Why exactly is Maryland firing their coach?


Well-Known Member
-Arguably the best coach in school history
-ACC Coach of the Year THIS YEAR
-Distinguished Alumnus of the University
-Ripping apart East Carolina in their bowl game
-Canned with one year left on his contract

I'm sure I'm missing some logical reason that Maryland's AD is using, but I think they could use a little loyalty, at least for one more year.
-Arguably the best coach in school history
-ACC Coach of the Year THIS YEAR
-Distinguished Alumnus of the University
-Ripping apart East Carolina in their bowl game
-Canned with one year left on his contract

I'm sure I'm missing some logical reason that Maryland's AD is using, but I think they could use a little loyalty, at least for one more year.

I'm sure it has to do with getting to the next level, or some such nonsense.
one of the reasons i heard was "fan excitement"...they are on the hook now to hire a top-tier coach and pay the big bucks. good luck with that. Although, the ACC is fairly weak.
-Arguably the best coach in school history
-ACC Coach of the Year THIS YEAR
-Distinguished Alumnus of the University
-Ripping apart East Carolina in their bowl game
-Canned with one year left on his contract

I'm sure I'm missing some logical reason that Maryland's AD is using, but I think they could use a little loyalty, at least for one more year.

read this website, and you'll get your answer.
I guess I would hold an athletic director to a higher standard than a bunch of fickle fans. If you start firing coaches every time the fans get a little irritated, you lose all hope for long-term success.

donors are people, are fans. if you aren't winning national championships, it seems you aren't getting it done these days. Tom Davis.

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