterisks by them. Why not dispute the results of the Outback bowl on the basis of cheating by faking injuries. Exhibit A would be the #90 leg switch on the game tying drive. This would help draw attention to the issue, and forever mark this game with an asterisk and explanation of the cheating.
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In the early days of college football disputed results were not uncommon. To this day, over 100 years later, the games still have asterisks by them. Why not dispute the results of the Outback bowl on the basis of cheating by faking injuries. Exhibit A would be the #90 leg switch on the game tying drive. This would help draw attention to the issue, and forever mark this game with an asterisk and explanation of the cheating.

This post is pathetic
That need not necessarily be true. Some of the disputed games I looked were decided by 20 points or more. It does not mean that one play had to make the difference in the game. This was closer than some.
In the early days of college football disputed results were not uncommon. To this day, over 100 years later, the games still have asterisks by them. Why not dispute the results of the Outback bowl on the basis of cheating by faking injuries. Exhibit A would be the #90 leg switch on the game tying drive. This would help draw attention to the issue, and forever mark this game with an asterisk and explanation of the cheating.
Pathetic. Limp biscuit, whiner. Get over it.
Here are some of the games I am referring to.
1891 Iowa vs Kansas, Kansas had left the field claiming Iowa had not put the ball in play properly. Iowa scored an uncontested touchdown winning 18-14 Kansas claims a win 14-12.

All 3 of the games between Iowa and Missouri from 1892-1894 were disputed based on favoritism no result was closer than 16 points.

The 1897 Iowa ISU game, score ISU 12-10 is also disputed. I can't find the reason right now, but I think I have a book at home that has the story. I will get back with you all.

So as you see there are lots of reasons why games were disputed. Something like this would have qualified. I know Evy wanted to in 53 against Notre Dame for fopping but he was silenced. That was probably more blatant than this game but still something like this should be challenged.
Seriously? Get over it or go away troll. The better team won. Disputing it will only make Iowa look like sore losers and whiners. Iowa didn't deserve to win that game.
Nope, serious question results used to be disputed for far less than this. Why would it not be done now? I have a feeling too that if lsu #90 had played back then they would have just laughed at him and snapped the ball.
Here are some of the games I am referring to.
1891 Iowa vs Kansas, Kansas had left the field claiming Iowa had not put the ball in play properly. Iowa scored an uncontested touchdown winning 18-14 Kansas claims a win 14-12.

All 3 of the games between Iowa and Missouri from 1892-1894 were disputed based on favoritism no result was closer than 16 points.

The 1897 Iowa ISU game, score ISU 12-10 is also disputed. I can't find the reason right now, but I think I have a book at home that has the story. I will get back with you all.

So as you see there are lots of reasons why games were disputed. Something like this would have qualified. I know Evy wanted to in 53 against Notre Dame for fopping but he was silenced. That was probably more blatant than this game but still something like this should be challenged.
Who cares if some of those games had contested results? There was no NCAA back then. Football in the 1800s was barely more than a parking lot scrimmage and probably crookeder than a 3 dollar bill.

Sour grapes, man. Lose with some dignity.
Well I do, there are crooked games now too. I am also very interested in what in the 1897 ISU game, wish I could find out what happened. I am sure though that it did contribute to the teams not playing for a long time before 1977, as did the Iowa Missouri disputes of the 1890s. Some of those games resulted in fist fights that included fans.
I can, they looked pretty evenly matched and like always when 2 evenly matched teams meet a few plays decide the game, a muffed punt here, a missed receiver there, a close call here and there and a 7 point game turns. That is a 1 play game.
Nope, serious question results used to be disputed for far less than this. Why would it not be done now? I have a feeling too that if lsu #90 had played back then they would have just laughed at him and snapped the ball.

Okay, I think you should lawyer up and spearhead this effort. Email Gary and I'm sure he and the rest of the athletic department will be right behind you. I may be going out on a limb here but maybe the U of I will even finance your endeavor if need be.
I really think we need to have this thread deleted. It may be the most ridiculous OP I have ever seen on this board. This is something you would expect to see on Cyfan.
Well I would like to help the university more with this, but things have changed so much since the last disputed score. If anyone knows more about how these matters are handled now that would be helpful. I know there is some sort of a certification process that's different the the 1890s.

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