Who was the know-it-all poster who...

Holy crap... 1440 words- this was a useless argument- entirely too long. Get your point across in 100 words or less!
And Plano, don't quote the entire long post in your post saying how the original post was too long a post.
And Plano, don't quote the entire long post in your post saying how the original post was too long a post.

If you did or didn't read it the first time, it's not going to change your opinion the second time. The server has enough room to handle that.

But well taken... oversight on my part :)

Thanks for the read RDUBBS! I need to get a hold of this guy that runs the site or contributes to it. I thought I was the biggest Matt Perrault hater in the world. I know a few things about behind the scenes with this d0chebag, and this kid doesn't have many places left to run and hide when he leaves DSM, (which won't be soon enough!). Who really wants to hear some kid spout off opinions rather than report the facts anyway? The kid thinks he is such a big shot but he is on the radio in a 95 market! There is no need for that kind of arrogance.
I also heard one time he was downtown and there was a wait at Spaghetti Works and he tried to explain to them who he was and do some name dropping so he could get a table asap. Apparently the 2 guys who worked there laughed at him and he left all pi ssed off. I have no idea if this is a true story but who would make up this kind of crap about this guy? The person who told me the story said that the employees didn't even know who he was. But in my opinion, it sounds like something he would do, lol.
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I also heard one time he was downtown and there was a wait at Spaghetti Works and he tried to explain to them who he was and do some name dropping so he could get a table asap. Apparently the 2 guys who worked there laughed at him and he left all pi ssed off. I have no idea if this is a true story but who would make up this kind of crap about this guy? The person who told me the story said that the employees didn't even know who he was. But in my opinion, it sounds like something he would do, lol.

If Spaghetti Works in DSM ever had a wait I would be shocked.
Who really wants to hear some kid spout off opinions rather than report the facts anyway?

That's what talk radio is, primarily opinions.

What sports talk show do you listen to where the host(s) do not provide their opinion?
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I have no problem believing your account of the situation. I have believed that Barta was ignorant of the situation in the BB program for some time now.
It does surprise me that Payne was the focus of players concern. I thought he was a much better PG than Tucker.
That's what talk radio is, primarily opinions.

What sports talk show do you listen to where the host(s) do not provide their opinion?

I don't usually listen to much sports radio, I prefer the no BS FACTS. I watch Sports Center and or the sports portion of the local news, I read SI or various sports pages on the net.
Sure I tune into some sports radio programs when there is a story or interview that interests me, but when opinions are flying without real reporting, then it goes off. If I want to listen to some dumb sh*t stuff, I will listen to my wife b*tch about drama at work. A tool like Perrault has no business being on the air. He may think his "strategy" for getting people worked up to tune in works, but who really wants to hear a guy flip flop so much or pretend he knows what he is talking about or jump on every f*cking bandwagon after bad mouthing a team all year until they make a decent playoff/post season run? Most of the guys here have more info than Matt does, and that's not putting them down. They take the time to learn and discuss and are always searching for the FACTS. I love sports for what they are, not the blind opinions about them
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I don't usually listen to much sports radio, I prefer the no BS FACTS. I watch Sports Center and or the sports portion of the local news, I real SI or various sports pages on the net.
Sure I tune into some sports radio programs when there is a story or interview that interests me, but when opinions are flying without real reporting, then it goes off. If I want to listen to some dumb sh*t stuff, I will listen to my wife b*tch about drama at work. A tool like Perrault has no business being on the air. He may think his "strategy" for getting people worked up to tune in works, but who really wants to hear a guy flip flop so much or pretend he knows what he is talking about or jump on every f*cking bandwagon after bad mouthing a team all year until they make a decent playoff/post season run? Most of the guys here have more info than Matt does, and that's not putting them down. They take the time to learn and discuss and are always searching for the FACTS. I love sports for what they are, not the blind opinions about them

His strategy does work. People do tune in.
I would also like to apologize to the original poster for hi-jacking this thread. My fault and I will try to not interrupt it again
His strategy does work. People do tune in.

It's not a strategy, he is too clueless to come up with something like that.

Again- I am done here, this isn't fair to the original thread starter and or the people who want to discuss the real topic here. If you want to call me out (or join me) on my feelings about Perrault, message me or start a thread. But lets not take over any more already started.
The whole Eric May/Gatens issues with Payne ,if true, is news. I thought there was some kind of clique with the sophs(Gatens,Tucker,Fuller) pitted against the frosh...but does not sound like that is the case,if this is true.
Honestly, I think this sounds like something a coach should address on a team. Afterall, Cully is running his offense,and if he is not setting up shooters like Gatens, and May is feeling stifled, that seems to be a coaching issue.

I really think that Cully was doing the best he could with his own limited experience and talent..vs some very good guards in this league. I could see how Matt was frustrated with no open looks,like he got last year with Jeff or jake running the show,and I do think Matt was firing off some forced shots early just to try to get some points on the board. As for Eric, yes, it could seem like he had no real role in this offense...I could see that. His take it to the hoop skills just did not get featured in this offense.
My brother met Eric Mays dad at a tailgate before a football game and he was very confident that Eric was going to dunking on a lot of big ten foes this year...I could see where he might be making a call....not a shrinking violet type.
So you can't use the word wrong, Tigger?

In one area you make it sound like Barta not understanding something allowed him to fire Lick, when if he had understood things the way you were kind enough to explain them to us he would have known he couldn't fire Lick? Hmmm. That seems like a fancy way of explaining how even though things didn't go down the way you all-knowingly told us they would, in fact you were NOT actually wrong.


Then, you say, "I have no reluctance admitting that events went contrary to my expectations. Its a nolo contendre defense--except to point out that what I was saying on & before March 12 (my last posts on the matter) was consistent with the positions of Barta himself, President Mason, the expectations of insiders in the administration."

You can't even use the word wrong, either because you want to show off your vocabulary or it will make it look bad to have the word wrong in the same sentence when you describe your perspective on things. Evidently that would be guilt by association, word association in this case.

And in that one part of your post you say Barta and Mason's comments led you to believe something that was contrary to what actually happened. Did it ever dawn on you that what is said might be a smokescreen sometimes or at the very least might not reflect what those saying it really think or how they will actually act?

And, finally, you would also be more believable if you understood that the former Coach Walker's first name was Rich, not Rick. By the way, here is a news flash for you. Coaches get to pick their staff and fire their staff if they want to.

What I have gathered from several long-winded posts from you is that you like to hear yourself talk, or see your thoughts in print in this case. You don't seem to be willing to just say that you were wrong. And, finally, you think you know more than you really do and you try really hard to let all of us know how much you think you know.

That sounds like an inferiority complex to me.

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