Who woulda thought the Chiz would get to National Title before the Capt.


Well-Known Member
Two years ago if you would of told me that Gene Chizik would be playing in the title game before Ferentz I would of thought you were on crack. Now I don't see the Capt. ever taking us there and for Chizik.. who knows.
I would have been happy to see us make the Rose Bowl before Chiz made the NC game.
interesting topic. Auburn had to come from behind to win in 7 or 8 of their games this year. They also have an awesome QB and offensive scheme.
Whether his recruitment was legitimate or not, Cam Newton is the only reason Auburn is in the National Championship game (I'm thinking they'd go 10-2 or so without him, since there is some other talent on that team), which just goes to show that players are as much if not more important than coaching or schemes. Don't you think Cam Newton would have been worth at least three more wins if he was on Iowa this year?
I don't care honestly. I'll take what (and who) we have over Auburn anyday. I wouldn't want such a negative spotlight on Iowa and I wouldn't want GC at the helm of Iowa football. It's sort of like Steve Alford. I don't care how much success he has as long as he's not coaching at Iowa.
I like what we got here too. Chizik is a good coach, but I have always though of him as the "used car salesman" trying to get the W at all costs. Doesn't surprise me he has made the NC.
I wouldnt be surprised if anyone makes it to the NC before the capt. I love Kirk and all, but as long as he is the coach the best we will do is a BCS game every 5 years or so.
I don't care honestly. I'll take what (and who) we have over Auburn anyday. I wouldn't want such a negative spotlight on Iowa and I wouldn't want GC at the helm of Iowa football. It's sort of like Steve Alford. I don't care how much success he has as long as he's not coaching at Iowa.

I know, I hate playing for national titles too. :rolleyes:
My prediction is that this Newton Investigation will come back in the the next 2-3 years and we'll see Auburn and Chiz gone ala USC and Reggie Bush...
My prediction is that this Newton Investigation will come back in the the next 2-3 years and we'll see Auburn and Chiz gone ala USC and Reggie Bush...

Exactly. And if I were at USC, I'd be screaming loud and clear right now. What, exactly, is the difference between the Bush and Newton situations? One that makes the most "difference", IMO, is that Bushes refused to answer questions, Newtons didn't. Why? Because they have no problem lying. Nobody at Auburn does.

The old joke in Florida went like this:

Q: What do Brent Fullwood (Auburn RB)and Kerwin Bell (Florida QB) have in common?

A: Neither one went to college at Auburn!

Fullwood, for those too young, spent his last semester at Auburn practicing and playing football while attending ZERO classes/academic sessions. And he played in their bowl game.

Alas, not much has changed at Auburn...
not surprising at all. Auburn...National Power..lots of history. Iowa...tough sell to top notch recruits. Capt Kirk is and has done special things w/ this program.
FYI - heres to the coaching of the Capt. Auburn the national super power that everyone thinks they are (recruiting, tradition), is making only their 2nd BCS game, and Iowa also has been to 2.
The fact that I enjoyed is that the O.C. for auburn was high school coach not to long ago, and Is now a hot topic for a HC job.
Two years ago if you would of told me that Gene Chizik would be playing in the title game before Ferentz I would of thought you were on crack. Now I don't see the Capt. ever taking us there and for Chizik.. who knows.

I probably am reiterating stuff here....I don't give a #$%^ what Chizik does. I'm not sold he can actually coach or recruit...

I like National Titles and I hope we can compete for one under KF.
I would say that most of the Chiz's recruits aren't even on the field yet. Save for one very important one. Of course after Cam found out his dad was soliciting money, he couldn't exactly go to Miss. St., so he landed in the Chiz's lap. Some things work out very well for some coaches, even before they've ever really been tested as a coach. I wouldn't say that Auburn has high standards for their student athletes either. I wonder what Newton's class schedule looks like :rolleyes:.

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