Where would DJK have gone?

Are you kidding me?!?! This is NO BIG DEAL to you?!?! So this type of behavior and drug use is acceptable to you? It amazes me we have people in the Hawkeye Nation with this type of attitude.

Correct. This is no big deal to me. He's a freaking kid. I'm going to bet you have never had an insane amount of power and everything else that goes along with any sort of celebrity but I've seen it first hand for years and it screws with your brain so badly it's insane. Kids make mistakes. He's a good kid that made a stupid decision. Get over it.
you are the same guy who claimed Troy Johnson would get drafted.

dont quit your day gig.

I’m not even going to give you a nice try because you KNOW that’s not what I said. Here is the funny thing about chaps like you. You make BS comments, get refuted, ignore said refute and then come back in another thread and say the same BS yet again…..not this time, I going to cut and paste what I said top you the other day in which you had NOTHING to say to it then……you got pretty plainly shut down last time and ignored it, we’ll try again….

""""""""""""Holy bastardization of what I said batman…………..

1st I didn’t say it on here and you know it…..

2nd I said he was way faster than the “typical†Iowa fan realizes (are you one of them) and would prove so on his Pro-day…..however I never saw what he ran and maybe he didn't at all so I guess we’ll never know...?!?

Finally I believe I did say if it hadn’t been for his own injury issues he would have had a shot to “make†an NFL team (not drafted) and he was better in coverage than AGAIN Iowa fans remember…

See here is the problem with Iowa fans or most sports fans in general, they see things that aren’t there. Or they take a snap shot in time of something bad and they generalize it for all time.

Hope that clears up what I actually said……


PS.......we have many fans that are famous or infamous as the case maybe for underestimating our kid’s ability and speed. That is where the Troy Johnson stuff came from. It would be interesting if we could all be so critical of their abilities but alas they make their assessments in private behind the anonymity of their keyboards""""""""""""""

PS.......every time you try and say this I'll cut and paste this tid bit back in. You guys are all the same.

I spent a lot of time w/ DJK last weekend. A couple of things-

1. He told me privately, and also said publicly on Murph & Andy's show that he did not expect to get drafted. So yesterday was not a huge surprise.

2. He has had a lot of contact w/ NFL teams, and he will be on a roster when the lockout is lifted.

If you truly think he's not good enough to play in the NFL you are one of two things- not smart when it comes to evaluating talent OR simply a DJK hater.

There is nothing wrong with being either, but if you think he can't play in a league where Austin Collie can, you may be both.

Really…………let’s see Austin Collie led the nation in receiving his final year. He is 6’1” and 200 LBs. He ran a 4.53 and had the 6th best 3 cone time and was 5th in the 60 yard shuttle at his respective combine.

DJK on the other hand was 5’11 and a half and 204, had huge character issues long before he got busted and took plays off ….

In a league where Charles Rogers, David Terrrel, and Mike Williams until recently, flamed out I’d say it is you who just doesn’t know much about the NFL. There are a ton of guys with better college resumes, better measurable & better size than DJK who aren’t in “The league”. If DJK puts in maximum effort he has a shot but he isn’t any better than Danan Hughes, Kalhil Hill or several other former Iowa guys and they all had “marginal” careers so I’d guess some of us are more reasonable, experienced and knowledgeable than it seems you are proving to be. Heck Todd Blythe was a very good college receiver with Prototypical size and he can’t hang….

I really enjoyed watching DJK and it would be good for Iowa’s NFL resume if he made it, but honestly it is very tiresome watching you cats continually over inflate his resume. Honestly if he played for anyone else but Iowa you’d pooh-pooh him and you say we are closed-mined or haters…Really?!?! My Lord you’d think after years of you guys complaining KF didn’t like him and treated him unfairly, when he finally showed US in public his true colors you’d have thought you guys would crawl under rocks and stop beating the drum but apparently not. Remind us again WHO is closed mined!

I think DJK will get an invite but it will take a lot by him to earn a spot.

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I hope he gets a shot. I really do. I think he will get a shot and then its up to him.

