Why does KF not like to be held accountable?

He adamantly refuses to believe there is anything wrong with this philosophy.....instead blaming "execution". And since it's the players executing the plays, then by default, he's saying it's their fault.

Whenever he's questioned by a reporter about the offense, he always has some snide remark......the other week it was about how they were going to switch to Oregon's offense, until he saw they only scored 14 points. Kirk, I hate to break it to you, but Oregon averages over 50 points per game.....you averaged 17 against IU, NW and Minn. In addition, your offense is perinnially in the bottom 25% of all of FBS football. Yet every year he trots out the same offense. What's the old saying......insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? That sums up Kirk's philosophy to a "T".

Same thing with the defense. It's always someone or something else's fault. It's either injuries, or the other quarterback had a phenomenal day (isn't it weird how every QB we played had a "phenomenal day"?), or the players just didn't execute. Last I looked, Wisconsin lost a helluva lot more talent to injuries this year than we did, but they're going to a BCS bowl.....somehow most other teams didn't let Persa have a "phenomonal" day against them.......Arizona's O has looked downright pedestrian against everyone but us.......and most defenses in the country don't "execute" to perfection like this staff expects of their defense. In fact, most coaches in the country are able to mix it up on defense when it's apparent something isn't working in order to make the "execution" better. Ours, of course, don't.

Wouldn't it be nice if, just once, Kirk just came out and said he and his coaches flat-out sucked this year and, come he!! or highwater, there WILL be improvements in their coaching next year and then list off 3 or 4 things that everyone will see improvement in?
Because he is smart enough to know that he has the University of Iowa by the balls.

He understands that it would be very difficult for Iowa to find a better coach and one that would stay even with offers to leave.

He also understands that the Iowa FB program is one bad hire away from being a bottom level B10 program, just like the BB team.

Its a tough situation for fans to deal with. Mainly because donations from season ticket holders go to the athletic budget which is where he gets his salary. Directly or indirectly, fans are paying his salary, yet he doesn't have to answer to them or like the original poster said, he gives a smart *** remark.
Ego. And if I ever make it big time I want his agent. No one has parlayed unsubstantiated NFL rumors into fleecing a university out of more money in the history of college athletics.
I don't think any of the above reasons are correct.

Let's stop making Kirk out to be some villain. He's not.

However the OP brings up a great point that myself and others have thought about as well. Kirk is not accountable. The entire coaching staff is not accountable. When we contentiously failed in close games in his time here, something needs to change. We all know the players change at least every four years.

When you have this much talent and go 7-5, something needs to change.

11-2 was nice, but Kirk said it himself we were a few plays away from being 7-5.

Well, 11-2 once every 7 years isn't going to cut it for me. I demand much more ROI.
For years I sit there and thank god we don't have a coach who is more flamboynat but now it is weraing thin. yalty to players and coaches is almost at a fault. Jake C was one example of where he finally made the switch in 07 which was about 6 games too late. I feel like he thinks he is better than us and we would be lost without him. I want him to show some fire. Man up! Say this isn't acceptable in his book. The media needs to get some balls and ask the tough questions. He gets paid to answer them so f him if he is annoyed.
the fact that he can blacklist ANYBODY who asks him anything but softball questions is why

He doesn't blacklist them. He simply dodges the question like politician.

He's not forced to answer anything. If he doesn't want to answer a question to the press and fans, he doesn't have to.

I'm fine with that.

However I am not fine with the result of this season, and in turn his coaching plays a direct role in that.
He just isn't the kind of guy who articulates in that way - that is why I don't think him and DJK get along very well.

He obviously percieves it to be weakness if he admits he did anything wrong - which is only because I don't think he knows how to say that without saying too much.

He would just rather say nothing, but it does get irritating.

There is nothing wrong with saying "With the players we had coming back and the success last year - we were hungry for a big ten championship and we didn't get it done. I understand the fans being upset but hey this is our life and we aren't happy about it either."

That's just not his style though and like I said he has a real aversion to admiting wrong doing.
For years I sit there and thank god we don't have a coach who is more flamboynat but now it is weraing thin. yalty to players and coaches is almost at a fault. Jake C was one example of where he finally made the switch in 07 which was about 6 games too late. I feel like he thinks he is better than us and we would be lost without him. I want him to show some fire. Man up! Say this isn't acceptable in his book. The media needs to get some balls and ask the tough questions. He gets paid to answer them so f him if he is annoyed.

He does not get paid to answer questions. He is paid to coach football.

And this notion of these "softball" questions are ridiculous. I often times sit in on the press conferences at the Football Complex and if he doesn't want to answer a question, he dodges it or gives a very, very, VERY brief answer.

