Who has a good bitmap of Kinnick?


Well-Known Member
I want to put it on the desktop of my home computer. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I used to have a really good one and now the best I can find is an animated look at the new Kinnick Stadium. That is fine, but I know there are better ones out there for what I want.

Thanks in advance.
Thawki -- Just go to google and do an image search for Kinnick Stadium. There will be dozens and dozens of great shots to choose from. The problem you'll have is choosing only one...
Unless you're still running Windows98, it doesn't have to be a bitmap. XP, Vista, and Win7 will support JPEG or Bitmap (and probably others, I don't feel like checking).
i'll be making one actually today with the calendar for sept on it if you can wait till end of day

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