Why It's Sayonara Time For Todd


Well-Known Member
Not because of wins (or lack thereof) or blame-shifting or lack of accountability or high-school sized crowds or mass transfers...

No. Todd's gone because yesterday as the rumors of his demise and possible replacements sprung up, the Hawkeyenation basketball fanbase was more energized than they have been for years.

And that is really all you need to know.
I agree.

It's sad. I'm a season ticket holder and frequented these boards constantly during the season. But yesterday was the first day I felt excited regarding Iowa basketball this season.
Not because of wins (or lack thereof) or blame-shifting or lack of accountability or high-school sized crowds or mass transfers...

No. Todd's gone because yesterday as the rumors of his demise and possible replacements sprung up, the Hawkeyenation basketball fanbase was more energized than they have been for years.

And that is really all you need to know.

I have to agree, Jon said HN got over a quarter of a million views yesterday when this fiasco was in full swing. Who knows how many the other sites like HI and HR got. Iowa fans have been pretty despondent about the B-ball program for the last few seasons. When just the thought came along that Lick could be on his way out this place lit up like a Christmas tree. I think that speaks volumes on how much fans want a change.
I agree.

It's sad. I'm a season ticket holder and frequented these boards constantly during the season. But yesterday was the first day I felt excited regarding Iowa basketball this season.

I don't think you are the only one that is excited about Iowa basketball after yesterday. There has been more talk about it in the last 24 hours than the whole season. It is amazing how a rumor starts the talk yesterday and has everyone excited about a new start.
I heard something yesterday that it had something to do with his health? This makes a TON of sense because, if you remember, he missed a few games earlier this season with a very serious health issue.

(I don't want to start any rumors, though.)
Except for the money why would Lick want to stay when he knows this many people want him replaced. He said a couple weeks ago that he hadn't lost his team and they were still playing hard. This may be true but it is about time he wakes up and realizes that he has lost the fan base and they are the ones paying his salary.
I agree.

It's sad. I'm a season ticket holder and frequented these boards constantly during the season. But yesterday was the first day I felt excited regarding Iowa basketball this season.

Optimism usually breeds excitement..
You call it mob rule...Most of us would call it optimism for the first time in 2 1/2 years as do some of the players no doubt.

Mob rule...hardly...considering this is the most excitement in 2 Years on the boards...2 years and that is because our coach might be getting fired instead of winning bb games?

Face it...people WANT this guy gone....and from the sound of it, so do some of the players.
At the beginning of the season......how many wins overall did you think we would have (be realistic), and how many Big Ten Wins????
At the beginning of the season......how many wins overall did you think we would have (be realistic), and how many Big Ten Wins????

For the most part I figured we would be right where we are at. Remember, the running gag during the beginning of the season was which team would have more wins, the football team or the b-ball team? Unfortunately that's the issue. I didn't have high expectations for this year, and he and this team met those bad expectations. I hear some people who defend Lick say that there was some improvement this year. I didn't see it. It's time to get off this sinking ship. The flurry of activity you saw yesterday was everybody scurrying to a life boat. Those left behind, looks like they'll go down with Captain Lick.
At the beginning of the season......how many wins overall did you think we would have (be realistic), and how many Big Ten Wins????

Thats how sad it was, that 5-8 wins were the predictions being passed around. Its not about how bad everyone knew we would be, it was the all out lack of hope that anything good would happen that was scary...people make predictions to be right, not because that is what they want to happen or this program needs to happen...
At the beginning of the season......how many wins overall did you think we would have (be realistic), and how many Big Ten Wins????

There was also an expectation this team would show improvement.

The average margin of defeat in the last 5 reagular season games was over 20 points.
There was also an expectation this team would show improvement.

The average margin of defeat in the last 5 reagular season games was over 20 points.

I did see improvement from December until about 4 weeks ago.....Eric May really improved during that time, and we had many competitive games until about 3-4 weeks ago....then things started to sour. Obviously Tucker hurt us, but I really think our freshman (who we HEAVILY relied on) hit the proverbial wall.
The reasons why Lick should be fired are many.
This team doesnt look like it enjoys playing the game.
He has the worst 3 yr record in Iowa BB history. Thats not going to look good on a resume.
Players transfering every season and it has nothing to do with lack of playing time.
The style of play is boring.
The stands in CHA are empty.

Feel free to add anything I have missed. Its been a long week.

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