Whose still a Hawkeye Fan!

Okay, the first page of posts talked me into it.


Since I work weekends on third shift, I go to sleep around 6 or 7am, and 11 am kicks I'm not getting enough sleep, so it was kind of a hassle to watch those games. I said on Saturday I won't get up for the 11am kicks anymore, but... now, I think I have to.
I started going to hawkeye games with my dad when I was five. Now that I'm in my forties, I've seen ups and downs. I still keep the season tickets that my dad had. I'm an alum. I live in Madison, WI but still come to games at Kinnick.

It's in my blood. Hawkeye for life!

I was really disappointed on Saturday, but I'll be there this coming Saturday, yelling until I'm hoarse (again).
I'm old enough to remember most of the nineteen consecutive non-winning seasons. At one time the thought of Iowa going to a bowl game was a novelty. I've seen it a lot worse. Why bail now? If 0-11 & 1-10 seasons do not stop you from being a Hawk fan nothing will.
I'm guzzling kool aid like my life depends on it. No different than any other year good or bad since the late 70 s. Its just a rough year so far.
I'll always be a.........


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