Why is it

Hmmm, maybe. The way I saw it, Baer blocked the shot then stopped. They all kinda just quit.

Look at Robowe's post #14 in this thread. Baer blocks the first attempt and gets pushed back by Mason. Kreiner is watching and even takes a half step before Mason's second shot attempt goes up. Kreiner should have been all over it to stop the attempt from leaving Mason's hands. Even poking the ball out of bounds or fouling Mason would have been preferable.
I couldn't understand the one play where there was 3.6 seconds left on the clock and fran decide to throw a full court pass to baer in double coverage. 4 seconds is actually a lot of time, they could have passed it to a guy and had him sprint up the court and get a shot off or else dished it quickly to a guy coming off a screen.

The full court lob should be saved for 2 seconds or less.
How many seconds did villanova have at the end of the national championship game last year to bring the ball up and get off a good shot?
IMO...The guys played a good game. Fran coached a good game. The refs missed a couple crucial calls. Our youth cost us a couple other opportunities at critical moments.

It looks like Jok has his legs back under him. And he appears to trust his teammates more. He is our best offensive weapon and most experienced player. He has to get a lot of shots. But they now appear to be within the framework of the offense with other players involved.

We just played a double overtime game. MSU just lost by 29 at Michigan and had extra prep and rest time. It is highly unlikely we will win tomorrow IMO. But if our young guys are maturing and growing we shouldn't lose like we did at NW.

I think Iowa is destined for the NCAA Tournament for the next few years and should contend for the Big 10 Championship moving forward. But our road to the NCAA this season is the BTT. And in this year's Big 10 there are probably up to 10 teams that could win it. So I want to see the team continue to get better over the last 6 games and peak in Washington D.C.
Why is it our guards insist on guarding players 35-40 feet from the rim, we have the 3/4 trap and fall back into our man-to-man or 3-2 and the other team sits up there O out by the center circle. OK if they want to waste 6-10 seconds out there so be it, but we come out there to stop a quicker guy and he is by our guy before he gets to the 3-point line, meaning help has to come over and BAM our D is messed up from the get go and we are in scramble mode. Few times last night they were doing there first ball screen outside the 3-piont line 4-5 feet.

Why is it our coach is never coaching?? This is not a fire FM thing but I can't remember the last time I saw FM grab one of the players coming off the floor and get in his ear and point out something that just happened on the floor. The Minn. coach was talking up a storm to his players. I'm watching on on TV so maybe its going on in the background.

Why is it our last second shots are never shots, we dick around and end up throwing up a prayer, and sometimes call a time out for that prayer.

all for now
Maybe,not enough donuts and prayers?

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