Who takes Paterno's place?

Prior to the scandal I would think they would stay in the "family" and go after Al Golden or Schiano. Now, they can't go after ANYONE who has had any connection to the current regime. Once they clean house (football dept, AD and other dept officials, school prez, etc) then I think someone like Urban Meyer would be a likely candidate. At this point though, who really cares, this current mess needs to be cleaned up first.

My thoughts exactly. They can't get ANYONE with ties to Penn St whatsoever. No connections to JoePa, and he's been there so long that it HAS to be someone with no connections. If they get someone without ties they can start fresh, and I don't see how they would take heat besides just saying how they will run a respectable program.
Right now, who on earth would want this job? Can you imagine the questions you would have to answer, wouldn't be about football. KF is a smart man and no way he would leave for that mess in State College.

exactly........does he or anyone else want to walk into that sh!t storm?
A week ago I would have said Urban Meyer, now they'll be lucky to get anyone with a halfways decent resume. This is not a scandal that's going to go away quickly or easily. This will stain the entire university for years to come. Good luck recruiting kids to come to Penn St this year or any time in the near future.
If they fire Paterno (or he "retires"), I think they could hire from within the "PSU family", but only if that person was not a PSU coach during the time period of the scandalous acts and such person had no knowledge of the scandal as an outsider.
Kirk Ferentz will retire from football as the head coach at the University of Iowa.

He's not going anywhere, and especially not to a scandal-ridden fellow conference institution.
Prior to the scandal, my contact from Pittsburgh says that Jay Paterno was the heir apparent. Now.....probably not so much.
Right now, who on earth would want this job? Can you imagine the questions you would have to answer, wouldn't be about football. KF is a smart man and no way he would leave for that mess in State College.

It wouldn't be that bad if they clean house
Paterno, the AD, and the President will all be gone.
There will not be an scholarship sanctions.
It wouldn't be that bad if they clean house
Paterno, the AD, and the President will all be gone.
There will not be an scholarship sanctions.

Yes, this is a scandal that will shake the entire PSU community. It won't go away just because you clean house. Whoever the next coach is, they will have to deal with countless questions and stories being done about this scandal. It's going to be a lot for anyone to deal with, there's no way a guy who already doesnt like to deal with the media like Ferentz would take that job.
Where PSU is going to run into serious long term trouble is when these victims target the University itself. Civil Lawsuits could come from each one of those victims if proven that University employees knew of these crimes and didn't report them to authorities because that action could have prevented future crimes.

If that happens, coaches aren't going to want to touch this program.
Yes, this is a scandal that will shake the entire PSU community. It won't go away just because you clean house. Whoever the next coach is, they will have to deal with countless questions and stories being done about this scandal. It's going to be a lot for anyone to deal with, there's no way a guy who already doesnt like to deal with the media like Ferentz would take that job.

Its a sensational story now because Paterno is involved. He is an icon, and that ratchets up the interest. It will die down, like everything else does over time.

Ferentz would not be considered. You just need to look back to last Dec/Jan to understand the reason why.. Not saying that was Ferentz fault, but Penn State probably could not spin that one into a positive if they were to hire him.

They will need to go outside the program to hire a guy. Maybe you grab a guy from a Service Academy. Tony Dungy was mentioned above, that would be a great hire.

As long as this situation doesn't impact scholarship numbers or limits recruiting, there is no long term impact to Penn State.
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They'll be looking for a big name or someone currently in the system. Right now, that job just starting trending downwards.
Michigan took a run at Fitz last year,and he worked a new contract from NW out of it.
I would not be surprised if PSU took a run at him also.
I think he knows there is a celing to NW's upward mobility.
At PSU...skys the limit.
I think he would fail at PSU,but would not mind him leaving NW.
They'll be looking for a big name or someone currently in the system. Right now, that job just starting trending downwards.

You really think they would hire someone currently in the system? I would say there would be a 0% chance of that.