Who would want to see Iowa play Notre Dame?

I definitely would like to see a series with Notre Dame. If I had to choose between watching a game between Iowa vs Notre Dame or Iowa vs ISU I would choose the ND game every time. I know there are lots of ND haters, but for fans like me that were around for some of the Iowa vs Notre Dame games it would be a welcome reprieve from the same old opponents.

A little history:
What happened to the old Iowa-Notre Dame football rivalry?

the game was usually played in November the last game of the season for Iowa and the next to last for Notre Dame. The series was discontinued after the 1963 season. The last scheduled game was cancelled due to the Kennedy assassination. And the schools have never played each other in football again.

I am trying to find out why the series was discontinued and why it has never been renewed even if for just one season.

And there is a very specific reason why the series was ended.
Additional Details

Tommy the incident you refer to occurred in 1953 ten years before the series was discontinued. In fact the fake injury gambit was one Notre Dame used against several opponents from time to time and more than once against Iowa. The tactic was outlawed later in the 1950s

But I think the incident in 1953 did have a bearing on ending the series. The head coach at Iowa in 1953 was Forest Evashevski who by 1963 had become athletic director at Iowa. Evashevski and the AD at Notre Dame Moose Krause hated each other with a passion dripping with venom.

But Notre Dame was looking to play more Southern schools so Iowa was dropped from their schedule after the 1963 season. The expectation was at the time the series would resume after a hiatus of about ten to twelve years. It never did.
I'm hoping that by saying" depending on how the teams are doing" that you mean if ND is still down. If we want respect we need to play the best.

And BEAT the best. Losing to good teams isn't enough.

That said, I wouldn't mind some games w/ND.
Like USC and Stanford?

Take the three B1G teams off of ND's schedule, and these would be the only quality opponents remaining. And how often is Stanford actually good? About as often as illannoy.
You know it, I know it, and the American people know it.
Take the three B1G teams off of ND's schedule, and these would be the only quality opponents remaining. And how often is Stanford actually good? About as often as illannoy.
You know it, I know it, and the American people know it.
Did you know they play Oklahoma this year and next year? Also, they have 4 games with Texas coming up after that (2015, 2016, 2019, and 2020)? I am not a Domer fan at all, but they schedule nationally as much as they can. They are playing Arizona State in Jerry's World (Dallas) next year as well. I am not saying ASU is good, but ND is still a draw no matter how you cut it (love or hate - OK, mostly hate :) ).
Did you know they play Oklahoma this year and next year? Also, they have 4 games with Texas coming up after that (2015, 2016, 2019, and 2020)? I am not a Domer fan at all, but they schedule nationally as much as they can. They are playing Arizona State in Jerry's World (Dallas) next year as well. I am not saying ASU is good, but ND is still a draw no matter how you cut it (love or hate - OK, mostly hate :) ).

Fine. Make me look even stupider than I usually look 'round here.
Thanks a lot, Woodman.
;) :D
i think notre dame belongs in the big ten. am i the only one who thinks this? i just think it would be a perfect fit for some reason
Iowa did not play Notre Dame in 1963, so to say the series was discontinued after the 1963 series is wrong. Especially when you consider Iowa played Notre Dame in 1964, 1967 and 1968.
i think notre dame belongs in the big ten. am i the only one who thinks this? i just think it would be a perfect fit for some reason

A small, undergrad-focused catholic school that is obsessed with independence is a terrible fit for the world's greatest collection of large, land-grant research universities.
No if Iowa already has to play a Pac12 opponent, on the road every other year, and Iowa State. That would be 3 big non-con opponents. Nobody does that. Now if ND joined the B1G, I'd love to see that game
A small, undergrad-focused catholic school that is obsessed with independence is a terrible fit for the world's greatest collection of large, land-grant research universities.

What an odd thing to say...

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