Why is everyone ignoring the question about Wadley?

He played last week and came off the field a little limpy. Something the cameras didn't show. No need to put himin if something is nagging and save him for the Title game. My best guess.
Why is everyone ignoring the Daniels is starting at tailback question? That's pure KF. He sure loves those big, bruising running backs that are slow enough to read the cut back lanes.

Put Daniels in at fullback next season. He can play the whole game. Plays can be made for the athletic fullback.

Wadley was hurt, we have 2 other RBs. Both got carries. Daniels is not slow and has good vision. If you think he's slow, you're wrong.
i am so tired of everyone ignoring the question about wadley its soooooo obvious that you are all a bunch of ferentz apologists who dont care about winning or losing but just doing things the ferentz way because he is old and he doesnt want anyone to have fun

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