Why Can't Iowa Have a Jet Sweep

If we had a Jet Sweep and it didn't work, I'm not confident that the coaching staff would adjust, like Wisconsin, did?
Northwestern and Wisconsin have several plays that they set up off of the jet sweep alignment. Northwestern just waltzed into Lincoln and ran for 245 and put up 225 the week prior against us. Yes, they have a good QB, but their line is awful. Absolutely terrible. But they are pretty good at getting the defense going one way or forcing it to commit and then finding the open spot (though that has been hampered this year by their craptastic passing attack).

And Wisconsin runs that jet sweep masterfully and uses it to set up all sorts of stuff. They sent their guy in motion and we moved our safety up to help on the outside. Then, once they picked up that tendency, they threw it to the vacated area. When we overcommitted, they ran it back the other way. It's not fancy, but we need wrinkles like that if we want to rely so much on the run. You can only run the same 6 plays with no deviation so many times before a decent defense will stop them.

My suspicion is Ferentz is anti jet sweep because he doesn't want to tip the defense off on when the snap will be and put the line at a potential disadvantage. He also knows that there is more potential for pre-snap penalties and other snafus and so the risk analysis dictates that he just keeps the Joe Gibbs power run playbook going. Don't get me wrong guys, I ain't trolling here, but I think our run offense could be close to Stanford level good with some wrinkles (though I don't think we are quite as talented as they are). That Wisconsin game was very winnable (especially after Abrederis left the game) as the talent levels were pretty equal and it is a shame it went down as a 19 point loss due to our pre-historic offense. I'm frustrated because they are just terrible at getting a defense to pick its poison and then exploit the defense's choice and it just sucks to watch our offense because of that.
Well ok4p, someone needs to explain how leverage applies to more than just line play.
We tell the players to break the rock, but instead of looking for cracks, coaches are just waiting for it to shatter.
Once you find and expose a crack, the d will adjust, but almost always at the expense of another area. Keep them on their heels, that is the name of the game. Coming out with five or six plays from two formations gives you an idea where the cracks are. That opens the play book up.
Well ok4p, someone needs to explain how leverage applies to more than just line play.
We tell the players to break the rock, but instead of looking for cracks, coaches are just waiting for it to shatter.
Once you find and expose a crack, the d will adjust, but almost always at the expense of another area. Keep them on their heels, that is the name of the game. Coming out with five or six plays from two formations gives you an idea where the cracks are. That opens the play book up.

Yeah, agreed, olddude. Fact is, O'Keefe used to have tendencies and he'd get the defense lulled into a false sense of security with them, and then bam, breaks tendency. Davis just has tendencies, sees them not working, continues to run them, and then bam. 1 touchdown in the last 114 minutes of regulation period football. It is maddening.
It seems to me that Canzeri would be a good sweep candidate. It seems as though the jet sweep is something that defenses have to prepare for. It seems as though the jet sweep integrates deceptions. It seems as though you can pass out of the jet sweep.

In the spirit of Matt Roth, I have one word for everybody. "KIRK FERENTZ"
Wait a second, we have a transfer from Air Force in the backfield, every carry he gets is a JET SWEEP.
Meat we do run counter plays. Gott listen to Eddie, sometimes I don't recognize the blocking scheme because I'm watching the ball - so the radio provides a better insight IMO>

I disagree with you to the point that we run very, very few counter type plays.

And Eddie P has been calling for more counter plays and counter action for a long time. He said it big time in the wisky game
i dunno, maybe because it is 2013, not 1984, any decent team has linebackers that can move in space. occasionally you can get a dude to bounce one off tackle, but that is about it.