As for whether he is not good enough to play in the NFL, those that don't think so are not as you describe them. He ran a 4.50 at his workouts before scouts, and that would have been a top 11 time at the combine...he put up a lot of reps of 225, so that was good. He is not 6-0 tall, which is a bit of a hinderance.

His abilities in the return game will get him his shot...then he has to show value as a receiver as well as in the return game to stick. He'll then get the league minimum for three or four years...if he can walk the line during that time, he can have a shot at a second contract.

I'd say the odds of him making an NFL roster are 70% against...again, that's not what I want to see, and I know he doesn't care about that sort of thing...all he wants, and needs, is one team and the right time to offer him a shot...the rest is up to him.

However, for you to say that those who think he won't make an NFL roster don't know what they are talking about is a reach, and jaded from your personal feelings. Quite a few people are pulling for him, but that doesnt hide the reality of the obstacles before him

I'd say that pretty much sums up a whole lot of Iowa fans and their thoughts.....I don't dislike DJK and I did worse at that age. But he is far from making a NFL team right now. If I took a little time I could list a lot of terrific college WR's who flamed out of the NFL with way better resumes than DJK.

Correct. This is no big deal to me. He's a freaking kid. I'm going to bet you have never had an insane amount of power and everything else that goes along with any sort of celebrity but I've seen it first hand for years and it screws with your brain so badly it's insane. Kids make mistakes. He's a good kid that made a stupid decision. Get over it.

At 24 yoa I would not classify him as a "kid". And though it is not a "big deal" to you it was to the NFL wasn't it? He didn't get drafted did he? I find it funny that you assume I have never had an insane amount of power. I would take that bet anyday....I have had a very high profile job for the last 16 years. I would not consider DJK a celebrity or anything close to a celebrity. Good football player yes...celebrity...well maybe in Iowa he's a celebrity. Ohhh and BTW "good kids" don't smoke pot, snort cocaine and pop pills. "Kids make mistakes" at 24....he's a grown MAN not a "kid".
At 24 yoa I would not classify him as a "kid". And though it is not a "big deal" to you it was to the NFL wasn't it? He didn't get drafted did he? I find it funny that you assume I have never had an insane amount of power. I would take that bet anyday....I have had a very high profile job for the last 16 years. I would not consider DJK a celebrity or anything close to a celebrity. Good football player yes...celebrity...well maybe in Iowa he's a celebrity. Ohhh and BTW "good kids" don't smoke pot, snort cocaine and pop pills. "Kids make mistakes" at 24....he's a grown MAN not a "kid".

I think this qualifies as a humble brag. But having a high profile job is not the same as being a star college football player. Are you routinely offered free drugs because of your job?
I think this qualifies as a humble brag. But having a high profile job is not the same as being a star college football player. Are you routinely offered free drugs because of your job?

Humble Brag....nah just stating Travis's assumption is wrong that's all. You know what happens when people assume. So ... are you saying star college football players are "routinely offered free drugs"? Anyway, it would be very stupid for someone to offer me free drugs or any drugs for that matter. If you know what I mean....
Humble Brag....nah just stating Travis's assumption is wrong that's all. You know what happens when people assume. So ... are you saying star college football players are "routinely offered free drugs"? Anyway, it would be very stupid for someone to offer me free drugs or any drugs for that matter. If you know what I mean....

So you're what, a cop, probation officer, etc.? If that's the case, then your whole "I don't get offered that kind of stuff, and I have a high profile job." argument goes out the window.

Being a college football star is a lot like being a celebrity in the local area. Are they on a national scale? No. But to say they aren't within their local area is ludicrous.
Humble Brag....nah just stating Travis's assumption is wrong that's all. You know what happens when people assume. So ... are you saying star college football players are "routinely offered free drugs"? Anyway, it would be very stupid for someone to offer me free drugs or any drugs for that matter. If you know what I mean....

Humble Brag....nah just stating Travis's assumption is wrong that's all. You know what happens when people assume. So ... are you saying star college football players are "routinely offered free drugs"? Anyway, it would be very stupid for someone to offer me free drugs or any drugs for that matter. If you know what I mean....