But (we) the press do try. More than many of you think.
All the above are wrong. KF just happens to believe in his philosophy. He grew up following Chuck Noll of the Steelers,who was exactly the same way as a coach.
Same with JoePa.
KF wants to win more than anyone,and will re-evaluate what they do in the offseason, count on it.
He is not perfect,but he is a great choice to run the Iowa football program for many many reasons.
Complaining about his salary is pure stupidity when you look at other athletic depts deep in the red,and realize that KF has guided Iowa's athletic dept deep into the black. Boosters with money love him....for good reason.

Not sure why fans thirst for some kind of self-flagellation by KF, as if him coming out and apologizing would change a darn thing about this past season.
If changes are needed he will not make a big production ...he will just quietly change the approach in the offseason.
That is BS. Then why does he do the pressers genious? He has to. It is in his job description.

Man up Big Boy and ask the tough questions this week if you are sitting there.

Like I've said, they get asked and he dodges them. You can't force someone to say something they don't want to say. Kirk is a smart man. He knows how the media works.

Give me a REALISTIC question to ask him tomorrow and I'll do my best.

You don't insult a coach of slam him and expect any respect or cordial answer by the way. So let's all remember that.

My question I have prepared is "While the execution has obviously been a factor in the losses, do you think the coaches could change anything or be doing anything different to help the players execute better?"
All the above are wrong. KF just happens to believe in his philosophy. He grew up following Chuck Noll of the Steelers,who was exactly the same way as a coach.
Same with JoePa.
KF wants to win more than anyone,and will re-evaluate what they do in the offseason, count on it.
He is not perfect,but he is a great choice to run the Iowa football program for many many reasons.
Complaining about his salary is pure stupidity when you look at other athletic depts deep in the red,and realize that KF has guided Iowa's athletic dept deep into the black. Boosters with money love him....for good reason.

Not sure why fans thirst for some kind of self-flagellation by KF, as if him coming out and apologizing would change a darn thing about this past season.
If changes are needed he will not make a big production ...he will just quietly change the approach in the offseason.


Very well put JHawk
I think all of the above posters pretty much nail it one way or another.

Here is another factor:

-Iowa has no modern national title to its name. For all intent purposes, Hayden is pretty much the measuring stick (no disrespect to guys like Forest Eversheski)

-Kirk has pretty much met the same type of goals that Hayden accomplished. The only thing he really hasn't done is get an outright Big Ten title (but I think 8-0 Co-champs in 2002 at least equals that) and have his team number 1 in the regular season.

-Kirk averages something like a little over 7 wins a year (7.3). Fry averaged something like 7.5 wins a year.

So, as long as Ferentz is averaging like 7 wins a year (where we currently sit in 2010) he is making the status quo. He is not going to feel any heat.

If he starts having back to back to back to back 5 win seasons or under in a row, his seat will then start to get warm, or he will get the boot.
Iowa is one bad hire away from being in the same or worse position that Michigan, Tennessee or Notre Dame is in right now...Traditional power houses with national title history, that are floundering badly.

If things can change that dramatically at places that have deeper pockets than Iowa, bigger recruiting advantages than Iowa, a better platform for success than at Iowa, they sure as hell can happen at Iowa real quickly.

People assume that this is the new 'floor'...that winning 27 games over three years is the baseline of what we should expect every year.

Sorry, but you are creating your own problem and you are emoting it to everyone else, then you need to check yourself.

That doesn't mean that this year wasn't a disappointment. It also doesn't mean that last year is some norm, either.

Georgia barely got to 6-6 this year after a disappointing season last year. Florida is 7-5. Texas is 5-7. Tennessee is 6-6. Notre Dame is 7-5. USC is 7-5.

These programs have so many more advantages than Iowa it would choke a billy goat. Their fans are disappointed too, but these are not apples to apples comparisons. Iowa is the interloper, in a pure college football aristocracy point of view, on this list.

For a number of reasons, this team didn't have it this year. I am writing up as many things as I can think of as to why that might have been, and then we can look at it and talk about what we think the real problems were, etc.

But I remain steadfastly convinced, as do most people I speak with that live in the football world, that Kirk Ferentz is in the cream of the crop, and especially for Iowa.

Some will scoff at this, some will say I am kissing his *** or whatever. I really don't care what you think of me, otherwise I would have been long gone by now doing something else. It's what I believe, given the obstacles Iowa has to overcome in this sport, and how well they have done that under Ferentz.

You can hope for more, but when your basis for expectations is on a foundation of hope with little material evidence beyond speculation, that's on you.

It still doesn't white wash this year; things were set up to do much better than they did, and they didn't get over.

But people are acting like this program has been a chronic disappointment under Ferentz, which is BS, plain and simple.
KF hasn't dodged responsibility at all. He has told people again and again to blame him. What he won't do is throw somebody else, whether it is a player or a coach, under the bus. He is very careful to not assign blame, or even acknowledge potential areas of blame. It is a bit frustrating, because you never get a straight answer from him...
If changes are needed he will not make a big production ...he will just quietly change the approach in the offseason.

If this were true then he would have done something about the production of the Offense sometime in the last 6 years. So far, the O's production is still in the same toilet it's been swirling since 2004.

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