Who wins the Big Ten next Year?


Well-Known Member
I have been surfing the boards for a couple of months now and after this development I'm interested in everyone's scenarios.
Unfortunately it's going to be Nebraska, making the B10 look like fools yet again.

Whether this is the case or not, I don't necessarily think it makes the B10 look like fools. In fact, if Nebraska comes in and lives up to their expectations then I think it strengthens the B10, and helps improve the image of the B10.

Like it or not, one of the main criticisms of the B10 is the fact that OSU is clearly in the driving seat, followed by Iowa, Wisconsin, and Michigan State, then the rest of the conference. There is this belief that once Michigan becomes relevant again that that would be good for the league, but IMO it doesn't have to be Michigan. Another powerhouse at the top of the conference will only benefit the league and how it is viewed. Unfortunately I'd hate to see this success coming from one of our (soon to be) biggest rivals.
Whether this is the case or not, I don't necessarily think it makes the B10 look like fools. In fact, if Nebraska comes in and lives up to their expectations then I think it strengthens the B10, and helps improve the image of the B10.

Like it or not, one of the main criticisms of the B10 is the fact that OSU is clearly in the driving seat, followed by Iowa, Wisconsin, and Michigan State, then the rest of the conference. There is this belief that once Michigan becomes relevant again that that would be good for the league, but IMO it doesn't have to be Michigan. Another powerhouse at the top of the conference will only benefit the league and how it is viewed. Unfortunately I'd hate to see this success coming from one of our (soon to be) biggest rivals.
Great take, excellent points!

Hopefully, you are right! :D
Whether this is the case or not, I don't necessarily think it makes the B10 look like fools.
Of course it would. When it happens, what do you think all the other conferences will be saying? What do you think ISU and the B12 will be saying?
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I second the Iowa, Wiskey. Mich St will be good this year, but has smoe tough away games to overcome. Nebraska, I am not sold on. You guys and espn can hold hands and sing if ya want but I am not joining in. Osu, could do it, but I have a bad feeling they are not done yet, and there will be just enough of an opening wiskey will slide in there.
We have some bussiness to care care of, but I think we will manage, I think we will be better than most think we should be.
If Iowa has an offense that can consistently put points on the board they can win the B10. And since that will never happen I am forced to pick Nebraska as 2011 B10 Champs.
I think it's a 3 team race between Northwestern, Nebraska and Iowa. Don't get me wrong, I ain't giving Northwestern credit for being good, I'm saying the conference is gonna be way down. Bince Iowa has a pretty soft schedule against the other division and O'Keefe is the best in the business at grooming 10+ win QBs, Iowa ain't out of it. Nebraska has a decent shot because of the general weakness of the conference - they would have been like 4-4 or 3-5 last year, but they could go 6-2 or better in 2011.
If Iowa has an offense that can consistently put points on the board they can win the B10. And since that will never happen I am forced to pick Nebraska as 2011 B10 Champs.

I think that anyone who picks Nebraska should be subject to a 5 minute ban from this site - on principle alone.
I think it's a 3 team race between Northwestern, Nebraska and Iowa. Don't get me wrong, I ain't giving Northwestern credit for being good, I'm saying the conference is gonna be way down. Bince Iowa has a pretty soft schedule against the other division and O'Keefe is the best in the business at grooming 10+ win QBs, Iowa ain't out of it. Nebraska has a decent shot because of the general weakness of the conference - they would have been like 4-4 or 3-5 last year, but they could go 6-2 or better in 2011.
I agree Northwestern could be up there, but I feel they have some outstanding players and some not so outstanding, leaving some holes. Nebraska has alot to do, they were not known for putting up points against a good D and relying on there D, which does work to an EXTENT. They just could not stop the run. Those are two elements that are required to go very far. Iowa has some holes as well, but they are not bleeders, just scrapes and imho stands the best chance. When I went thru stuff awhile ago, I had Iowa/wiskey pegged anyway ( I knew more stuff would go down at OSU). Penn could be good to, but lacks that "something" to think they will make it and as I have been saying Mich St should be good this year. I would say if we dont make it M St will. We need N to beat M St and for us to beat them both and wiskey to beat N. All things I think are very possible.

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