Which Conference is More Stable?

The Big 12 has one foot in the grave and the other on a bannana peel. They are going to have a tough time keeping A&M in that conference, and in this case I think Texas doesn't hold all the cards. I think Texas will have to kiss A&M's a$$ with alot of dollars to keep them happy so they don't bolt for the SEC. If Texas pulls any BS with them I think A&M will be gone by 2012 and there are no good candidates to fill that slot leaving them with 9. Don't look for ND or Arkansas to bail the Big 12 out either. Neither of those teams are going anywhere.
As for the Big 10...it'll be around long after we're gone.
Stupid question so im not going to respond....oh wait, i just did

Still a stupid question tho

I think Tom Osborne thinks this is a stupid question, too.

It is Osborne who said Nebraska was looking for some conference stability over the next 75 to 100 years. Hence the move to the Big Ten.
Also, don't forget that as glaciers and icecaps continue to melt sea level will rise and could rise as much as 14 meters or more. Most of Florida will be under under water as will be most coastal cities (not completely underwater but under water enough to make them uninhabitable). People from those cities will have to move...where will they move? What areas will be the most stable? Probably the midwest.

The SEC as a conference will be hurting because some of the schools will no longer exist. Not sure how rising sea level will affect the Great Lakes, I haven't looked into that.
Yes. The answer to preeminence for the Big Ten is more global warming! Why didn't we think of this sooner?