Yes they do, I second that
At 24 yoa I would not classify him as a "kid". And though it is not a "big deal" to you it was to the NFL wasn't it? He didn't get drafted did he? I find it funny that you assume I have never had an insane amount of power. I would take that bet anyday....I have had a very high profile job for the last 16 years. I would not consider DJK a celebrity or anything close to a celebrity. Good football player yes...celebrity...well maybe in Iowa he's a celebrity. Ohhh and BTW "good kids" don't smoke pot, snort cocaine and pop pills. "Kids make mistakes" at 24....he's a grown MAN not a "kid".

Ok this could be fun, let's play the "high profile job" guessing game. My guess is you were the Charlotte Hornet???

You rule! Front flip dunk on roller skates, that is nationwide celebrity right there.
Ok this could be fun, let's play the "high profile job" guessing game. My guess is you were the Charlotte Hornet???

You rule! Front flip dunk on roller skates, that is nationwide celebrity right there.

Good guess. I'm willing to bet this is one of those jobs that he can't mention. Kind of like my 6th grade girlfriend I met on the internet from Arizona who's webcam wasn't working so she couldn't send me a picture to show my friends. She was hot though, I swear...
Good guess. I'm willing to bet this is one of those jobs that he can't mention. Kind of like my 6th grade girlfriend I met on the internet from Arizona who's webcam wasn't working so she couldn't send me a picture to show my friends. She was hot though, I swear...

Haha. I think he's a cop. One with an over inflated sense of self worth since he claims to have "an insane amount of power". But hey he's probably right, those parking tickets don't write themselves.
Leaving the NC guy alone for a second, I really think DJK would have gone in the first half of the WR's taken. Probably my Iowa homerism showing a bit though...
Leaving the NC guy alone for a second, I really think DJK would have gone in the first half of the WR's taken. Probably my Iowa homerism showing a bit though...

I hate being in this position because again, I personally want DJK to make NFL waves. I’m not against him, I’m not personally embarrassed by him (I don’t evaluate my life that way or my allegiance to Iowa) and it would do Iowa long term recruiting good to have an NFL-WR …….with that said people have to understand he wasn’t a “remarkable†WR by NFL standards .

He didn’t have 1000 plus receiving yards any year……….

He is fast enuff but he wasn’t blazing….

He is strong enuff, but not big or overly physical…

He didn’t have freakish hands where he caught everything….

He didn’t go UP and get the ball…..

He wasn’t a consummate team player or character guy……

He was not a particularly hot commodity, so yes he can make it, but truthfully he’ll have to do more than he apparently cared to do at Iowa.

As an aside, Jeff Tarpinian is generating more FA buzz than he is…..Tarp is a guy who was oft injured & played behind some very good Lbers, but he has solid size, 6-2 240ish and ran a 4.55 forty which is VERY fast for an NFL-Lber. He’ll make a team if he can stay healthy….

I hate being in this position because again, I personally want DJK to make NFL waves. I’m not against him, I’m not personally embarrassed by him (I don’t evaluate my life that way or my allegiance to Iowa) and it would do Iowa long term recruiting good to have an NFL-WR …….with that said people have to understand he wasn’t a “remarkable†WR by NFL standards .

He didn’t have 1000 plus receiving yards any year……….

He is fast enuff but he wasn’t blazing….

He is strong enuff, but not big or overly physical…

He didn’t have freakish hands where he caught everything….

He didn’t go UP and get the ball…..

He wasn’t a consummate team player or character guy……

He was not a particularly hot commodity, so yes he can make it, but truthfully he’ll have to do more than he apparently cared to do at Iowa.

As an aside, Jeff Tarpinian is generating more FA buzz than he is…..Tarp is a guy who was oft injured & played behind some very good Lbers, but he has solid size, 6-2 240ish and ran a 4.55 forty which is VERY fast for an NFL-Lber. He’ll make a team if he can stay healthy….


Do you think he would have been drafted?
Do you think he would have been drafted?

Yeah I’d guess being an Iowa player with solid career numbers and Eric Campbell as a coach would have helped him, assuming KF could endorse him, which who knows maybe he wouldn’t have based on a seemingly prickly relationship. I was thinking 5th round maybe 6th….

FA and then practice squad someplace. There are all kinds of WR's better than he is. McNutt will follow same route.

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