Well-Known Member
In the past I have always tailgated at Finkbine. Over the years though, my tailgating crew has been shrinking more and more because most of my friends can't afford the increasing costs. So I have been thinking about tailgating at one of the free spots this year rather than paying the $15 parking fee.
So does anyone know which free lot has the best atmosphere(not counting that stupid train)? I see that there is Hancher Commuter, Hawkeye Commuter, and then the U. Hall of Fame. Or, do they all suck and it's better just to pay for parking even if you are going by yourself?
So does anyone know which free lot has the best atmosphere(not counting that stupid train)? I see that there is Hancher Commuter, Hawkeye Commuter, and then the U. Hall of Fame. Or, do they all suck and it's better just to pay for parking even if you are going by yourself?